Food Fantasy Food Souls Guide and Overview


Future FS

NOTE: Because we know very little about some of these Food Souls, we are not sure about all their genders. He will be used if the gender is unspecified.

Translations done with help from Canada/Hinabes, Marisa, and Casualty0

Durian Pancake

Rarity: UR

Class: Strength

Type: Dessert

Birthplace: Hong Kong

Birth Year: 20th Century

Personality: Introverted (内向怕生)

Height: 160 cm, 5 ft 3 in

Likes: Pineapple Bun (also linked with her)

JP VA: Ai Nonaka

Quote: 兔子先生,保护我……

Mr. Rabbit, protect me… 

Bio: 仿佛从黑暗中诞生一样,娇小的身躯被巨大的兔子布偶抱着。不善交谈,更多时候都在和兔子布偶对话,对其他人都是试探性的交流,而稍有异样就会做出过激反应。

A small figure embraced by a large bunny doll, as if born from the shadows. Bad at communicating with others, Durian Pancake mostly talks to the bunny doll. Very on guard when talking to people and reacts excessively if even the slightest irregularity is sensed.


Type: Beverage

Birthplace: Italy

Birth Year: 20th Century

Personality: Energetic and cute

Height: 155 cm, 5 ft 1 in

Likes: Mashed Potatoes

Quote: 未来,从不会注定!

The future is never pre-determined! 

Candied Bird’s Nest

Rarity: UR

Class: Support

Type: Soup

Birthplace: China

Birth Year: Unknown

Personality: Cold and Distant

Height: 167cm, 5 ft 6 in

Likes: Royal Jelly

JP VA: Kiyono Yasuno

Quote: 我不喜欢欲望太盛的地方。

I dislike places too drenched in desire.

Bio: 她是耀之洲梦回谷的谷主,看似不食人间烟火,不近人情,实际上是因为不曾入世的缘故,即不太懂得人情世故。冰糖燕窝不喜火焰,稍微有些排斥人类,觉得他们欲望太甚,但在大是大非面前,依然会出手相助。

She is the owner of Menghuigu (lit. ‘returning to dream valley’) in Light Kingdom. At first glance, she seems like a divine spirit who does not partake in worldly affairs, who has no regard for human reason, but in truth, it’s because she has never entered the mundane sphere and thus doesn’t understand the ways of the world. Candied Bird’s Nest dislikes bustle, and she somewhat discriminates against humans, believing they have too many desires, but in matters of right and wrong, she will still offer her help.

mari note: slightly garbage translation, feel free to correct; i went pretty liberal on some of the idioms. 火焰 literally means ‘fire’ but that doesn’t makes sense in this context – i think it’s referring to ‘bustle’ in the same way that 烟火 in 不食人间烟火 refers more to human events and actions.


Type: Snack

Birthplace: Japan

Birth Year: Unknown

Personality: Mysterious (捉摸不定)

Height: 178 cm, 5 ft 10 in

Quote: 神明、妖怪、堕神、飨灵,区别不过是力量而已。

Gods, demons, fallen angels, food souls – the only difference between them is strength.

Lamb Chop (烤羊排)

Type: Dishes

Birthplace: Unknown

Birth Year: Unknown

Personality: Arrogant

Height: 188 cm, 6 ft 2 in

Quote: 虚伪的光明没有存在的意义。

The false light has no reason to exist.

Black Truffle

Rarity: UR

Class: Magic

Type: Dish

Birthplace: Unknown

Birth Year: Unknown

Personality: Romantic and emotional (浪漫多情)

Height: 155 cm, 5 ft 1 in

Likes: White Truffle

JP VA: Harumi Sakurai

Quote: 可爱的女孩就像甜美的果实。

Cute girls are like sweet fruits.

Bio: 黑松露总是习惯把他人的情感玩弄于鼓掌之间,于她而言,倾慕之情,就是最好的食品。她美艳的外表总是令人忍不住想接近,而反复无常的性子和邪恶的身体特征却总是让人想远离。黑松露私底下最大的兴趣就是欺负白松露,看着白松露脸红气急败坏的模样,身心都会得到满足。

Black Truffle is wont to toying with the emotions of others. To her, adoration is the greatest delicacy. Her alluring appearance draws people in, yet her capricious temper and sinister physical characteristics drives them away. Secretly, Black Truffle’s favorite hobby is bullying White Truffle. She feels great satisfaction from seeing White Truffle’s flustered and defeated face.

