Aurora Legend Hard Raid Guide


General suggestions/requirements:

  1. 3-4 People are required. I would highly recommend at least 2 people over 1 million BR. and 1-2 people above 900k BR.
  2.  There will be 2 teams. Split the top 2 people in terms of BR into the 2 different teams. This will be huge especially on the final boss.
  3. Each pair must have 6 different units. One pair of people can not run the same team.  For example, say player A and B are on team 1 and player C and D are on team 2. Player A and B can not both run Vic Miho teams. Or holy teams ETC as they are on the same team.  However Player A (team1) and player C (team 2) CAN both run Vic miho teams as they are not in the same team together. TL;DR. Each team must have 6 unique units, however 2 players CAN run the same team composition if they are in a different team.
  4. Dont forget to equip any titles you may have on the Raid team screen as every bit helps.
  5. The feather icon shown on the right hand side of the screen are essentially continues, should you team wipe you can use a feather to fully heal/revive everyone and remove any debuffs etc. If you run out of feathers you can also spend gems for additional revives. 

by Izanagi90

Recommended Teams:

It is highly recommended you have at least 1 bunker buster team. (Either Ophe/Vegi tank or Elwing, William, DPS. These teams will be your main boss killing team and will be needed.

Vic/Miho + Jack/Lancelot/Michaela etc.: works great as usual. But the healing will hurt you on the final boss. I will explain in the guide.

Burn team: works great for initial DPS and initiating. Phia, Sunny, Dillon.

Holy team: Sandra, Luci, Vivi. Works well. Same issue with heals.

Martial Skill team:  Byrn, Helsing, + Elliot/Lance

As a general rule of thumb, you want to run as many of the level 60 PVE exclusive rings for you units as possible. Those passives will be a huge help.

Mechanics/Floor by Floor guide:

Floor 1:

Floor 1 itself is pretty simple.  You will be given a random number of Yellow, Blue and red crystals to collect in order to advance to the next floor.  Basically. There are 3 unit types. A golem, a mage with a staff and a mage with a sword. Killing one of these mobs will drop the corresponding crystal.

Golems Drop Yellow Crystals

Staff mages drop Red Crystals

And Sword Mages drop Blue Crystals. 

Make sure to get the treasure chests after clearing each floor.

Floor 2: (Boss 1)

There are two phases to this boss fight. But before attacking the boss kill the mobs next to him first.

One you have cleared the mobs the real fight begins. Warp Axer Rosa starts off in his enraged super saiyan form.  This is where having your 2 best players on seperate team matters. Have the non boss killing team (aka the team that isn’t running bunker buster. Unless 2 people are running said team) attack the boss. 

You do not need to kill him. You only need to do about 25% or so of his HP bar before the fight will automatically end. Once you do the 25%, the boss fight will end and a large magic array will appear behind him. Have the team that just attacked him move over to the array and activate it. Then have the other team attack him while he is suppressed by the array. You have like 7 or 8 seconds once the array is suppressed to initiate the attack on the boss. 

He loses his buffs and super saiyan form while suppressed and is MUCH easier to kill.

Floor 3:

Floor 3 is pretty tricky simply because the game doesn’t really tell you what to do. The investigator also throws you a red herring and gives you incorrect info.  The goal for floor 3 is to kill all 5 of the original copies. Killing the incorrect enemy results in both players on said team receiving a stack of curse which severely weakens both teams. Now if you end up building 3-4 stacks of curse you can use a feather to cleanse the curse stacks. Or by clearing the entire floor they go away all together.

Now the investigator states that he believes it has something to do with what they say. This is incorrect. In Fact the way to tell them apart is actually the HP bar. The CORRECT ENEMIES HP BAR will be perfectly even above their heads. Right in the middle. The fake enemies HP bars will be off center and to the side. YOUR GOAL IS TO KILL the 5 ENEMIES with the CORRECTLY CENTERED HP BAR.  See pictures below:

Attack these. ^^^^^^

Avoid these ^^^^^

Floor 4: (final boss)

Now this is the real challenge. This floor is the main reason why you want your top 2 people on seperate teams.  In Phase 1 you simply attack and kill the boss. This is the easy part and is a good way to gauge how ready you are to try and face her 2nd form in phase 2.

After you kill her the 1st time comes the most crucial part. When she dies she turns into a tombstone and will revive herself once the time counter on her tombstone reaches 0. —>

The goal is to wipe out the 6 enemy units that spawn around her. This is important because every unit left alive after the counter will give her a permanent insane attack buff. Each stack or enemy left alive after the timer increases her attack by 15% each. It is possible to win with 1 stack if all 4 teams are around 950-1mil BR. 2 stacks is possible if your entire 4 man team is around 1.2 million or higher but is still very risky and easily losible. This boss with 30% attack up is no joke. Below is a map with suggested routes for Team 1 and Team 2 to take. Using these routes and splitting between the two teams gives you a high chance of wiping out all the enemies.

Then once this round is over and the boss respawns back in. Have the 2nd strongest team attack first and have the bunker buster/armor break team finish it off.

Final Boss Tips: The final boss will fire off an ability like pandora’s S3 every time your team heals a certain amount. Because of this Vic/Miho teams and Holy teams can be risky as she does an extreme amount of damage. I would recommend running bunker buster, Armor break or Burn teams for this boss.  

The set up for my group runs is usually:   BB + Vic/Miho.

The set up for the 2nd team in our group is usually: Burn team + Vic/Miho. 

This is only a suggestion. As long as your team comps/gear is good you have a good chance of pulling through. I would highly recommend having at least 1 bunker buster team however as it really does help with the boss fights.