Destiny Knights Reroll Guide Orbs and Crest


Reroll guide on orbs and crest

1.  Why should I reroll substats on Orbs and Crest ? 1

2. Hero type 1

3. How does reroll work on an Orb or Crest? 2

4. Important Substats 3

5. When should I reroll my orb/crest? 4

1.  Why should I reroll substats on Orbs and Crest ?

  • You should reroll your orbs and crest, because this gives your heroes more quality and increase their skill ability.  
  • Besides that you can get in your orb and crest double substats, which means that you can achieve for example maximum 9% Cdr (Cooldown Reduction) per orb/crest. Crests can also achieve an extra 3% Cdr by having innate substats (for a total of 12% max) 

For example double Substats:

Orb after +15Orb +15 after reroll into double substats
6% CDR
3% Def
2% SA31 ATK
6% CDR
3% CDR
2% SA31 ATK

2. Hero type

Before you reroll the orb and crest, you have to know which type of heroes you want build.

We categorize them by 3 groups of hero types:
a.) Buffer

b.) Debuffer

c.) Damage Dealer

3. How does reroll work on an Orb or Crest?

When you go into your Orbs/Crest Window. You will see the button “Change Substat”. If you click on this button a new window will open. On left side of this window you will see all your main and substats from you Orb/Crest. 

On the other side you will see all the subs stats that can be exchanged for  ONE!!! substat.

You can use reroll tickets or rubies to exchange your substat to one of these substat. It costs one ticket or 100 Rubies.

Before you can reroll a substat you need to choose one of the 4 substats. After this you click on the button change with 100 Rubies or 1 ticket. Some second later the chosen substat will be exchanged randomly with one of the stats in the right hand side substats list. 

You should do this until you get the substat that you really need! This can be very expensive if RNG isn’t nice to you.

Note: only reroll after orb/crest is +15, see section 5.

4. Important Substats

As I mentioned before, there are special types of heroes. Which are Buffer, Debuffer and Damage Dealer. So every one of them have different reroll substats to focus on. 

Buffer needs high Cooldown Reduction (Cdr/SCR), Buff Duration and one stat that scales with the skill of the Hero.

Debuffer needs high Cdr, Status Activation (SA) and one stat that scales with the skill of the Hero.

Damage Dealer needs high Attack (ATK) and Crit Damage (CD). But high CD only works if you have average crit rate, too. For Damage Dealer Cdr and SA can give your unit more benefit. But flat sub-stats are also good, if you want to give your Damage Dealer the most output damage. 

DebufferBufferDamager ATK scaled Damager Def scaled 
Best Case Substats(in order) CDRSAstats that scale with skill ((atk%, def%, HP%)Debuff Duration Increase
CDRBuff Duration Increase stats that scale with the skill (atk%, def%, HP%)ATK%Crit DamageCrit RateAtk FlatCDR(SA)Def%CDRCDDef flatCR(SA)(BD)
Most Wanted Reroll SubstatsCDRSACDRBDATK%CDDef%CDR
Maximum Reroll Subatstat 6% CDR6% SA

6% CDR6% BD
6% ATK12 % CD
6% Def6% Cdr
5. When should I reroll my orb/crest?

First of all it’s always recommended to enhance your orbs and crests to a minimum of +6. That way you can see, which substats you get. If there is a minimum of 1 of the best “Best Case Substats” you should keep this Orb/Crest and pray that the other best case substats are coming in this Orb/Crest. 

There are also low, middle and high roll on each “Best Case Substats”. 

Low rollmiddle rollhigh roll
1% Def, HP, CDR, SA, ATK, BD2% Def, HP, CDR, SA, ATK, BD3% Def, HP, CDR, SA, ATK, BD
2% Crit Damage4% Crit Damage6% Crit Damage
1% Crit Rate

It is not beneficial to keep orbs and crests with low roll “Best Case Substats”. It’s recommended to keep only Orbs and Crest, which have middle or high roll substats, because you want to get the most effective

substats in your Orbs and Crest. With high roll substats you can reach the maximum of effectiveness. With middle roll you will lose a little bit of the maximum of effectiveness. But with Low roll you would lose too much of effectiveness on your orb or crest.

So if you have an orb or crest, which is good enough, enhance this orb into +15. Because at +15 randomly one of the 4 substats will get a 2x boost.


Personally I only keep orbs and crest, which have a minimum of 2 ‘Best Case Substats’. 

But this is really hard to get at the mid-game stages. So if you get only one of the Best Case Substats (with middle or high roll) and the other are medium case substats, you can still reroll this orb or crest, because with all these orbs and crests you can gain more progression in the game. Later when you have better Orbs and Crests with more Best Case Substats, exchange them and give them to other heroes that you don’t often use. 

I would always recommend to reroll only after +15, because for example you have a good orb/crest but at +15, RNG is against you and the 2x boost went into a wrong substats. It is still possible to reroll this unsuccessful substat into a viable substat. 

Note : Don’t worry, even if it is not showing on the left sidebar in the substats list, the substats that you reroll will get the 2x boost, too. E.g. – ( 3% Atk will become 6% if rerolled into double substats)


Only 4 Star Orbs and Crest can be rerolled into the maximum reroll substats!!!!!! 

So I would not recommend to reroll 3 star orbs and crest. Unless you have high innate substats!

I don’t recommend early game players to reroll any orbs and crest!

Mainstats % on Orbs/Crest are only needed for the character’s main stats

For example:

Concentration Orb at +14:Concentration Orb at +15Reroll Substats on Orb after +15:

1% Hp3% CDR                    1% ATK3% Debuff Duration

2% Hp3% CDR                    1% ATK3% Debuff Duration

6% CDR3% CDR                    1% ATK3% Debuff Duration