Genshin Impact How To Raise Friendship


Character Friendship

In Genshin Impact, there is this so-called Friendship with your character in which each of the characters you have in the game has backstories. You can know the backstory of your characters as you raise your friendship experience with these characters.

How To Raise Friendship Experience

To raise your character’s friendship experience, you have to do different events. To start, you have to unlock daily commissions. You can do this as your Adventure Rank is raised. Then as you go along and accomplish daily commissions, you get friendship experience as rewards from them.

There are also some random events that you can find and do. They are scattered all over the world; all you have to do is explore. There are also dungeons that you may complete, which will also reward you with friendship experience.

This experience increases the friendship level with your character, and you then level up and learn more about your characters. You may also view the rewards that you can get from the tasks that you do to see if you can obtain friendship experience from doing these tasks.

As you increase your friendship level with your characters, you also get to have a deeper connection with your characters.