Epic Seven Where To Farm Machinery?

epic seven yuna machinery

Where To Farm Machinery Epic Seven

This is a guide that not only tells you where to farm the Machinery but also reveals a method by which you, great players, would be able to farm infinite Machinery by only using 10 points of energy!

This method can be useful to you when aiming for the Yuna’s connection missions, as you would need 800 machinery. Also, this can help you with Guild Weekly missions if you need to kill machinery.

The place to go in Chapter 2-9.

The first thing you need to do is: you have to go on an adventure! Where? OnĀ Chapter 2-9, Normal difficulty!

where to farm machinery

The next thing you want to do is choose who you are going to bring on this adventure, and the character you are going to want to choose will be a Slow Healer!

Side tip: Make sure you unselect any Supporter, as you do not want them on the adventure, and to do that, you can double click on their name.

An example of a slow healer character is Hazel (who is also Yuna’s best friend).

Now, you are free to choose any slow healer, but you should make sure that it has at least two heals before you start the adventure!

Did you find your favorite character for the adventure? Perfect! Let’s jump in!

How To Farm Machinery

Let’s break it into step by step.

So the first you are gonna want to do is kill all the monsters until you arrive at the first corner or the first cross destination.

Once we see the first corner on the map, you are going to want to turn East. The first monsters that come across now are gonna be 3 robots, so 3 Machinery. They should be 2 Alarm Bots and 1 big Machine at the back.

You will go ahead and kill the big machine first, and then you will let the robots charge their skill, their LT, because when their LT gets charged up again, they can summon extra monsters.

So the reason you brought a slow healer here is that you want to move slower than the robots, but still, you want to kill the extra Alarm Bots that they summon.

Once you killed the Alarm Bots, you are going to want to use the Self Heals instead of killing the robot. What the robots are going to do is that they will be summoning other Bots, which are the next things you are gonna want to kill. This method lets the Robots charge their LT again and so, to summon more Bots. This way, you will be able to farm infinite Machinery with only 10 points of Energy.

Recommendations and thoughts

Yes, it only takes 10 of energy, but it is highly recommended to do this on Normal Difficulty; you wouldn’t want to do it on World Difficulty.

In case you are about to die, you can always heal yourself.