The Alchemist Code Reroll Guide and Unit/Gear Review

The Alchemist Code Reroll Guide and Unit Gear Review

Reroll Guide

Currently Recommended Reroll Units

5*: Shayna (excellent even at job1), Suzuka, Yomi, Vettel, Magnus, Ryle (great right now but falls off longterm)

4*: Lofia, Lucian, Caris, Zangetsu(especially with Chronomancers), Rahu

Consolation Prizes (nice to have, but not quite as important right now)

5*: Elizabeth, Anastasia, Fung Liu (job2), Reimei, Shenmei

4*: Chihaya, Raegan (job2), Vincent

Other units

5*: Flamel

He’s quite useful later on with job+, but right now he won’t do much for you.

3*: Almira

Almira is a fairly useful 3*, but… since she’s 3* you’ll be rolling more of her than you could ever want. Don’t factor her in for rerolling, but do use her if you get her.

Note: I have a bad habit of forgetting to add characters to this section. Bother me on Discord if you think there’s someone I’ve missed.

Prioritize 5*s for rerolling over 4*s, as 4*s are much easier to farm or roll later. Exception for Zangetsu+Chronomancers, as that’s basically the first meta and will serve you well. In general, don’t kill yourself rerolling right now. You can farm or roll all this stuff later. Rerolling right now is just to get a better start or play with units you like. General recommendation is to go for two recommended units, but in the end it’s up to your tolerance for rerolling.

For fast rerolling on Android: Go to Android > data > SG.gumi.alchemistww > files > delete “guc3.dat” (courtesy of Vivi). This bypasses the need to redownload everything.

What you want to reroll is your first 10 pull (don’t bother rerolling the tutorial roll). If there are enough free gems (check your presents box) to do a 500 cost 10 pull, then do that. If you don’t like it, reroll. If not, run story and claim the milestones until you have 500 gems (then 10 pull and reroll).

Types of Unit

Normal Unit

Most units released in the game. If I don’t mention it as being one of the other types, it’s this. What happens with most units is that they’re released, then a while later (about a month usually?) they release a 3/day Hard stage that allows you to farm their fragments. You can trade fragments for units too – It’s 150 for a 5* and 80 for a 4*. Yes, this means that you can get and max normal units without gacha. The typical method of doing this is holding onto the shards until you either roll the unit, or have enough to cash them in and get them to at least 75 (or 80 if it’s a unit with a particularly important Master Ability). The logic behind this is thus: if you roll them before you craft them, you save 150 shards. If you roll them afterwards, you only get 25 shards from the dupe.

Semi Limited (aka the tagatame original limiteds)

A small category of unit. Basically these are Alchemist Code original characters (like normal units), but by the whim of Gumi they’re not as freely available as normal units. Initially, they have neither hard farming stages nor do they appear outside of banners that they have rateup in. Later on, they’re re added to the regular gacha pool, added to the soul coin shop, and some of them have hard farming stages as part of their job+ event. Once this happens, you can save up shards for them (I got my Baruto to 75 without spending any wind or rainbow fragments). But that was semi-recent in JP, so I wouldn’t expect it to happen soon. Gumi tends to like giving these units job+ and master ability, too. And their banners do show up occasionally, so if you miss them the first time around you’re not screwed.

Note: It seems like these characters are already added to the general gacha pool. So they can show up off banner already.

Collab Limited

This is where you bust out that credit card, or the stack of gems you’ve been saving up for the occasion. Collab limiteds are only ever available during the collaboration event, and most collaboration events are never reran. They often give out some kind of free shards during the event (regularly via a stage that gives you 3 random tickets that give collab character shards), but it’s far from enough to get to 75. Therefore collab limiteds are also where you bust out the rainbow and elemental fragments you’ve been saving up. 

Another point of note is that collab limiteds have one or more (frequently one) unique class. These unique classes have unique job items/equipment that can only be farmed from the collab event. If you roll one, it is top priority to farm their job items before the event ends, or they’ll end up useless. If you’re very new / lazy / starting at the end of a collab, it’s also possible to buy packs of job items in the secret shop for 250 gems each. You need three, since the item is used for job10, job11, and job master.

Should I roll?

500 cost 10 pulls for units are basically always worth it.

300 cost 10 pulls for gear are basically always worth it too. Sometimes you’ll want to roll all 3 steps for particularly good gear, or collab gear.