Easter Egg

Rarity: SR

Class: Defense

Type: Snack

Birthplace: Europe

Birth Year: Around the 12th century

Personality: Gentle

Height: 165 cm, 5 ft 5 in

Likes: Candy Cane and Croissant

JP VA: Eishin Fudemaru

Quote: 希望我能帮上大家的忙!

I hope I can be of help to everyone!

Bio: 因为内向,喜欢躲在自己的彩蛋里,对于自己擅长的地方十分的执着。作为机械师,复活节彩蛋平日里会为大家调整修理武器,甚至可以制作出可以用幻晶石或者灵力驱动的机甲。他本身战斗力不强,但是机甲有极强的战斗力。

As an introvert, he likes to hide in his colored egg, but he is extraordinarily persistent about the things he excels at. As a mechanic, Easter Egg often spends his time adjusting and repairing others’ weapons, and he can even create mechs that can be powered by crystals or soul power. He lacks personal combat power, but his mech is exceptionally strong.

Steamed Wuchang Fish

Type: Dish

Birthplace: China

Birth Year: Unknown

Personality: Steady and Reliable (坚定可靠)

Height: 188 cm, 6 ft 2 in

Quote: 我会将这份信念贯彻到底。

I will carry out this belief until the end.


Rarity: UR

Class: Magic

Type: Soup

Birthplace: Italy

Birth Year: Unknown

Personality: Extreme

Height: 178 cm, 5 ft 10 in

Likes: Mashed Potatoes

Link Skill: Mashed Potatoes

JP VA: Hatano Wataru

Quote: 你拿走一切,但我还活着。

You took away everything, yet I am still alive.

Bio: 意大利杂蔬汤刚被召唤没多久,就被当时的御侍卖给一个地下组织做实验品,经过多年逃出后,他被改造成不得不与负面情绪共生的怪物,一路被追杀,复仇占据了他的心。他有很强的生存欲,宁可每日靠噩梦活着,也不愿如人所愿死去。虽然身心无时不刻不沉浸在痛苦之中,但他总是强迫自己脸上带笑,绝不在别人面前漏出一点痛苦和软弱。但他不知道自己的这种笑容是多么僵硬和扭曲。

Translated by Casualty0: Not long after he was summoned, Minestrone was sold by his Master Attendant to an underground organisation as a test subject. Years after he escaped, he was modified and was forced to become a monster with negative emotions in his heart. Being hunted down has caused revenge to occupy his heart. With a strong desire to live, he’ll rather rely on his nightmarish days to survive rather than die just as what others want. Although his heart and body would be drenched with pain, he would still force himself to smile. He’ll never let any feelings of weakness or pain be exposed to others. Yet unbeknownst to him, his smile is rather forced and twisted.

Muenchner Weisswurst

Rarity: SR

Class: Healer

Type: Dish

Birthplace: Germany

Birth Year: Unknown

Personality: Grounded and Reliable

Height: 180 cm, 5 ft 11 in

Likes: Fish and Chips and Pretzel

JP VA: Shunsaku Nishigaki

Quote: 愿世界洗去所有污浊。

May all the filth be washed away from the world.

Bio: 一个比较和善好说话还会逗人的医生,有着高超的医术和很强的责任心,认真为其他人做好后勤工作。在工作以外也十分体贴,时常会调侃普雷结,作为普雷结和其他人的和事老。和黑布丁可能会因为在医疗上的见解不同而出现分歧而争斗。

A much more amiable doctor who can even be humorous at times, Weisswurst is someone easy to communicate with and has been noted to display a flair for medical skills. He has a strong sense of responsibility and would seriously carry out any logistics-related tasks for others. Other than work, this thoughtful individual is Pretzel’s and the other’s mediator where he would usually taunt the former. Because he and Black Pudding has different insights on medical treatment, this leads to conflicts between the duo and eventually arguments.

