Seven Knights Arena Tier List


In depth Now I Guess GVG ARENA Tier List Global UP TO WORLD PART1 of WORLD 9

 Top Units in Order of Importance 

THIS guide is now for those pushing past 4300 i’m talking like 4500+ the kind of ppl who want to really be top 50 players.


Lucy/May/velika/rudy/ace   Lucy Swap with Lina OR – ace + lina. THIS WILL STILL GET U TO 4300 UNTIL PPL START ROLLING SOI’s

I should say if you have a combination of the the top 4 tiers listed here you should breeze through arena with correct items, and transcending them slowly etc.

* Units with asterisks are strong in the tier I put them in.  Units from left to right in importance in their respective tiers.

Arena:  MUST USE DEFENSE FORMATION  1 Back 4 Forward.

1. Soi*/Aragon

2. Lucy**/Wukong*/Rudy

3. Nia**/Ruri

4. Ace*/Rei/Dellons

5. Lina/Alice//Espada/Eileene/Feng

6. May/Velika/Jin*


  1. Soi/Aragon
    1. Soi blocks any damage from full party AOE’s.  Her passive for the current meta is extremely strong, she essentially hard counters the win condition of the previous meta of past 3 months.  Which was massive aoe. Soi’s passive however does not block peirce moves, nor does it block status effects.
    2. Her skill kit enables you to counter other soi players, as her moves all work vs herself.  Paired with a lucy your team will no longer take damage from full party aoes nor will they be status debuffed.  This new hero introduces much more dynamic team comps as Velika is no longer needed. Most units that deal full party damage are all magical,  and if they aren’t magical deal physical damage. However the main units used in arena all are generally immune to physical damage, I.E. Nia and Ruri.
    3. Aragon sturdy and strong b/c of overall universal typed unit he has 4k hp and 1560 attack at 40 +5.  Paired with good items aragon could potentially be your new win condition as a backliner OTHER than Wukong.  His passive stacks and is better than Dellons atm as he also reduces flat damage. Meaning he stacks with mays debuff etc.  Aragon also has a 3 man nuke which directly ignores soi’s passive and ignores defense, his nuke does 3x more damage than Velika’s as it hits for 250% and not 80% like Velikas.  Aragon is ranked slightly higher than wukong only b/c of his availability to obtain.  Also aragon is okay of a resource to focus on b/c he gets peirce on his skill later.  So he can still kill units with immunity to damage like mingx2 etc


