Knights Chronicle Beginners Guide

Knights Chronicle Beginners Guide


Why Reroll?

In order to make the game a little easier and become a relevant threat in arena and therefore have easier progression and much more  people are rerolling the game using NOX emulator for speed. 

What to Reroll for?

It is advised to reroll for what is being called the Big 3 or the Holy trinity, those units are listed below and the reasoning behind them, some people are going overboard and going for two of the three but any solo or multiple SSR account with one of them is perfectly fine.

Cain- Anti heal, Increased Healer damage

Rue- Probably best healer in the game, Buff remover, healer, rezzer and turn speed up 

Ruby-  Clears buff, self heal, 

Another Unit worth noting

Esna- Damage, Lots of Damage

These units are recommended due to their elusive nature, they are not apart of either of the knight categories and are not selectable through the selectors given every month.

How do I reroll Effectively?

*Insert video guide on how to reroll on NOX emulator*

Will be made soon

Got my account What do I do now?

Level Main Team

Using the Rainbowmon granted at the beginning of the game level your SSR’s to max lvl and if possibly evolve them to  6* in order to be able to complete the highest difficulty of the Daily dungeons listed below.

Daily Dungeons

Make sure to do all the daily dungeons every day you can do each one 5 times a day and can reset if you wish using tickets purchased through gems. Doing hard mode is the most effective and it is very easy.

For the cost of 10 gems you can purchase more reset tickets that allow you enter the dungeon another 5 times per day and you can do this twice each day, gold becomes a much needed resource and spending the gems to reset can help keep you sustained and is relatively cheap. Do not reset if you cannot clear hard mode.

These dungeons include

XP dungeon of all Colors 

  • Used for getting exp mons of the designated color used to level up your unit, Units of the same color as the Mon will gain bonus xp

Growth Dungeon 

  • This dungeon supplies you with the units required to evolve your heroes through the form of heroes and evolvemons 

Golden Time 

  • This dungeon supplies you with Goldmons which are meant to be sold for large amounts of gold 

Rank Exp

Your rank determines the amount of stamina that you have and it is advised to level up as fast as possible. 

If there is not a half stamina event going on the Most effective way to gain the most Rank exp per stamina usage is to go through the story as it cost relatively low stamina and provides large quantities of rank exp

Once your team is able to clear the Rune Dungeon on Hell Difficulty if there is an event where the entry is at Half stamina you can auto repeat the dungeon until you are roughly rank 75-80 as you will keep leveling and refilling your stamina. Doing this also nets a number of 6* Runes which are explained in another part of the guide

Stamina usage

If you are over the cap of your current stamina and you level up you will not receive the entire full boost so try to spend stamina if you are about to level up in order to gain the biggest boost in stamina.

Pal Points

The currency gained for sending the points to and get from your friends, these are used to spin a daily roulette twice, along with play a random card selector game. You can also spend 200 points to pull a variety of xp,gold and level up mons from the summoning tabs.

Timespace Void

Clear each floor to recieve rewards, Cost a lot of stamina and the rewards are nice


We have made it to everyone’s Whale infested school of happiness 😀 

But actually arena is this games best source of consistent Gems, the higher you get the better reward you get at the daily reset and in turn can spend arena points on various items in the arena shop. Therefore it is suggested that you play it often and whenever you have down time from grinding rank exp or runes. Arena team comps and rune setups will be covered in a later guide for now just take a peek at the top ranking pvpers and get a feel for runes and team comps there. Revivers are extremely useful and prevalent.

Popular Picks


Mary- Aoe on all skills, Anti revive chance on S3 self rez on lvl 60 talent

Deimos – S2 Buffer,S3 healer and shielder at lvl 60 Has a revive

Ramu – S1 stun, S2 Aoe Heal, S3 Can res 2 people

Cain – Anti heal, Increased Healer damage lvl 60 talent makes him absorb dmg and increased dmg to healers

Rue – Probably best healer in the game, Buff remover, healer, rezzer and turn speed up 

Ruby –  Clears buff, self heal, 

Esna – Damage, Mental Seal  debuff



Saya – S2 Sleep,S3 Burst Damage

Cordelia – S1 aoe,S2 Dmg immunity, S3 aoe def down with stun

Ester – S3 Rez 2 heroes

Esmeralda – 

Status Effects 

There are a lot of status effects that are in the game and im not going to go over them all here, however you can go to the three dots and go to the help section and see a complete list of what each status does. 


  • In order to progress further in the game, yoru characters are going to require runes. This sections will only discuss how and what rank of runes should be obtained and how as mentioned above top PvPers are a good source for builds atm. 
  • 6*’s are the only ones that really matter 5* are fine to fill before you acquire full 6* 
  • Focus on full 6* runes with set bonuses before you focus on getting perfect substats
  • Rune enhancing is a feature that improves the base stats of a rune along with its substats, it requires an increasing amount of currency 

Limit Breaking/Character talents

More coming soon.

In order for you heroes to be able to ascend pass lvl 50 up to lvl 60 you must use the mechanic known as Limit breaking. To limit break requires a certain number of 6* mobs to be fed into you hero to increase the level cap.

50-52 requires one 6*

52-54 requires one 6*

54-56 requires 2 6*s

56-58 requires 2 6*s

58-60 requires 3 6*s

For now it would seem the best way to get character talents is get the characters lvl 50 and 52 talents then wait and get the lvl 60 talent and work backwards to 58.56.54

The essences required to upgrade and purchase the skills are obtained through the daily essence dungeon, and the advent dungeons.

Advent Dungeon 

Advent dungeons are very hard dungeons that have a chance to reward you with an advent hero and advent essence, Both are needed to Awaken (Purple Star) your heroes. THese dungeons can also be done through Multiplay which Nets a total Hero shards which can then be exchanged for the heros.

Duplicate Heroes?

  • Used to level up the skills of the hero.
  • Raising the hero to 6*’s before feeding it to the hero you want to skill up will cause the skill up to be guaranteed.

Awakening Heroes

Another form of advancing a characters power level is to awaken them using insignias and a fodder advent hero unit. These insignias are obtained through Guild Dungeons and Advent dungeons 


How Do I get more Gems for F2P?

  • Leveling each hero up to max level while they are 4* earns 6 gems 5* earns 8 gems, and 6* earns 10 gems this works for all heroes not monster a total of one time per hero.
  • Clearing the story gives a lot of Gems the first time you clear each level and sometimes as the chapter clear reward, this goes for easy normal and hard modes
  • Monsters earn 1 gem for 1*, 2*  earn 2 Gems , 3* earn 3 Gems for being max leveled
  • Arena is the most steady income source that is based off you ranking at the end of the week.
  • Doing multiplay advent with new people rewards 4 gems per play up to a cap of 100 Gems

Want to spend money?

  • The knight selectors are a solid choice netting a SSR selector and 115 gems plus evolve mons 
  • Monthly gem Package nets a total of 800 gems over the course of a month and is the most efficient use of money to gems.
  • The level up packages that grand rewards as you reach milestones also have good value in them if and when you meet the goals.

What should spend gems on?

  • Summoning 
  • Rune and Hero Box Expansions
  • Reset Tickets