Beyond that is more dubious, especially if you’re f2p or only buy the monthly pack. With the exception of a small handful of limited characters (Baruto, Mierikki, Eve, Freiz, Lucretia, Uzuma – none of which are released on global yet) and collab characters, you’ll have a chance to farm or roll these characters later (and the non-collab limiteds keep showing up anyway, but they’re not normally farmable). I’ll note in the unit reviews when a unit is limited or collab. But the rule of thumb is that you want to save up your gems to roll on limited or collab banners. If there’s someone you really want on a regular 3 step and you’ve got the gems, well. I’m not the boss of you. Go for it if you want. And 9 step gacha is for whales, don’t roll it if you’re not a whale.

And as a final note, your typical unit 3 step goes like this

Step1: 500 gem cost

Step2: 1500 gem cost

Step3: 2500 gem cost – gives one guaranteed banner unit

Generally you either only do step1, or you go all the way to step3. There isn’t much point in rolling step2 unless you’re going to go for step 3. The same principle applies to gear gacha, except the gem amounts are 300-900-1500.

Oh, and make sure you’re rolling the right gacha. Always click the magnifying glass and check out exactly what’s on the banner before you drop gems. Sometimes goomy mixes things up, for better or worse.

Concepts you should know


Job+ are events that allow you to upgrade a specific unit’s job. This means you need to get them to Job11 (don’t need to job master), then the event allows you to change to an upgraded version of the job:

– You need to re level the job from Job Level 1

– If the upgraded job has a stronger equivalent (for example, Holy Knight -> Holy Cavalier) it becomes that job. For example, Logi’s Holy Knight changes into Holy Cavalier.

– The job gains some upgraded skills. For example, Anastasia’s Dark Bringer (someone correct me if it’s called differently in global) changes into Bloody Rose, which costs less jewels, does better damage and gives her +20% PATK for the next 3 turns.

– The job gains different job items at level 11. You have to farm these from the job+ event, but in exchange they have better stats than regular job items. 

Job Enhance (JE)

JE’s are pretty much the mass produced generic knockoff version of job+. They operate mostly the same, except Gumi releases big batches of them at once and multiple characters can get the same JE. I haven’t really mentioned them much in this guide because they’re recent only on JP, and because the majority of JEs aren’t gamechangers. Usually they’re something you just do for extra stats (mostly the HP), though a few have particularly impactful skills or even gain movement bonuses (Roza’s dragon cavalier gains a jump damage buff similar to Monk’s, and Magnus’ Ninja gains +1 base move, for example).

Master Ability

Master Abilities require the unit to be Level 80 (and the master ability to be released). You play three stages of character quest (which tell you about the unit and its backstory), then you get a fairly significant passive buff. For example, Magnus gains: Maximum Bet: ShootingDMG+20% / MaxHP+70. Master Abilities are entirely separate from typical passive skills – you do not need to equip them, they are always active.

Note: Story main characters learn their master abilities from doing the story, and theirs function entirely differently – they’re active abilities accessed through the ‘Master Ability’ button.

Weapon Ability

Many weapons give you abilities when equipped. These show up under the ‘Master Ability’ button in battle, and yes I’m aware how confusing this is. I’ll be reserving the term ‘Master Ability’ for the level 80 passives, and sticking to ‘Weapon Ability’ for those added by weapons. Many weapons give weapon abilities to any character that equips them, but collab units tend to have a specific stage that lets you farm a weapon for them (for gacha characters), or their own special weapon in the gacha (for free characters). These collab weapons can be equipped to anyone, but when equipped to that character they grant the character a special, often quite powerful active ability.

A note on ‘Agi’

Agi determines how quickly you get turns. A character with 180 AGI will get double the turns of a character with 90 AGI, assuming everything is the same. In JP we just call this ‘speed’, so if I end up referring to ‘speed’ anywhere you can just assume it means Agi. 

Sacred Stone Banner #2

Kudanstein is here, and like a proper edgelord he does one thing and does it well: big damage. He has Dark Cavalier for everyone’s favorite Overdrive (+50% PATK) and Monk for its basic skill’s Charge (2.5x PATK for your next turn), plus a dark +50% PATK leader skill, and finally he has both a diamond aoe nuke and a 2x area cross nuke (a +, with each side extending 2 squares). He’s kind of like Zangetsu on steroids, although this means he suffers similar drawbacks. His agi/speed is barely in the triple digits, and he has to deal with move 3. Support him with Chronomancers and he’ll wreck face. As for future viability/upgrades, he later on gets a job+ which bumps his agi/speed up ~20 points and gives his weapon ability def ignore. He’s great right now (usable at j2 for some damage, really strong at j3), but in the long term other characters who can fulfill the ‘big damage bursts’ role without needing chrono support end up stealing his thunder.