  1. Lucy****/Wukong**/Rudy
    1. Lucy is now the best unit in the 2nd tier.  For some reason global netmarble decided to give Lucy the best set passives in the game for a defensive team set up.  At the moment defensive team setups that can remove debuffs are the strongest units in the arena. Lucy has 4 turns← 4 turns of invulnerability to debuff.  She also provides your entire team with 50% block. When built around a defensive team she provides every answer to anything an opponent can throw at you. Even with full speed she is not the first unit to use up a turn allowing her to keep and maintain 4 turns of invulnerability for almost all 4 turns.  When utilized with Rudy/Evan + may + Velika she is unstoppable.
    2. Wukong Your backline dps and win condition if you are lucky enough to get a 32/34+ Wukong trust me.  His damage is insane, he gets his own self eileene buff, and spawns images. The biggest thing right now is that his moves will work vs soi, and peirce.  All his spells do massive amounts of damage, and his Doppelgangers who respawn make life hard for a player to re clear if they don’t have 5 man aoes, which they shouldn’t since soi is here now.  
    3. Rudy now the 3rd best unit in his tier.  He has an active practical invulnerability. which is 2 turns of -80% no way to debuff him.  He also comes with a stun that strips passives, counter to all units who have invulnerability. 60% defense doesn’t hurt either and he can’t be debuffed while buffed.
  1. Nia*/Ruri
    1. Nia, fully removes all buffs counters by 2 turns, for EVERY unit.  Counters every invulnerable unit including ruri who was #1 in arena for like what 6 weeks?  This is big because now ruri can’t completely 1 shot your entire team. and short snipe won’t save them unless they have a second unit to remove the passive invulnerability. For some clarity nia is only number one because he’s the answer to ruri who was previously #1,  
    2. Nia comes with a stun, same as eileen’s and stuns about the same rate 1-3 maybe 4 units max.  Another note incase people ask why I suggest spd/counter on nia is due to the fact that she/he is SUPPOSED to paralyze at extremely high rate on spd and counter hits sometime later we should get patch.  However people need to understand this is global, and they completely changed the game when they made Lucy revamp. its exclusive and OP.
    3. Nia’s utility is more important now than ever, facing teams that run soi and Lucy.  If nia is able to proc a stun she forces the opponents lucy to use the debuff remover setting the potential for your team add different debuffs onto the enemy team.  Nia’s buff reducer spell will not do damage, however in a long fight it will remove Soi’s passive allowing you to damage the enemy team. for people to fit soi in their arena team they have to sacrifice a unit from the core old meta which was may/vel/rudy/lucy+1.
    4. Ruri, +30% crit rate for allies (no longer need Joker/Ariel AND does same thing as both with AOE)  Her 2nd aoe ignores defense, and removes buffs. Superb unit must have. With the introduction of soi the 3 man nuke from ruri will be more important than ever,  it removes the buff cooldown on units who have soi’s passive but also can pierce it.
  1. Ace/Rei*/Dellons/Feng
    1. Ace is still good vs players who use rudy and lucy(he can remove rudy’s buff which is especially important if you yourself run a rudy, that way YOUR rudy wont waste his stun/debuff on the other buffed Rudy.)  His passive is always a good passive that stacks with all other high tiered characters i.e. aragon lucy soi rudy may espada velika. All their passives will stack with one another. His aoe skill is good vs long team fights ESPECIALLY vs players who use lina, with no option to remove the debuff his aoe cripples any heal turtle team.  However with the introduction of Soi his aoe will no longer deal any damage to anyone making it slightly weaker than before. Until ace gets his buff cooldown timer reduction of 2 on his aoe this move will be weak for a very long time.
    2. Rei with her passive keeps her alive, and is probably the cheapest resource to farm and make a backline win condition.  Her peirce skill peirce’s Soi’s block passive. or at least it did in KOREA, I am 99% positive its same here. Generally she will be last to be targeted b/c of her passive keeping her hidden. Rei is kind of important now, her bleed will proc other lucy’s debuff giving u a chance to silence with dellons or apply a stun of some sort or any form of debuff afterwards.  Further helping you have a chance of beating that nasty lucy/soi combo. Also easier to obtain with 4* selectors vs 5* selector etc, farmable in world 8. 
    3. Dellons, passive wise is weaker version of aragon but has the best silence in the game atm.  Completely utility as he is still weak even at 40. The silence however is a huge win factor and condition for players especially at the lower tiers where people are unable to get most of the units early on.
    4. I know people think feng is great, he is 3 turn invlun magic, strong 600% spell good aoe.  you guys fail to realize global did something exclusive which was to add lucy. Resource wise if you don’t have money and you’re getting your bang for buck in efficient heroes lucy is just too strong when paired with soi..  If feng doesn’t use his single target to kill a unit (excluding mingx2/rudy/dellons since they can survive a hit) hes dead weight vs soi. And yes if people roll a soi you will lose if your entire team has 5 man aoes. If soi is paired with lucy it kind of blocks alot of potential damage, just look at our codex roster any unit that was a previous win condition had 5 man aoes EVERY SINGLE ONE.  Nia/ming/ruri/velika ALL magic so they could kill ruri nia but ALL have 5 man aoes.  i don’t want to explain too much but let’s say you make fend your win condition b/c he’s pretty study pretty strong.  You’ll mostly fight teams with nia and lucy who don’t have soi yet, assuming feng opens up with aoe if people still run the old meta which was vel rudy may lucy +1 your aoe still does low damage, and lucy will remove his debuff.  Now the 600% might 1shot an enemy and if thats the case it pulls you ahead, but you’re banking on a 1/10 spell that hits 1← unit. you could argue why bank on a rei 1/10 spell, well her 1/10 spell hits 5 PPL still. It’s all opinionated and arguable i’m just trying to bring some reason to the discussion is all.  If i were to bank on a 1/10 win condition i’d bank it on rei over feng thats all im saying. especially since if you roll both feng and soi i’d say make soi 6* before feng any day of the week for our patch.
  1. Eileene/Lina/Alice/Espada/Feng
    1. These units are still strong Eileene is nice for players who don’t have an ace.  They are just there for the passives to help out on dps, other than that, Eileene’s stun is nice but relying on a clutch stun to win every arena is not how you progress in arena.. 60% attack passive is nice, however too many units that are decent or cost effective in arena are immune to physical damage, i.e. ruri nia mingx2
  1. Lina  strong healer, provides 3 turns of heals with 1 spell.  50% damage buff applies to all units. Her passive is strong with -25% defense as well as -25% phy attack.  Her weakness is her pacing in the arena. Many times player who run lina don’t have a slot for spike, or feel spike is too weak atm.  Due to this players who run lina don’t have a way to remove debuffs, prime examples are losing to nia/eileene/dellons debuffs. If however players are not debuffed in long drawn out fights lina scales extremely well.  Overall she is a good unit, but because she provides buffs along with the healer AI she is easily beaten by teams working many debuff appliars. An example would be someone who runs Ace. Ace’s aoe negates her heal, and if the enemy player drops your team below 50% she will heal, and only heal for 100-300 hp max at lvl 40.  It becomes a dead spell setting your team’s tempo far behind the enemies.
  2. Alice doesn’t get much recognition but is definitely useful unit.  Her passive can substitute for lina’s requirement to buff at a 10% damage cost.  She can remove debuff however that spell will not be proc’d unless units are less than half hp.  Her revive is strong, but easily countered by rudy and Nia which people will often run into in the arena.
  3. Espada, Same as velika a bit stronger b/c both her spells will actually work in arena vs a Soi.
  4. May/Velika/Jin*
    1. Still the staple of “free to play friendly best units.”  For people running nia and ruri, they require a velika to keep those units alive.  Also Velika has nice defense ignore spell and a burn dot that always applies, unless invulnerable to debuff
    2. May -50% phy damage received still insanely strong, if you don’t have an extremely strong backline unit, may alone and velika will stop most of your dps. Don’t forget the -40% attack team debuff also.
    3. Jin has a stun, and a single target both actually more useful atm then may vs Soi teams.