Pad Thai

Rarity: SR

Class: Strength

Type: Staple Food

Birthplace: Thailand

Birth Year: Unknown

Personality: Brave and strong (果敢强势)

Height: 162 cm, 5 ft 4 in

JP VA: Komagata Yuri

Quote: 让我看看你的价值吧。

Let me see what you’re worth.

Bio: 泰式炒面是一个聪慧机敏,果敢强势的女性,独立特行的性格让她在残酷的商业斗争中脱颖而出,且由于出身原因,本人还是个佛教信徒。


Pad Thai is a sharp and daring woman whose independent nature makes her a stand-out in the cruel business world. Because of her birth, she is also a Buddhist.

The best way to describe her would be a woman who is unfazed in the face of danger, whose perspective is unique, who fears no authority. She is in every sense of the word a strong woman.

Tsukimi Dango

Rarity: SR

Class: Healer 

Type: ???

Birthplace: Japan

Birth Year: Around the 10th Century

Personality: Gentle and Elegant

Height: 180 cm, 5 ft 11 in

Likes: Unadon

JP VA: Mikami Jou

Quote: 曾经的那轮明月,那是最美的风景。

The moon of times passed; that is the most beautiful scenery.

Bio: 儒雅温柔的青年,仿佛总是在为所有人着想,自称并没有什么战斗力,但是嘴角的笑容却让人感到他并没有那么简单。

A gentle and elegant youth who always seems considerate of others. He claims he doesn’t have much combat prowess, but the smile at the corner of his mouth suggests things are not so simple.

Mango Pomelo Sago

Rarity: SR

Class: Healer

Type: Dessert

Birthplace: Hong Kong

Birth Year: 20th Century

Personality: Openhearted (大方爽朗)

Height: 163 cm, 5 ft 4 in

Quote: 美好的一切,都应该不甘平凡。

All that is beautiful should not be left to the ordinary.

Bio: 杨枝甘露原名叫做芒果西柚西米露,是一个十分坚持自我的人,她对美和艺术有天生的感悟力,并且始终坚持着自己的时尚审美。她诞生时并不是一个灵力强大的飨灵,但是她的御侍一再告诉她:你就是最美的,你就是最好的;并且给她改名叫杨枝甘露,寓意她是神带给世界的福星。这样的想法灌输下,杨枝甘露成为一个自信又博爱的艺术家,她活跃在不同的艺术领域,敢于探索世界的创新,坚信她用自己的方式打造的,必定是世界的更美的一面。

Mango Pomelo Sago was originally named 芒果西柚西米露. She’s a spirited person with a natural sense towards beauty and the arts. Moreover, she has  been known to persist with her idea of trending aesthetics. When she was born, she isn’t a Food Soul with strong soul power. But her Master Attendant constantly told her, “You are the most beautiful and most powerful person,” and named her 杨枝甘露 (sweet dew of Guanyin’s willow), signifying her as the lucky star delivered to the world by God. She was instilled with this notion and thus became a confident artist with a strong love for all beings in the world. She’s active in many fields of art and explores the creativity of the world. She strongly believes that the art she creates represents the beautiful side of the world.


Rarity: SR

Class: Defense

Type: Dessert

Birthplace: Austria

Birth Year: 1832

Personality: Gentlemanly

Height: 179 cm, 5 ft 10 in

Likes: Baguette

JP VA: Maeda Seiji

Quote: 强大是保护弱小的资本。

The strong are to protect the weak.

Bio: 严于律己,宽以待人的少年贵族。正而不迂腐,机敏不守旧,虽然拥有贵族身份,但行事低调,没有利用权势和飨灵力量横行霸道,而是活用自己的身份和能力,加入了飨灵执法机构「荷鲁斯之眼」,为米德加尔和周围地区的人们保驾护航,维护社会稳定。

A young nobleman who judges himself harshly but is lenient towards others. Upright, unconservative and alert can be used to describe him. Despite his noble heritage, he’s quite low-key and isn’t domineering; he doesn’t resort to using his soul power and the authority he wields. Instead, he actively makes use of his capabilities and identity to join the Food Soul law enforcement agency, “Eye Of Horus”.  Doing so allows him to protect those residing in Midgar and the surrounding areas as well as maintaining the stability of society.