Phantom of the Kill Banner #1

Shekinah – Ranger, Hunter and Holy Brawler. So, you can either run her as a Ranger main or HB main. Some people use Holy Brawler basic on Ranger for the damage buff, but keep in mind that Ranger scales half patk half dex, so you won’t get the 3x damage increase that you’re hoping for. One note is that her Holy Brawler class has rather nice Agi. All in all she’s a decent unit, usable now as Ranger or HB, and still usable in the future as HB when Ranger’s damage starts looking worse in comparison to other options. 

Laevateinn – Nothing we haven’t seen before: she’s got access to Overdrive, Overlimit and Ninja’s +move/jump passive. So she can go full patk dark cavalier, go overdrive/ninja stealth for move 4, or go some kind of ninja build. Unfortunately, her AGI is terrible and her starting jewels are bad. She does get Dark Cavalier+ later on, but it’s not a huge upgrade – her stats go up a bit, and she gets an insignificant upgrade to Soul Sacrifice. I hate to say it because I’m a big fan of her design, but I wouldn’t invest in her unless you’re a whale with cash to burn.

Cita – Warrior, Monk, and… Pirate. Pirate main suffers from conflicting elements (but is still a popular choice because it allows her to drop a diamond aoe), and monk main is somewhat underwhelming. While she can dish out some solid damage with monk’s patk buff and then either Warrior or Pirate attacks, she is slow and all of her classes suffer from being move 3 melee. Her leader skill is nice, but with her low mobility compounding the problem of her low agi you’re unlikely to end up using her much.

Phantom of the Kill Free Units

Tyrfing – I feel compelled to bring her up because she’s a fairly special case (yes, I’m sure you’ve read the JP tier list and seen her ranked up at the top). On release she is nothing even remotely special (though her weapon ability is quite decent if you managed to roll her sword), she’s usable if you’re hard up for light units and that’s about it. But a semi-recent update in JP gave her the Holy Knight [Gear] job enhance (which gives her a ranged diamond AoE light nuke and way more agi, among other things) and simultaneously gave her innate jewel regen as long as you have her gacha sword equipped. These two things combined instantly rocket her from bottom tier to top tier.

Masamune – Good free fire attacker. No reason not to farm her. Don’t worry if you can’t finish her before the event ends though, PoTK will certianly be back.

Shenmei and Flamel Banner

Shenmei introduces us to the Pirate class, which has a few interesting features. Most notably, a water element diamond AoE attack (and having attacks that match the character’s element is always nice). It also has a teleport jewel drain strike, and a passive that raises fire and water resistance (which makes Shenmei rather tanky against fire enemies). Unfortunately Pirate only has move 3, so you may have to give up a passive slot for Move +1 from Thief. On the negative side, Shenmei is pretty slow, though you do have the option of Crafter’s Booster +1 to help offset that.. She also has a +50% PATK to water units leader skill, which makes her an option if you’ve missed out on Shayna. Later on she gets a Master Ability that gives +100 PATK/HP and +50 PDEF – nice but not gamechanging. All in all she’s a decent unit, and water melee units are kind of uncommon, so she can be nice to have around.

PS: Thanks to JeremyZero for providing me with her stats.

Flamel has a job lineup that’s initially kind of awkward. Mage, Magic Knight and Beast Tamer doesn’t really add up to anything other than a Beast Tamer that’s a bit tankier than normal. However, all of this changes when he gets his job+, which upgrades his last skill on Beast Tamer main into a defense ignoring attack. Being both untyped damage and defense ignore allows Flamel to straight up bypass a lot of gimmicks, killing things through damage type down debuffs, defense 5x buffs, etc. And if that wasn’t enough for you, his Master Ability gives him some defensive stats, and innate jewel regen. Both of these things combined make Flamel a very useful addition to your roster, even if he’s nothing special in the meantime.