For those asking about mingx2 he sucks now vs soi period, but will be really good when he gets 4man nukes later his change/nerf w/e u wanna call it.  So if you have a mingx2 just hold onto it. no he doesn’t suck that bad but past 4500+ with other 40 soi you’re gonna fight he’s a dead unit especially if they have lucy.  I mean vs a 40 lucy already makes ming ming weaker so just imagine a 40 mingming that does 0 damage and only has the potential to force lucy to remove a debuff(assumed pair with soi)

Tier for 4300 and below (simple)  For people who keep asking why ming is weak etc you have no idea the difference between 4600+ vs 4k etc not sounding elitist is seriously a huge gap and difference in hero gear and tiers.

Good units to have for 4300 or below efficiency wise.  Most of these units you can use in other categories so maxing them is still okay.

  1. Soi/Aragaon
  2. Rudy/Lucy/Nia
  3. May/Velika
  4. Dellons/Ace/Mingx2/Feng/Ruri/Evan/Lina
  5. Eileene/Spike/Kris

example for uses of these units outside of arena.  Velika Raid/Adventure/Arena. Ruri Cr vs rudy/adventure/arena.  May CR/arena Rudy Cr vs Rudy/Adventure Arena Lucy, only good in arena.  Dellons Adventure/Arena/Raid/CR Lina used everywhere (you guys get the idea)


Guild Vs Guild

The first thing to explain is how the point/coin system works.  There are three conditionals to attain a coin from an opposing guild member.  And two loss conditionals.

