Genshin Impact How to Solo Electro Hypostasis


Electro Hypostasis


The Electro Hypostasis boss can be found at the Southwest of Cape Oath in Mondstadt, to the Dadaupa Gorge’s east.

If you have unlocked the teleport waypoint in Cape Oath, you may use that to travel to this boss’s location faster.


The Electro Hypostasis is an elite boss in which its code name is Aleph. It is an entity with high-purity Electro.

How To Fight Electro Hypostatis

As you fight this boss, bring your characters with fire elements such as Amber and Xiangling. You also have to dodge it when it is in the mode wherein all parts are not together.

Then it will enter the mode where only the core is visible, and this is when you have to fight the cube, which is the lighter illuminated one.

Then it enters the mode wherein the other particles appear once more, and you have to dodge again and wait for it to appear in the form where only the core is there, and you attack it again.

Mechanics For Ending

Then when the Electro Hypostasis’ life is nearing its end. You need to take out Amber, a character who uses ranged weapons, which is a bow and arrow, as well as fire.

Then it will appear as if there are various core particles that you have to shoot down one by one with fire. That is how you kill it. If you are unsuccessful in doing so in this mode, it will regenerate its life.


You need 40 Original Resin to revitalize the Ley Line Blossom to claim your reward.