Sacred Stone Banner #1

Cadanova , the first of the Dragon Genesis/Sacred Stone units is here. And he is very underwhelming. Why? Because he has move 3, jump 1, no ATK boosting passives (closest is the jump passive from dragon knight) whatsoever, and his main claim to fame are jumps with overly slow cast times. This combination means he’s awkward to use, and unlike units like Zangetsu he just isn’t strong enough to justify the investment. He does have a few good points – a 50% fire physical attack leader skill (just use Reimei), a defense ignore attack and immunity to charm. He is somewhat usable if you get him to 3rd job, quicken him with a chronomancer and pay careful attention to enemy CTs, but why spend the gems/fire frags/money? Save all those for better units.

Guren Blade not actually a unit, or even from the gacha, it’s a farmable event weapon that comes along with the Sacred Stone / Dragon Genesis event. However I feel the need to mention it because it’s just that good. +50 PATK, +25 Fire Resist, and +6 Jewel Gain (increases jewels gained from normal attack). +50 PATK is about as good as you’re ever going to get on a weapon, and +25 fire resist is massive. It even gives Kanon a weapon ability (a high damage close range attack). Farm it if you’re at all capable of doing so. You can even farm two if you do all the solo and multi missions (though that may not be worth the effort this time around). 

Suzuka is an amazing unit that can be used in a variety of ways. First off, her leader skill is +50% PATK to light units, which is fantastic. She can be used as either a Ninja main or a Dark Cavalier main. Ninja main typically uses Dark Cavalier basic skill, allowing Suzuka to throw out way more damage than most Ninjas. Ninja basic is an option if you need its untyped damage. She can also be ran as a Dark Cavalier, with Ninja’s +1 move/jump passive for extra mobility. Later on she gets a Master Ability that gives +10 Agi/Speed, +150 Max HP, and upgrades Dark Cavalier’s reactive skill into a fairly terrifying counter. There’s even the option of running her with both Samurai’s Single Blade and Dark Cavalier’s Overdrive, for ridiculous physical attack numbers. Just keep in mind that doing so will tank both your speed (thanks to Single Blade’s -30% AGI) and your mobility (thanks to not using ninja’s +move/jump passive).

Reimei offers a +50% PATK leader skill for fire, but his job lineup is kind of rough. Not unusable, but if you’re using him now you’re most likely using him for the leader skill. You could try him as ninja main if you need the status infliction, or as Samurai with Monk basic for some damage. But the real fun starts way later when he gets his Job+, turning his Samurai into Swordmaster. I won’t go into detail about Swordmaster until it’s released, but it’s an extremely strong class and once Reimei has it he becomes a very strong asset to your team. 

Vincent is the latest addition to the list of Sages. Like the other sages released so far, he’s not particularly special in the long run, but he’s definitely usable. He even has Sage as his first job, which is nice. He has Professor as his third job too, which enables a support build with Professor main and Sage basic. Extra Professors are never bad to have, given the necessity of status ailment prevention later on.

Shayna is what you’re hoping to roll on this banner. +50% PATK to water units leader skill? Check. Holy Brawler as her first job, giving you instant access to huge melee damage? Check. Her dragon knight can be useful for HP absorb reactive, and chronomancer may come in handy for the passive that lets you use all skills one more time per battle (an extra 3x PATK buff can make the difference in long stages). And later on, she gets a Master Ability that gives her +1 Move and StrikeDmg +15%. Basically, she’s amazing and only gets better. 

Ryle is the game’s first Ranger, a class that sports both a Range +2 passive and a diamond aoe attack. Along with Ranger, his Twin Blade and Beast Tamer classes give him some options for passive skills. Sounds great, right? At this point in the game he definitely is. But Ranger’s damage falls off fairly hard as things go on. He does gets a +Missile Damage/+Accuracy master ability later on, which helps him keep up a bit. Not a big name unit in the long term, though.

Rosa is a very solid dark unit. On release she’s decent, but not groundbreaking. She’s usable with Dragon Cavalier and Overlimit / Ninja move/jump passive. But the real fun comes in when she gets her Master Ability, which gives +20 Agi/Speed, +20 Jewel Gain, and +200 HP. As you might expect, this makes her capable of throwing out a lot more offensive skills in the same span of time. All in all she’s a good unit that will serve you well.

Leida is a Sage with ninja +move/jump passive. In the long run she isn’t used much, but if you need another magic attacker she’s there.

