Yugioh Duel Links Ticket Guide


Ticket Guide 

This guide aims to answer a common question asked by beginners: “what do I do with tickets?”.

Cards are placed in high, normal and low priority based on how useful they are. 

(author:  fracc)

Table of Contents

Dream Tickets

UR Tickets

SR Tickets

R Tickets

Dream Tickets

Dream Tickets are perhaps the single most useful items in-game, and for a good reason. They allow you to practically cheat the system and get individual cards from boxes without using your gems (one ticket is roughly the equivalent to 5k gems). So it goes without saying that they’re precious and should be used carefully.

Dream URs

(As of 27/12/2019 Dream URs have box cards up to the Curse of Dread Mini)

Dream URs offer S/T, S/T removal and some one-of tech cards. The meta is centered around the S/T and S/T removal in particular, which should be focused on. The general recommendation as of December 2019 is to go for S/T removal first.

Cosmic Cyclone and Galaxy Cyclone are two of the most powerful backrow removal cards in the game right now. Among these two, Cosmic Cyclone is preferred because of it being Quick-Play and banishing instead of destroying cards. The 1000 LP requirement is hardly a cost compared to the advantages, and might even help trigger Skills. The other, less played option is Galaxy Cyclone, a Normal Spell that offers two potential backrow pops. 

Verdict: Choose Cosmic Cyclone

Drowning Mirror Force, Paleozoic Canadia, Floodgate Trap Hole are all viable dream ticket options as popular and useful backrow cards. Among them, the meta currently favors Floodgate Trap Hole for its ability to stun combo based decks allowing you to plan a counterattack the following turn. Paleozoic Canadia and Drowning Mirror Force follow closely behind in usage, with the former having almost the same use as Floodgate (with the exception of shining when ran in a playset of 3, GY recursion but targeting monsters) and the latter being a measure against OTK decks.

Verdict: Choose Floodgate Trap Hole

You can use your Dream Tickets to buy expensive URs for a particular deck, for example Black Whirlwind for Blackwings, instead. This does not mean that you should get parts of your first deck with the tickets if you are an inexperienced player or approaching deck-building without a plan, and should only be considered if you are absolutely sure and know what you’re doing. 

Sphere Kuriboh is a card that has been used throughout the game’s lifetime but it is reaching its end in usefulness. It is no longer recommended to spend a Dream Ticket on this card.

You can also use your Dream Ticket on structure deck cards like Gold Sarcophagus but it is recommended that you get these with money instead.

Dream SRs

(As of 27/12/2019 Dream SRs have box cards up to the Burning Nova Main)

Dream SRs are centered around these two popular cards, Wall of Disruption and Treacherous Trap Hole. They’re two different but strong cards each having its own use case. Due to the current semi-limited nature of Treacherous Trap Hole, you might not be able to run it in some decks, where you could run Wall of Disruption as a generic strong backrow option.

Verdict: If your deck isn’t limited in any way, choose Treacherous Trap Hole, otherwise choose Wall of Disruption.

(Updated 27/12/2019)

UR Tickets

For the most part, UR rewards are farm / event cards, none of which particularly stand out.

High priority


Normal priority

Lava Golem is useful for some stage missions. Also useful as a tech card in some decks depending on the meta.

Dynatherium is used for easier tribute summoning or to synchro summon on a budget.

Low priority

DD Sprite is an easy to summon tuner. Brings value in some decks like Thunder Dragons.  

Crystal Pegasus / Rare Value enables Jesse’s skill “Transcendent Crystals” to be used as a sort of draw engine.

 Psychic Ace, Silent Doom, and Meltiel, Sage of the Sky see some use in niche strategies.

SR Tickets

The most important of all non-dream ticket types. Some of these cards may or may not be available depending on the type of your ticket (Pick a Gift, Ranked, Login Reward etc).

High priority 

Legacy of Yata Gurasu (PRISMATIC OR GLOSSY) is a draw card for farming decks. 

Red-Eyes Spirit/ Red-Eyes Insight (PRISMATIC OR GLOSSY) are used to build a basic Red-Eyes deck for skill farming.

Enemy Controller is a good backrow card that is easy to acquire early.

Union Attack (PRISMATIC ONLY) is the backbone of farming in the game. 

Normal priority 

Anti-Magic Arrows and Anteatereating Ant (PRISMATIC OR GLOSSY) are used in some farming strategies.

Solemn Scolding and Creature Seizure see some use in niche strategies.

Low priority

The Light – Hex-Sealed Fusion, Amulet of Ambition, Solemn Wishes, Wetlands, Gravekeeper’s Recruiter, Rainbow Life, Flute of Summoning Kuriboh / Winged Kuriboh, Zeradias.

R Tickets

Like UR cards, none of the cards here particularly stand out except Vassal, so you can get them at your own pace.

High priority 

Gravekeeper’s Vassal (GLOSSY ONLY) is the key card of most farm decks.

Normal priority 

Ancient Rules and Sanctuary in the Sky see some use in niche strategies.

Low priority

Astral Barrier, Hallowed Life Barrier, Destruction of Destiny, Fragrance Storm