Secondly, don’t aim to be top 3 those guilds spend too much you literally don’t have a chance to beat them, but you can JOIN them.

  1. Win
    1. Win
    2. Win before 7min timer
    3. Win without losing a unit
  2. Lose
    1. Team is defeated
    2. Timer runs out

There are two main strategies for GVG, either win extremely quickly and go all out, or turtle out and “lose” less coins than your opponent.

Before Lucy was released players were able to run full offensive teams consisting with nia/ruri and able to get all 3 coins.  But now as the game has progressed you’ll notice a lot of teams in GVG at the top “10ish” guilds all run turtley defensive setups with 1 “aggressive” unit or win condition.  Prior to this patch most teams that won used Rudy/May/Velika/Lucy/ACE. With this patch two new units can be introduced to cost effectively bring your gvg DEFENSE up  Soi and Feng. Soi’s pairing with Lucy helps your team last longer without forcing your Lucy to burn a heal yet.  Feng reduces flat damage (both phy/mag) from the enemy team and has a strong magical attack that should be able to 1shot a core unit that is strong overall (Nia&Bolt/Ruri)  Basically if you have either of these heroes and your opponent doesn’t have a lucy you are extremely ahead in GVG.

***Fastest unit goes first, fastest team overall use spells first and then other team uses turn and uses spell.  The next fastest unit on your team will always go next. I.e. I have an 80 sped ruri she always no matter what opens up first into a –>spd or into my team using the first spell if its faster.  My 78 speed Dellons on my team ALWAYS attacks next –>into my team using a random spell (assuming it’s after the enemies team in response)

I hope this clarifies how turn and speed/counter works.  Sorry I don’t have a special cute video for all of you and I know I did this via text, but I hope this clears up things.

****HOW DISPELLING BUFFS and invulnerabilities work.

First off have you ever fought a Rudy and only had 1 ← unit with a passive invulnerability and for some odd reason rudy opens stun and hits that unit?  Rudy Hellania, Ruri have a >>>> chance to hit a unit with invulnerability WHEN AND IFF they use their spell that removes buff/passive.  

IFF = if and only if

*****The order of importance is always REMOVE buff first THEN remove LOWEST PASSIVE timer 2nd. For example If you have backline dellons and front line rudy, your rudy when rushing will 100% stun the dellons backline.

How TURNS WORK, a turn is when a unit uses a NORMAL attack first whether it be a crit or non crit or blocked attack.  COUNTERS and SPEED DO NOT COUNT AS TURN, but generally when speed procs, the unit will attack again which is a TURN. This is why when Dellons had 3 turn invulnerability and countered you to death his 3x passive of invulnerability was still 3 fucking turns.

**ALSO if both players have units of same fastest speed, the player with the fastest team prioritizes attack.  I.E my ruri 80 speed merak ruri speed 80, his team however is >> faster than mine and his RURI ALWAYS attacks before mine.

I forgot to mention block vs crit = “normal” hit.  And yes you can block spells etc, and counter hits, and speed, wait actually i don’t know if speed is blockable I’ll look into that later or counter, i’m like >50% positive spd/counter are still blockable

One note on gear, certain team comps allow for much more optimized gear.  For instance players running rudy with Hellenia/Lucy benefit extremely well from block/hp versus hphp

Gear based on unit and tier generic recommendation for people without good team comps  (bolded is what I use or highly recommend, if you notice it’s a lot of speed, it’s because speed wins you fights and so do counter.  You should always + 6* gear that you have that is 200 attack or > or 104 defense or higher since those are the top 80% of the items in the game atm with best stat rolls etc.  Anything less you should sit on and wait unless you have extra gold and items to burn.

*Btw I know some people will argue ruri/nia should run crit so they don’t use up a turn, but if you kill an enemy unit first you win more often than not, instead of praying you outlast 3 turns to kill them.