Brave Frontier Collab Banner

Selena: Featuring as our first collab limited, Selena is here. Note that while her classes have unique names, they are somewhat buffed copies of Holy Knight (Ice Swordsman) and Holy Cavalier (Ice Princess), with the attack skills changed to water element, meaning she can hit fire enemies harder. So basically, she’s Vettel but ice, with more HP, stronger attacks on element and a worse leader skill. Now, that might sound great, given how well Vettel does at the moment. And for the moment? It is great. But, Selena is exceptionally slow (86 agi at 75), and while that might be sufficient now, it’s enough to consign her to the bench in the long term (remember that Vettel gets +20 from Master Ability later). Selena is definitely strong right now but she’s going to fall off hard. If you’re concerned about long term viability, avoid her. There are much better water limited units to come.

Note: Selena has been modified from JP. One note is that she has ‘chance to completely nullify attacks’ in the text for her 3rd class reactive. Thanks to Twooty for helping me figure out her current state in GL. And thanks to Magyk for pointing out that Selena’s skills are changed to ice element in global.

Brave Frontier Free Unit

I don’t normally review free units, but I might as well mention Vargas while I’m here, since he’s a bit unusual. Unusual in that his last two classes are copies of Dark Knight and Dark Cavalier – and like Selena, he has the elements of his attacks changed to his own element (fire). With both Overdrive and Overlimit he can hit hard, but he’s basically free Zahar, with all the downsides that entails. He’s not amazing but if you’re hard up for fire melee characters he’s an easy ish 85. I wouldn’t bother maxing anything but his 3rd class though.

Brave Frontier Gear Banner

Dandelga is Vargas’ weapon. It’s really nothing to write home about. Its stats are usable but not impressive (Faustian Greatsword is a better weapon), and the Weapon Ability it grants Vargas is a reasonably strong attack, but it’s range 1 with no AoE and costs the full 50 jewels. At least the teddy bear is featured on this banner.

Gear Banner #2

Giga Blaze Buster is the highlight of this gear banner. Giving Dex up, Agi up and PAtk up, it gives machinist all the stats it could want (except maybe jewel gain up from a teddy bear). However, the weapon ability isn’t as good as you likely think it is: machinist damage scales from both PAtk and Dex, therefore it won’t double your damage. Still, it’s a great weapon for the stats alone. I still have these things on my machinists in JP.

Faustian Greatsword has decent stats, and has a chance of casting clockup on you when you normal attack. Not that much else to say about it, it’s a decent weapon. There are significantly better greatswords, but that’s far off in the future. I guess I’ll repeat ‘greatswords’ – which are used by Dark Knight/Cavalier, and some future classes (mostly Necromancer). It’s not a regular sword.

Twin Storm Blades are an interesting weapon that allows you to buff evasion with its weapon ability. But the only twin blade user out right now is Balt, and you won’t be using him as twinblade until his job+. So basically it’s not going to be useful for a while. 

Psychedelic Flask exists I guess. If you’re using professors, throw it on them for the stats. It’s not particularly notable in the long term, better flasks exist. There’s a nice one with a healing weapon ability, even.

Balt and the Twin Blade job are finally here. Twin Blade is unique in that it offers an evasion up passive, and an AVOID reactive (there are differences in how they work that I won’t go into here). He’s also our first ‘semi limited’ (read up for what that means). And as thus, Balt is a long term, high investment unit. You need to get him to at least 75 to be good. And later on, 80 gives him a big boost in terms of his Master Ability (+1 move and slash damage up). Twin Blade is actually a pretty bad main job – it has move 3, most of its attacks are range 1, and outside the evade passives it doesn’t really stand out. That is, unless you’re Balt and get Twin Blade+ later on. Twin Blade+ gives him a fantastic attack called Heavenly Blow, a 3 hit range 5 move with a chance to crit. A level 80 Balt with master ability and job+ is a single target damage dealing monster. Key words: ‘level 80, master ability, job+’. He’s not going to perform at level 60. Right now, he can be used at level 75 as Dark Cavalier with thief job’s move +1, so if you’re going to pull out that credit card you can use him right now. But even for whales, he’s a long term investment. And no, you do not have to be a whale to use Balt. Save up your wind frags and wait for job+/MA. Or wait even longer (though who knows when they release things on global) for his frags to become farmable during event and added to soul coin shop. For the record, he’s very usable at 75 with job+ only, but he really shines with the boost from his master ability.

