Today we’re talking about the top 10 best heroes in Epic Seven.
I’m still gonna leave ml five stars out of this list as they would mostly dominate, and they’re still incredibly hard to get. Just know that if you do get an ml five star, it’s good. I won’t, however, leave out exclusive heroes. Some exclusives have had repeat banners already.
So if you don’t own a super awesome exclusive, you can wait out their banners. Many of these units are PvP oriented, but most can use well, and a lot of PvE content to one last thing to note is that most non-factual top tens are opinion based.
This is my opinion based on experience, as well as what I’ve heard from the community. So even heroes I don’t personally own made it on this list.
10 Auxiliary Lots

Up at number 10, we got auxiliary lots. I like Auxiliary lots mainly for PvP. He is pretty much unmatched due to his other skills having arguably the best two offensive buffs in the game with 100% combat readiness and a to turn attack boss.
He can be in pretty much any Cleave team and own the best thing about a second skill is that your cleaver can be the slowest hero in the game and still go first. This leaves a lot of stat room to make your cleaver deadly.
His ult isn’t too bad either a solid chance for a silence making him potentially decent on PvP defense, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
As for gear you want full speed as much speed as possible. If lots is fastest, you almost always win with proper setup if he’s too slow the opposite can be said.
Auxiliary Lots Artifacts
For artifacts, I go Tagehels Hills ancient book for souls as cleaver needs them to chain as to an s3 together. Spirits’ breath is excellent in making his amazing second skill not have a cool down once maxed for this. You’d need another major team to hold Tagehel.
However, as for PvE, his use case without spirits breath his little niche, but I found some excellent ways to use him in combination with those above super slow but deadly units.
9 Ken

Up to number nine, we got Ken is a pretty interesting hero, and sadly I don’t own him, but I’ve heard great things he falls into the bruiser category. I mean, he can do some substantial damage and also tank well similar to Ravi but with more utility, if he had a buff at one point that made one of the particular abilities vigor, undisputable, which is incredibly rare for a buff.
Ken Skills
Vigour itself grants Ken 30% more attacking defense, but his skills also become more powerful when he has it. That’s when he has a chance for defense down, which is a fantastic debuff with vigor. You will also burn the target. The s2 has a much higher chance for defense breaking and with vigor. And not only does that go to 100%, but it also ignores effect resistance, which is pretty huge.
If that wasn’t enough, he’ll also give himself a speed bump without vigor and finally his s3, which is where you get vigor, it sadly does need some warm-up time due to it needing 100 focus. You started the battle with 50 and got five when you get attacked. You can get most of the way there if you kill an enemy using as two as that will give 40.
Once you do get the focus, though, you get four hold turns of vigor and attack down and stun them a target and some considerable single target damage.
Also, as he will be tanky, you can put him in the front to get focused faster. Also, all of his skill scales off of HP, which is good since his base attack is pretty low.
Ken Gear, Stats and Artifact
As for gear, this is where his main drawback comes from. He needs a lot of stats to be effective. So he’s not very beginner-friendly. You need a pretty widespread of all stats. HP is the most important, and if you want those defense breaks, you need some effectiveness to besides that, he shouldn’t be too slow, so the speed is essential.
Oh yeah, and even though he has hp scaling, he’s still on to consequential damage without crit rate crit damage and some attack so yeah, he’s super hard to build well, but if you can make him well, you pretty much have a one-man army on your team. For Ken, the recommended Artifact is Sigurd Scythe, which gives self-sustain, with health and attack.
8 Yufine

She’s a one-shot queen.
She has crazy multipliers on her old, allowing her to do insane damage both in PvP and PvE, my friend, as said he uses her a lot in guild vs. guild as well Penrith ox lots. Like I said, not only does her old have crazy multipliers, but she also gets a massive bonus to that damage if the enemy is buffed, which is very common in both PvP and PvE.
If she somehow doesn’t just one-shot them, they’ll get stunned, so they may as well be dead anyway.
Yufine Skills
As a bonus, you can still bring the skill to get an extra turn to chain as two along and then, of course, we got s2 which is an AoE attack, and buffer Movil but it can also silence and if that wasn’t enough, she’ll also give herself an attack and speed buff, very very packed as to there. The cherry on top is her s one comes with an excellent 50% chance to turn defense down.
I love to see defense down on basic attacks. Again, content-wise pretty solid everywhere except Wyvern for wood versus fire reasons.
Yufine Gear
As for gear mostly full often, I’ll share as you finish. So you have an Idea pretty balanced with a nice spread of crit rate and damage attack speed and some effectiveness artifact wise. If you don’t have an as exclusive artifact for extra crit damage, you can go to braces to it for more general damage or portrait for more consistent one-shots up the number
7 Challenger Dominiel