220+ base weapon 125 +base armor New standard for equipment for Arena past  4500

Aragon: Spd/Spd/Counter/Counter 

Soi:  Crit/Crit block/hp (especially paired with Lucy)

Rei: crit/crit hp/hp

Wukong: Spd/Crit Spd/Spd  Crit/Crit   Hp/Block *with lucy

Ruri: spd/spd crit/crit/ spd/crit  Counter/counter hp/hp counter/hp

Nia: spd/spd counter/counter if 36+ if not spd/spd counter/hp

Rudy: crit/crit counter/counter  spd/crit is okay

Jave: spd/spd  crit/crit  hp/hp if 36+ use if not don’t bother

Dellons: spd/spd counter/counter

Velika: spd/spd hp/hp

May: spd/spd Hp/hp  crit/crit hp/blk   

Eileene: spd/spd hp/hp

Kris: spd/spd  Hp/hp*   spd/crit 

Lina:  spd/spd  hp/hp hp/blk blk/blk

Lucy: spd/spd   hp/blk**

Ace: spd/spd  hp/hp  hp/block with lucy  


For your backline win condition (Wukong/Aragon/Rei/Etc)  Under the assumption you use bolded items in my guide.  


Wukong: Red/Blue/Green Max default6* stat  sub stat Dmg 20% Crit Rate/Dmg  interchangeable  Counter/Block

Aragon: Red/Blue/Green Max default 6* sub stat:  Dmg 20% crit rate counter

Rei: Red/Blue/Green Max default 6*  sub stat: Dmg 20% Crit Dmg Counter

Velika: Red/Blue/Green Mad default 6* substat: DMG/Crit Rate/(block/Crit Dmg)


Rudy/Evan/May/: Red/Blue/Green Max default 6* sub stat:  Lifesteal,DMG,Counter

Healer/May:  Red/Blue/Green Max default 6* substat: Damage/Block/(Lifesteal/Lethal)

My team’s speed is 306 without spd mastery in effect in case people wonder,  and I go first about 95ish%of the time, and spell first about 95ish% ofthe time.  If you want to look at my arena team just search Justin if you notice I don’t have a single lvl 40 unit yet.  With good items and proper composition you can still do very well in arena.

TEAM COMPS I RECOMMEND TO somewhat easily get to 4300  (global arena is more competitive now than it was before, these team comps I’m giving you I recommend at least gold portrait and 32-36 if you want a chance at anything past 4300, however you can still win with these comps if they are not transcended as much)  A big tip, your backline unit should always be your fastest unit, you want it to auto attack into spd the enemy asap, so even if it doesn’t kill it will bring them to <50% and if the other team uses a healer make the ai spend a spell on heal over a spell hitting u.

#1 Wukong Soi Lucy Nia/ruri (never both) +1  New team, b/c literally of one unit Soi which completely changed arena meta.  Tank is still #1 but with wukong being the only effective form of dps it is much harder to win in arena.

#2 Aragon/Soi/Lucy/Rudy/Nia Same thing as#1 rudy is optional aragon will fight as win condition he is only higher tiered b/c of his easier accessibility to attain vs wukong.

#3 Ruri/Nia/Rudy/Espada +1   ← this team is expensive to make work properly,  you need spd on every unit aside from rudy, and counter on all aside from velika. Nia/ruri require transcend to AT LEAST 34-36 to stay alive vs other lvl 40 velika.  Veilka is not the main focus for this team, your win condition is your backline nia/rur.  

#4 Rei (only if u already have a few here and there I wouldnt recommended pouring all sources into rei Aragon is better choice) + Ace +nia +lucy + soi

Every one of these teams which will be strong have a loss conditional, if u notice there is no velika to protect you from magic damage. That being said Wukong will be your loss conditional when running these teams as he has both peirce and single target, both of which soi is unable to protect you from. 