Note: I’ve heard of Balt being rolled from random banners since he’s been added, so apparently he’s in all gachas now. 

Melda exists I guess. She’s not particularly notable or good. Beast Tamer and Samurai are not jobs you will be using in the long term. And Thief, while useful for its move +1, is not something you want to main. Just wait until Zangetsu is farmable and then farm Zangetsu if you’re that hard up for a fire unit.

Mielikki… no I can’t do this, I’m calling her Mierikki. Why did you translate it that way, gumi? Why? But, onto the unit herself – she’s a semi limited like Balt. She also gets job+ and master ability. Her job+ upgrades Bishop’s medicore Holy Ray into a far stronger, faster casting attack with a diamond aoe that inflicts accuracy down. Her master ability gives her faster cast speed and more HP. With both of these things, she’s an entirely solid unit. Without them, not so much. And her job+ came out fairly late on JP, but who knows when they do things on global? Her situation is similar to Balt, but I wouldn’t bother using her without at the very least her job+, probably master ability too. And you’re better off saving light frags for Zain (who is very meta on release, slowly drops off over a period of time, and then gets a job enhance that catapults him right back up).

Fung Liu: And thus we see the introduction of Sage, an offensive magic class that doesn’t suck. Note that Sage’s basic skill has faster cast times than the main skill. He even has enhancer for reduced cast times. Later on he gets a master ability that boosts magic damage, too. He’s an entirely decent unit, but you don’t see him pop up too much in the long term. Why? Because there are better water mages: Autima is ridiculously meta for a long time, and remains very useful and versatile basically forever. But Autima won’t be for a good while.

Gear Banner #1

The big win in this gear gacha is the Teddy Bear (actually Curious Doll, but everyone calls it the teddy bear anyway). It provides a boost to all elemental resistances, which means it instantly makes anyone tankier. And it stacks with Magic Swordsman passive for even more resistance. It also gives jewel gain – you get more jewels when you hit with normal attack, which is very useful to have. To give you an example of how good this thing is, I have fourfive of them on JP and almost wish I had more.

Dodge Scarf: A great piece of gear, especially once units with evasion boosting passives get released. It adds Agi too, which is always good. Basically you stack this thing on people with evasion boosting passives for even more evasion. Right now you can just throw it on anyone with spare gear slots as an Agi booster.

The rest of this gear gacha isn’t special. Some of the things in it are okay, providing resistance to specific status ailments (the red armor that adds charm resistance can be nice to have) or alright defensive stats, but this is all common stuff you’ll be rolling far too much of over time anyway. Also the status ailment (paralyze/charm) swords are not useful in the long term as we get much, much better farmable/free swords over time. They can be used in the meantime though.

Magnus is a neat unit that remains useful to this day on JP. He’s often ran as Ninja with Machinist basic, which allows him to reach ridiculous agi/speed (191 at 85 with a +10 agi piece of gear) with Machinist’s agi boosting passive. And then he pulls out a cannon and shoots people with it. Or you can just use him as a fast Machinist, it’s a good main class as well (with def ignore and diamond aoe attacks). Later on he gets a master ability boosting his shot damage, making him one of the hardest hitting ranged units. Although on the downside, his Machinist attacks are fire which means they don’t gain any particular advantage over water units.

Anastasia is one of the best Dark Cavaliers… after she gets upgrades later on (job+, master ability). Right now she’s not going to be too special. But overall, she’s a better Zahar. Later on she can run around with some pretty crazy stats (900 patk or 145+ agi), but right now she’s Zahar with Crafter’s agi boost and guard instead of his dragon knight.

Elizabeth: Professor and Chronomancer makes for a nice support unit. Main professor with Chronomancer basic can protect the party against status ailments, then throw out clock up/clock down for further support. Status ailments become a huge problem later on, and Professor is the best class at protecting against them. Not much else to say here. She gets an agi boost later via master ability too (which helps, as her agi is not very good).

Reagen: Versatile sniper. He can run Pharmacist basic to cure a few status ailments, or just Chronomancer basic to clock up/down people. He’s not really a popular or big name unit, but you see him crop up occasionally in clear videos for difficult stages (usually when sniper’s defense ignore is required).