Boston Lobster (SP)

Rarity: SP

Type: Refreshments

Birthplace: China (prob gonna be United States on global)

Birth Year: 20th century

Personality: Overbearing

Height: 182 cm, 6 ft 0 in

Quote: 人类这种东西,到底能有什么光芒存在?

What kind of light would exist in these things called humans?


Type: Snack

Birthplace: Japan

Birth Year: 19th century

Personality: Rational

Height: 159 cm, 5 ft 3 in

Quote: 就算再给我一次机会,我也会这样选择。

Even if you gave me another chance, I would still choose the same way.

Jinhua Ham

Rarity: SR

Class: Magic

Type: Dish

Birthplace: China

Birth Year: Around the 6th – 13th century

Personality: Maverick

Height: 182 cm, 6 ft 0 in

Quote: 不用他人评判,我只为自己而活。

I care not for the judgement of others, for I live only for myself.

Bio: 好战的青年,寻求刺激的生活。对自己的欲求十分忠诚,随着自己的心意而动,不在意别人的目光。有自己的一套讲究,在生活习惯上有强迫症,十分注重做事的顺序和时机。

A battle-ready youth, he looks for the excitement of life. He is extremely faithful to his own desires and motivated by them, and cares not for the opinions of others. He has his own set of rules and morals and has OCD, so he’s very adamant about the order and timing things are done in.

Instant Noodles

Type: Staple Food

Birthplace: Japan

Birth Year: 1990s

Personality: Laid-back (随性散漫)

Height: 167 cm, 5 ft 6 in

Quote: 音乐是会说话的哦。

Music can speak.

Mackerel Ichiyaboshi

Rarity: SR

Class: Strength

Type: Dish

Birthplace: Japan

Birth Year: Unknown

Personality: Loyal

Height: 176 cm, 5 ft 9 in

Likes: Junmai Daiginjo (also linked with)

Dislikes Tsukimi Dango

Quote: 为主人扫除一切障碍是我的职责。

To remove all obstacles from my master’s path is my calling.

Bio: 纯米大吟酿的忠犬,忠心到即使大吟酿让他去死他也会很痛快的抹脖子,知道一些事情并不好,但是还是会按照他说的做,虽然对于大吟酿的一些行为有些无奈,但是还是会顺着他的心意,有一点宠溺的感觉。 被称之为人鱼是因为他的身上的侧鱼鳍一样的配件可以让他即使是在陆地上也和鱼一样可以在空中墙上肆意游走 并且借此暗杀隐藏身形。

Junmai Daiginjo’s loyal dog. He is so devoted that even if Daiginjo ordered him to drop dead, he would happily oblige. He knows some of Daiginjo’s business is questionable; however, he would still follow his every word. Even though in regards to some of Daiginjo’s actions he follows along helplessly, he will still follow out of loyalty. He gives off a feeling that makes you want to pamper him. He is known as a mermaid for his finlike accessories at his sides that allow him to “swim” above dry land like a fish, which also allows him to carry out stealth assassinations.


Type: Alcoholic Beverage

Birthplace: Italy

Birth Year: 19th Century

Personality: Elegant 

Height: 188 cm, 6 ft 2 in

Likes: Tequila and Croissant

Quote: 我会保护好我应该保护好的一切。

I will protect all that I should protect.

Century Egg

Rarity: SR

Class: Strength

Type: Dish

Birthplace: China

Birth Year: 16th century

Personality: Cold (冷淡)

Height: 185 cm, 6 ft 1 in

Likes: Moth Shit Tea and Cordyceps (Linked with cordy)


If there cannot be light, then let me disappear with it.