Lucy/may/velika/rudy/ace   Lucy change with lina OR – ace + lina. THIS WILL STILL GET U TO 4300 UNTIL PPL START ROLLING SOI’s

For people asking about whether they should transcend or not with fairy.  My immediate answer would be no. The fairy provides quick ways to transcend good units.  Due to the fact that world 8 is finished and 9 is soon otw there are 2 meta changers that completely alter arena.  Soi and Black rose. If for example you are a crystal player, this means you have the core units I said but only have 5* equips barely +5’d and 32-34 units I would not recommend transcending them via fairy.  You are where you are and unless you have lots of $$$ to drop transcending them an extra 2 levels won’t do you any good in the short run. Look at the opportunity cost of a lvl 36 may vs a 32 may, that’s what about 600 hp 300 attack and 140 defense.  Now on paper that looks good, but your may is your front line, she is not your win condition. She is the condition to keep your team alive. So for players who want to transcend like I said earlier, think about what you’re doing. Transcending to 40 with$$$ only to jump from 4300—> 4900 is 70 gems? per week difference.  If you were to transcend and make a run at the game then at least hit 5k. To do that you need the perfect team set up of 40’s Ace at least 32. as well as amazing weapons and armor. My minimum recommendation of 110 armors and 200 weapons wouldn’t cut it you would need at LEAST 7k armor/weapons to have a chance. I hope this helps you all with your decision on fairys. Especially since the event of January gave 2x transcend fairies for free.  

TLDR: don’t use a fairy for a 30—>32 jump on a core hero on this list, you’re already too far behind, instead use it on a meta breaking hero I will post later.  Something that I know will help f2p players skyrocket in arenas. Ballista/B.Rose/Alisha/(few others can’t think top of my head)

Masteries  2 sets 1 for aggressive attack first and must kill b/c no heals, 1 for turtling

O=offense D= defensive slot N= neutral

Aggressive attacker set 

Lvl 1-40 O.O.D.N.O.O.N  Lvl 45-75 O.O.D.N.D.D.N lvl 45 mastery is critical to your TRANSCENDING. its >>> in damage or >>> in defense

Defensive turtle set

Lvl 1-40 O.O.D.N.D.O/D← this specific mastery is up to you the lvl 40 one. N

Lvl 45-75 D.O.D←no1 has lethal in arena or shouldn’t…N.D.O.N

Yuri in my opinion is not good. -40% is outclassed by evan/rudy  silence works on like what 1-3 people MAX and mAYBE IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE she’s silenced 4-5 units like 10 times.

FINALLY THIS IS ALL FOR GLOBAL AND ONLY GLOBAL (and possibly Asia) I don’t want to hear your stuff about well korea this and korea that.

This is insight for the players here and now, trying to increase their arena for global asap.

I know this isn’t a cute tier list with pictures and stuff, but I took my time out to give you a FIRST hand look at how arena works and how easiest to get to the top with your time etc.  I hope this helps. I want this community to grow and do better.

Take care and I hope everyone had a nice new year winter break etc.  DO ME A FAVOR AND READ THE GUIDE BEFORE YOU POST AND ASK SOME REALLY EASY TO ANSWER QUESTIONS IF YOU JUST THINK A LITTLE no offense, but i got some really dumb questions asked to me earlier.  Not trying to be mean, just think a little bit. Obviously some units will die if they have bad armor or bad transcending that is inevitable. Have a nice one and I hope this guide still helps.   

Units I don’t mention are literally not worth mentioning. I.E Rook, etc,not so good units until awakened.  Rook is good now in korea, so is chancellor in case you were wondering, but my advice is to fuse them away for now since awakening shouldn’t be around for a while…

Someone asked why may over Jin, May works well in arena and cr and they said well it’s only 10%, you forgot mays -40% attack that’s -90% attack on top of rudy/evan 50-60% def increase pair that with lucy and you won’t kill them ever.  Well of course you will but yeah. But yeah jin has stun so it’s nice. its up to you really, i like may b/c shes useful in other categories so people strapped on what to focus on can do may over jin etc etc

With that in mind Kris/Jave will be extremely strong zombie(kris) peirce(jave).  Eileene also gets revive Dellons will get either 40% damage and 4 man aoe silence or 50% damage.  Spike may get 3 turn buff immunity replacing the need for a lucy so teams can go full offense. Rudy should stay untouched.  So plan accordingly