Seven Knights Castle Rush Guide


Simple Castle Rush Guide GLOBAL ONLY

Moonlight Isle patch (will be updated once I crunch out more numbers)

*Heroes are must haves

Units that are a must have and, literally if you don’t have don’t bother trying.

Use a maxed Defense Formation, DPS in the back.

Masteries: Offense,Offense,Defense,Neutral,Offense,Offense,Neutral,Offense,Defense,Defense,Offense,Offense, Neutral. I will explain masteries later they should be kind of self-explanatory.

Get these units to 6*+5 quick !!!!

  1. Rachel***
    • -80% defense -80% attack   she got a buff, you don’t have to waste time casting 2 spells
  2. Eileene**/Ace/May**/Lina*  
    • After testing a bit, LINA is a must. Interchangeable with May or you can Stack May with Lina(to a degree.)  My new recommended lineup is Rachel, Eileene, Lina, May +Jupy/Shane. Lina will net you insane score vs Jave, Rachel, Eileene.
    • Eileene: 60% Physical damage increase to your team, note *PHYSICAL*
    • Ace: -50% defense, increases damage the enemy takes for 2 turns
    • May: Reduces total incoming physical damage by 50%,  nuke -40% physical attack. With Rachel, even if the boss crits, you don’t take any damage until about turn 9?
    • Lina: Unique unit kind of Ace and Mayin 1,  If you don’t have May or Ace, use Lina. Lina is just a good unit period, for those who don’t have May use Lina.  Provides -25% attack for enemy, provides -25% defense. This means you don’t have to use the mastery for -20% defense and instead can make your team tankier with the 20% reduction phy/mag mastery
  3. Jupy**/Shane**
    • Main DPS pretty simple
  4. Rudy/Evan
    • Extra tank if you need, personally I don’t use one, May solo is literally all you need or Lina, as long as you keep debuffing attack via Rachel + May or Rachel + Lina passive.
  5. Ruri/Ariel/Joker/Yuri
    • You only need 1 from this category, personally I use Ruri, 30% crit rate is enough with 10% from mastery + most your dps have crit/lethal so you should crit >50% by now.  Ruri also can remove Rudy buff. Also the reason I like Ruri, is due to the fact that most effective castle rush teams atm run Physical damage. They just do, there is no magic damage increaser besides Lina
    • Should be noted that vs Rudy you need 2/3 of the Buff removers (Ruri,Ariel,Joker)
  6. Yui/Lucy
    • Yui Vs Dellons helps a lot, 6 turns you can actually use your units skills
    • Lucy for Kris, although you might just get owned by his death marks, I personally just go for hard dps first 4 turns vs Kris.

The two units you MUST have in your group are, May/Lina (tank/buffer/debuffer) + Rachel (debuffer) + Jupy/Shane  (DPS). If you have these 3, the next best unit to optimize damage is Eileene.  

Now, how to actually score high.  I score 5-7mil in 3 runs vs Eileene.  Dellons and Rachel are about 2.6mil and 4mil respectively.  Jave is 3-4mil. Kris, Rudy, Spike >1mil. This isn’t me gloating it’s me showing you that I kind of know what I’m doing. (no I’m not trying to sound condescending, please don’t attack me.)

Steps to maximize DPS:  (This is a default guide vs Eileene I will add more vs other castles, but generally this is what you should do.)

  1. If you do not have a Rachel, buddy a strong 6* Rachel.  Your Castle rush squad should consist of Rachel, May/Lina, Jupy/Shane/ Ruri/Ariel, Eileene.  Generally speaking if you have Eileene or Rachel you are set to score maximum.  
    • Step 2 says bring 4, THIS IS UNDER THE ASSUMPTION YOU DO NOT HAVE BOTH EILEENE AND RACHEL, if you do JUST bring 5  units and take a random ally for extra dps/hp/defense
  2. You bring 4 ← Yes 4 of your units, and summon your friend Rachel or Eileene, you immediately summon your ally.  The reason for this is to provide your ally unit with the passive buffs that YOUR units have apply to them.
  3. When your ally enters the battle, the first wave is there you clear it with an aoe skill.  The second wave will come and I recommend NOT USING A SKILL TO CLEAR THE 2ND WAVE.  The reason is so that, the enemy will use their skills.  When you clear it and enter the 3rd wave, your skill that is queued will ALWAYS CAST FIRST.  (make sure the spell you use to clear the 3rd wave kills rook and chancellor, or you might get fked over and they may debuff you)
  4. With the 5 units you have after you’ve killed Rook and Chancellor, open up with Rachel’s debuff.  Depending on how greedy you are you can do –def% first.  
    • Rachel  -atk% →-def% →Shane/Jupy attack skill→May-atk% →Shane/Jupy attack skill ETC .  You repeat this cycle and ALWAYS keep the 7k you are fighting debuffed.  

VS Rudy

  • Bring 2 buff removers, Heavania/Ruri/Joker/Ace

Vs Spike

  • Bring Rania

Vs Dellons

  • Bring Yui

Vs Kris

  • Just pray, dps hard as you can asap.  Lucy is okay but his death timer is lower cd then her debuff remove.

Mini exploit/bug not too sure:

There is a way to make your main DPS ALWAYS counter (yes that’s right ALWAYS counter over your other units) when your team is AOE’d.  This is under the assumption you have Rachel in the party.  The unit with the HIGHEST TOTAL counter rate (including Rachel’s passive) will NO MATTER WHAT counter when your entire team is AOE’d.  So, if you want your Jupy/Shane to DPS and counter attack the boss, make sure they have the highest total counter % on your team.