Seven, we got challenger dominoes dominium. I haven’t built there yet, but it’s easy to see her potential her oldest unique giving a massive 50% crit rate boost as well as a combat readiness push.
The combat readiness push isn’t a ton compared to other car pushers, but the 50% crit buff is rare, and with the right setup you can have your damage dealer with only 50% crit rate to focus on crit damage even less if you have your seed on with memory imprints. Kind of similar to ox lots and his ability to negate the need for the cleavers speed her passive is quite crazy to for every critical hit your team makes it will not only boost the damage next attack does but also push your combat readiness by 10%.
You are having your team do a lot of criticals before she can lead to some astronomical single target damage from her essential skill. Especially if you start Burnet, this is mainly useful in PvP, though, where your team would already have a reasonable crit rate and wouldn’t necessarily need her boss.
Challenger Dominiel Skills and Artifacts
She will never need more than 50% crit rate, though, since she also gets an extra turn after using her old filter with a 50% crit rate and as much crit damage and attack as possible.
If you’re just going to use your as a buffer and a sub DPS or in PvP, then she’ll need a bit of speed thrown in as well. As for artifacts as a mage, she can hold Tagahel’s Ancient Book for Team Souls. If you want to maximize her damage, Tonfa or portrait would be good to have.
6 Dizzy

We got dizzy. Her entire kit revolves around debuff in the enemy. She’s one of the heroes who can chain s3 and s two together with souls.
And on PvP offense, it can be deadly, it won’t kill anyone, but they’ll be crippled with their attack down speed down in blind debuffs. She can then chain that with her as to decreasing their combat readiness by a massive 50%. While increasing the debuffs above turn to count, her old is also special because she will always miss if a regular attack Mrs. No debuffs can be applied, but in her case, they always will.
This means she can debuff Unni like asked card or violet, or an earth element enemy just as well as anyone else. The main drawback to our kit is versus a team with immunity sets or cleansers in the case of immunity that can be taken care of by a buffer mover, aka a stripper, but the need to be faster than the already quick, dizzy, and also quicker than all the enemies.
Dizzy Gear
As for gear, the main priority is effectiveness. She’s pretty useless, and for debuffs don’t land next to speed, she’s naturally fast, so capitalizes on that with the speed set. Speed boots and proper speed subsets are recommended as well for artifacts. She can be her damage dealer if you give her violin, but that was an event artifact A while ago, and not everyone has it she’s a maid So talks a hell is always an excellent option to besides PVP. She’s MVP for tons of PvP content, including hell raid and the highest floors of the abyss. She’s also one of the fastest nuclear automatons tower due to her essential skill being he might need some damage that’s to make her one shot further into it, though.
5 Angelic Montmorency

Number five, we got Angelica Montmorency. The one in Three stars we have on this list. Angelic Montmorency is another one I don’t have raised, but have seen her used to the significant effect she has many healing and support abilities on a short cooldown. With her old on a tiny three turn cooldown, she can not only provide immunity and like Angelica, but also
move up to two debuffs. This only applies to one character unless your soul burns it. In that case, it goes to everyone.
At the same time, she’ll boost her combat right in this by a massive 50%. Hence, her next turn comes rather quickly and can use her as to for even more debuff removal from all allies and additional healing if you burn up your offense versus in a month team and arena, and she’s still alive along with someone dangerous. You might be in a tight spot as she can focus support the offensive tanks enough that they won’t die without some massive hits. Pair that with her ability to pretty much always keep them diba free, and she’s a real threat.
Angelic Montmorency Gear
As for gear, unlike a lot of other healers. Her healing isn’t based on her max health, but rather the one she’s healing. So you still want some help on her for survivability, but it’s not as big of a priority.
What is a huge priority, though, is affect resistance. Her kit focuses on keeping the rest of your team clean. She can’t do that when she’s silenced, stunned, or otherwise.
Thankfully, as an SC hero, she has a unique skill tree that provides her with up to 40% effectors just already, so it should be relatively easy to get it super high. Along with that, she can get an additional 18% from imprint concentration. If you don’t need the flood defense, she provides him a regular memory imprint as a three-star her memory imprint is super easy to the max.
The main drawback is your pretty low base speed, so wireless speeds that won’t do that much for her it’s still a good option alongside speed boots and speed sub stats. If you want to go even further with effectors is to give her a ring with it as its primary stat and round her out with an HP necklace artifact wise rod if you need more healing maguro has tone cycle her skills faster. It just depends if you need more constant cleanse or more significant heels as for content, she’s pretty useful anywhere. There are lots of debuffs which thankfully is most content. She’s an excellent overall healer.
4 Diene