Bio: 曾经的主人是耀之洲四神之一玄武的转世,第一个统一了耀之洲大陆的人。作为一个枭雄,玄武信任的人只有皮蛋一个,而死后,玄武没有征求过皮蛋的意愿将他禁锢于自己的陵墓之中想让他在自己死了之后也在自己身边。由于飨灵不死的特性,松花蛋一个人在黑暗之中幽闭了数百年,绝望之中整个心理已经彻底崩溃。被误入的虫草虫茶所救,看到了一束光。然后因为长时间的幽闭已经不通人事,只是机械性的听从自己的光(虫草)的指示。将他视作自己心里的光。

His previous Master Attendant was one of the reincarnations of Xuanwu, one of the four gods of Light Kingdom and the first to unite the people of Light Kingdom. Xuanwu’s only trusted advisor was Century Egg. As a result, after his death, without considering Century Egg’s own wishes, he confined Century Egg within his tomb out of his desire have Century Egg always by his side even after death. As Food Souls are immortal, Century Egg was confined alone in the dark for centuries, causing his mental state to crumble out of despair. Saved by accident by Cordyceps and Chisui Insect Tea, he finally saw the light again. Because of his long imprisonment, Century Egg forgot the ways of the world. He merely follows the instructions of his light (Cordyceps) like a machine, viewing him as the light in his heart. 

Royal Jelly

Type: Alcoholic Beverage

Birthplace: Italy

Birth Year: 19th Century

Personality: Elegant 

Height: 188 cm, 6 ft 2 in

Quote: 我要永远的忠诚。

I want eternal loyalty.

Beef Wellington

Type: Dish

Birthplace: Europe and America (欧美)

Birth Year: 20th Century

Personality: Resolute (铁血) 

Height: 176 cm, 5 ft 9 in

Likes Steak and Turkey

Quote: 弱者没有存在的必要。

Weaklings have no reason to live.

Jianbing Guozi

Rarity: M

Class: Strength

Type: Snack

Birthplace: China

Birth Year: Unknown

Personality: Hardworking (勤勉爽朗)

Height: 178 cm, 6 ft 0 in

Likes: Lion’s Head and Beggar’s Chicken


I feel extremely energetic when I move the boat paddles.

Bio: 是一位水性极好的少年,手脚利落,做事勤快,尤其擅长船运方面杂活。加入景安商会后,因为勤勉能干,又常常照顾别人,所以受到大家的一致夸奖。

A young man who possesses exceptional seafaring mastery. He’s nimble, quick and exceptionally good at miscellaneous chores on ships. Since joining the Jingan Chamber of Commerce, he’s been praised by everyone around him for being diligent, hardworking and caring.


Type: Alcoholic Beverage

Birthplace: Ryukyu Islands

Birth Year: 15th Century

Personality: Passionate 

Height: 184 cm, 6 ft 2 in

Quote: 那片国土,我一定会夺回来的!

That country – I will definitely take it back!

Skins TBA

mari says: a lot of these were speed-translated and skin names are notably difficult to translate; please feel very free to revise my translations if i missed anything or screwed something up!

Baguette – Gem Sea

Take a look, this glass of glistening ocean. Journey with me, let’s look for lost treasures.

Beggar’s Chicken – Youthful Journey

A beautiful flower does not bloom for long; a beautiful scene does not last forever. Master Attendant, why don’t we sit down and have a nice chat?

Bonito Rice – Homecoming Heart

I don’t know where this train will carry me, but I know I am on my way home.

Escargot – Comfort Time

Wonderful, you’re back. This time, I didn’t fall asleep so I can finally tell you… welcome… back… zzzz

Junmai Daiginjo – Underworld’s Night Demons

In the night of the owl’s lament, souls depart and return to their dance in the underworld; in the still hours of the night, living one, take care not to step outside~

Margarita – Viridian Sorceress

This is an unavoidable finale, I wish only that the me you’re seeing may bloom into unforgettably brilliant fireworks.

Marshmallow – Lovestruck Sweetheart

Soft as I am, I too have a firm heart.

Milt – Meeting with the Void

Who do you think I’d be meeting here? Hehehe~ Could it be you?

Minestrone – Creation Day

Grant me gems and guns. Declare me innocent. Imprison my past memories. Make me fall through prison and become god.

Tangyuan – Dancing Lion

Master Attendant! Master Attendant, come look! Tangyuan can make the ball fly up so high!’