Vettel: Very tanky unit. Great leader skill, since it works for all elements and thus you end up seeing him being used to assemble multi elemental slash parties for a good while. Magic Swordsman basic allows him to hit with various elements, but his damage isn’t amazing. Gets a big speed bonus later on via master ability. All in all he’s a pretty good roll, will serve you well at this point. Needs his 2nd class to bring out his full power, though. One thing to note is that he does eventually fall off – his damage is not great, and he will be eclipsed by units that can both tank and deal good damage. 

Yomi: In the long run, she’s similar to Lucian but has different strengths. In specific, she has more Move/Jump (from Ninja passive), and later on gets a master ability that lets her use all her skills 1 more time per battle (important for longer fights). Her Ninja class is usable for status infliction and high speed/mobility, but she really shines as 3rd class. Her first class is usable as a new player, but you won’t be using it once you have access to the last two classes.

Rahu: Chronomancer is very useful – Overclock lets an ally unit act instantly, which opens up a lot of interesting strategies. She has chronomancer as her first class. She’s the best chronomancer in the long term (job+ improves her Overclock, which is the class’ most important skill). Very useful to have. 3rd job helps her because of the cast time down passive, but otherwise she’s good with her first job.

Zahar has a nice leader skill (30% to all slash damage), and hits hard, but he’s not terribly relevant in the long term, whereas we’re recommending the 4stars because they stay relevant for a long time. He does get the infamous ‘777 armor’ later on which gives him a huge boost to light resistance, but it’s an insane pain to farm. It’s called 777 armor because you need 777 drops to get it.

Chloe isn’t terrible but there’s more than one free light holy knight that’s better than her. She isn’t the tankiest unit, she doesn’t do very good damage, there’s no reason to use her over superior alternatives: Logi definitely is once he gets his job+. Zeke is a free unit later too and he’s stronger as well.

Zangetsu is a fantastic damage dealer as his 3rd class with 2nd class subskill (it lets you buff yourself 2.5x patk for the next turn). He typically runs with Samurai’s Single Blade passive for even more PATK, but doing so gives him hilariously bad agi/speed and means he basically requires Chronomancer support. But with Chronomancer support, he will destroy things hard and is basically the game’s first meta.

Lofia: Frequently used as Chronomancer (think like time mage, makes people faster/slower, it’s a very useful support class!) main with Magic Swordsman’s element resist passive, making her an oddly tanky Chronomancer. She can also be used as Magic Swordsman main to deal some damage early on when you’re lacking good Water attackers. Gets Chronomancer job+ and a master ability (passive regeneration) later on, and thus is still relevant to this day on JP.

Lucian Holy Brawler is a great physical attack class that remains relevant basically forever. Both Monk and Holy Brawler basic skills have an attack buff (2.5x PATK next turn, 5 uses per battle for Monk) (3x PATK next turn, 3 uses per battle for Holy Brawler) that is extremely useful. Later on he gets Holy Brawler job+, converting his big nuke into a ranged cross AoE (but raising the jewel cost). He’s a top wind attacker to this day on JP.

Chihaya has Chronomancer as her 3rd class, and more Chronomancers is always good. Later on she gets Dancer job+, which allows her to put out some very neat global debuffs. Dancer isn’t terribly great until job+ though, so you’ll mostly be using her as Chronomancer until then.

Story Units

Logi: Very high starting jewels are his strong point. This allows him to throw multiple skills before he has to normal attack for more jewels. He becomes even better later on when he gets his job+ (Holy Cavalier). His agi is bad (and move3 doesn’t help either), but his starting jewels mean this isn’t as much of a problem as it is on other units. He’s quite tanky vs physical damage too. All in all he’s a solid unit to have around who remains useful a good while, no reason not to raise him.

Dias: He shares Logi’s high starting jewels. Right now he’s not bad since he does pretty good damage (with overlimit and slash mastery), but in the long term he falls off until he gets Job+, which boosts his power (of darkness) back to reasonable levels. His HP is going to be fairly terrible until the global HP rebalance, though. Remember to use Warrior’s guard reactive for more survivability.

Edgar: Edgar is a pretty cool guy, but in the end he’s probably the weakest of the main characters. He’s more or less a glorified Gunner. He isn’t terrible or anything – he’s reasonably usable, but given how much ranged units thunder element ends up with you likely won’t have much cause to use him longterm. His job+ skill allows him to put out decentish damage, at least (note that it can crit, so you might be served well by equipping charm pistols or something else with +crit on it).