Up at number four, we got Diene We got the She’s a bit similar to angelic Montmorency, but I like her skill set a bit Morris, and she provides a fantastic three turn attack buff, as well as a unique crit resistance buff.
So enemies will have a hard time lending their criticals they’re similar in the way that they both give themselves a 50% combat rating is boost on old to help them cycle skills. As well as DNS’s second skill also cleansing one buff dn also provides a barrier here, and unlike Mosul Weaver’s her, essential is pretty good to giving her even more combat readiness.
Even with their similarities. They are very different healers, so I won’t compare them further except to say dm is more rounded as support here overall. Having offensive and defensive capabilities, Diene’s main drawback is the fact she doesn’t technically heal anyone. So unless you’re bringing an actual healer with her, She needs a particular artifact like a lot of amaryllises she does provide a barrier which is kind of like health but not the same.
Diene Gear
as her gear. I always prefer my offensive supports as fast as possible. While that won’t be easy with her not so high bay speed. It’s trustworthy in the world of soul Weaver’s; besides that, more health is always good for survivability even though her skills don’t rely on her health either. Again DNX is pretty universal as to where you can take her. She fits in practically any team in any content
for writing nice long buffs both for offense and defense of
3 Tamarinne

Number three, we got Tamarinne. I liked her, and I think she’s the best healer in the games, and she’s super offensive support. She can give a massive combat readiness boost to the whole team as we attack boosts, a buffer removal for enemies, and a debuff removal for your team.
The main drawback is the fact she starts the battle with an eight turn cooldown on her idol transform, which is the skill you need to use to get these fantastic support abilities.
Once you get the ball rolling on her transform, it’s not that bad of a cool down, especially when you have some dual attacks going off since her cooldown is still going down while in idle form. She has some solid healing abilities as well.
Even inside and outside inactive form, you can soul burn for better healing. The main drawback to Tamarinne insurance super-low base health, it’s so low that you’re better off giving her flat HP main stats on ring and necklace you want to speed on the boots those. She’s a naturally speedy hero, and also you want that cooldown reduced faster.
Tamarinne Gear
For gear you want hbn speed, I focus on speed more as there’s only so much you can do with her low base HP, but it does help her heal more and, of course, survive better. As for where she’s useful pretty much every continent except maybe Banshee hunt, being a fire hero and all she’s also not good at PvP unless you’re bringing a Syria along, then she can be insane.
I’d like to simplify it by saying Angelica is a defensive support Dienne is balanced support, and Tamarinne is offensive support, and nothing is stopping you from using two of them in the same team.
2 Basar

Number two, we got Basar. No other hero can guarantee combat readiness reduction besides him.
It will remove all buffs from the enemy first inflict them with the unable to be buff to debuff and finally reducing their combat readiness by a very lovely 30%. A soul burning this guarantees that this happens full stop no effect resistance RNG no immunity set RNG it just does is s3 alone makes my PvP God.
Still, as s1 and s2 make them viable for a lot of PvP content as well acting as a sort of would dizzy with decrease attack and decrease hit chance on second skill and first skill he can land a random debuff plus if he is debuffed, he’ll transfer one of those to the enemy.
Basar Gear
As for gear like ox slots, you want him as fast as possible speed is by far the most crucial stat for him for PvP for PvP, you want to throw some effectiveness on him to land those debuffs.
As for artifact, you’ll need those souls for his s3, so target hell if he’s your only major, it’s a must. If you have another major that can hold it, then a Bissell crown couldn’t use some nice stuff.
1 Charles

And finally up at number one, we have the ultimate in five-star moonlight hero. Charles Charles is one of the ones I don’t have yet, but honestly really want his central ability comes from counter-attacking. He’s a real force to be reckoned with in PvP due to them, especially with this expensive equipment that increases the chance to chain s one and s two together.
I know it’s not super fair to mention exclusive equipment since most heroes don’t have those yet, but as it is, it’s part of him and not hard to obtain. Charles is a bit weird. He’s technically a tank but can dish out some severe damage. Especially when he’s hitting buffed units since the odds of him doing s2 o right after s one is doubled as one isn’t a takedown debuff and as to constrict all buffs plus do good damage depending on how many buffs he has.
So if you’re on the unlucky side, you could very well have a dead unit on your hands is always excellent too, of course, but I’d say it is the lesser focus with this kit.
He grants an attack buff to his team, increases his defense, and deals as damage with damage going higher with fewer enemies.
Charles Gear
as for gear, it’s up to personal preference, but if I had to Charles, you know I’d be all about that tank damage. Crit rate crit damage attack nothing scales off of his defensive stats, so why build them. Remember, though that to remove enemy buffs or land the attack down, he should also have some effectiveness.
As for artifact, there’s only one real option, in my opinion, and that’s Elbrus ritual sword, at least for PvP. He has no other way to counter outside of a counter set, and that’s where he can shine and surprise your enemies on defense. As for PvP, he can be helpful too, especially for Banshee with his AoE attack buff and active multipliers, and yeah, that’s pretty much it for the top 10 best heroes and epic seven.
0 Seaside Belona

rings zero we have SS Bellona the most broken over the top hero in epic seven this A joke and if a banner comes back definitely don’t pull for her. She’s garbage. All right, but SS Belona is insane. You’ll be hard-pressed not to see her on a PvP defense team due to her guaranteed counter-attack after five hits on her team.
This can be as little as one AoE plus an Elbrus counter. That’s the main thing with SS Belona, because not only can this attack do some substantial damage, but it can also provide a defense break, leaving any follow-ups from her team to wipe you out potentially.
And to add to that, she’s harder to kill than your average Rangers since she has built-in damage mitigation giving 30% of the damage she takes to the front line. Also, she can do it’s forever. It has no cooldown; she doesn’t even need to make a turn to destroy your team.
But if she does get a turn, get ready to hurt as her ultimate skill sucks ass in the right way unless you’re on the receiving end. It’s a lie. It can do some substantial damage especially if your heroes have that defense break provides your team with the unable to be buff debuff as well as making your units unhealable her essential is Nice. Especially for PvE where she has an excellent chance to target the enemy which lets the rest of your team deal more damage.
Seaside Belona Gear and Artifacts
Gear wise is up to preference. I prefer to build mine a little squishier, but with surprising damage abilities, her built-in damage mitigation helps her survive anyway.
Mine’s also very slow due to the fact she doesn’t need to use a turn to hurt the enemies if you’d instead use your as a De buffer and a slow CLI for then effectiveness, and some defensive substance would be preferable.
As for artifact, I go, Ryan, guard a special drink for more damage, but you can also use proof of valor with a Tinky SS belt surprise cleavers.
Besides PvP, I use your in PvE content as well, including as a medic where I liked her besides those we got some honorable mentions.
Honorable Mentions
Starting with normal Bellona Bellona has a we four days not only on our second and third skills, but she can trigger her third skill via her first skill to there’s not too much to say about bonus kit though she’s excellent as a defense breaker and in conjunction with another AOE damage dealer can be a real force and tons of content, like Banshee as a man
Belona Gear
And most other PvP as far as gear goes, since I don’t use her in PvP, I make her quite balanced with good speed, decent crit stats, and some effectiveness, so her defense break lands consistently.
She is a fascinating hero and amazing and the right PvP team. Her ult is jam-packed with useful support, being able to push back the enemy while pushing herself. Cleansing your heroes of debuffs doing excellent damage if there’s a high attack hero on your team, all the while being able to tank.
Besides that, every basic attack comes with a dual attack from a random ally, and she has a very good provoke on her second skill while giving herself a barrier.
Lilias Gear
She’s interesting to the gear I prefer mine fast and deadly with a mix of speed crit rate crit damage, and HP doesn’t give her any attack though since her old draws the attacks from her allies.
Champion Zerato
Finally, I want to mention champion Zerato as recently introduced me to what’s possible with Ms. urato. So he’s a late addition here but he can solo both Banshee and as a manic with him, which I thought was incredible. He told me he would be impossible in PvP as well if it weren’t for those damn SS below nose on every defense team.
Since she counters his skill set pretty hard, here’s how we build in those urato he puts attack boots for as a medic and speeds boots for Banshee.