Kings Raid Physical Character Overview


Physical Character Overview

The sections below will cover the relevant choices when it comes to physical team compositions. These sections will be split up by roles (see above for a full explanation of roles) as well as their frequency and relevance in the meta. Keep in mind that choosing the most meta relevant units is not a guaranteed recipe for success and it’s more important to choose characters that compliment one another. Also, these summaries only scratch the surface of how these characters actually work for the sake of simplicity. Much easier to understand that way. If you want to learn more about a character, I would highly suggest seeking out an expert.

The information will be organized in the following way:

Character Name

Class: Character ClassContent Focus: Areas where the character excelsTags: Traits that the character possesses. See the Tags section for explanationsFull Details: Link to MaskOfGoblin database for more detailsPerks: Link to a transcendence perk build that’s generally good
Description: Slightly more detailed description of what the character does. Includes what makes the character unique, where they excel at, how the character plays for the most part.

One thing to note is that the Transcendence Perk builds provided are a good starting point for a character. Content in King’s Raid is very diverse and many characters have Transcendence Perks that work better (or worse) depending on the situation. This is especially true when considering interactions they may have with the rest of the party. For example: if you’re running multiple knights, you can have someone else pick up experienced fighter freeing TP for another perk.

Finally, it has to be said that as the game implements balance changes, some of the information in this guide might become inaccurate. That said, this document was started in October 2019. Depending on the time you read this, this document may or may not still be relevant.

On a personal note; I don’t see myself quitting King’s Raid any time soon nor will I stop playing physical compositions any time soon. As long as my interest holds, I will try to keep the character descriptions up to date. Some content may come late, but rest assured that I’m always gathering information. If you ever have any questions and are on the King’s Raid Reddit Discord, feel free to ask the #help channel. Plenty of helpful people there. If there are any suggestions, questions or corrections you feel this guide needs, feel free to mention or DM me.


Meta Relevant Physical DPS Characters


Class: MechanicContent Focus: Gemera;ostTags: [Generalist], [Auto Friendly], [Bonus Damage], [Meta Relevant], [GC2], [WB2], [Adventure]Full Details: If 80 tp, drop T5L
Description: Best Overall DPS. Despite being brand new, Cecilia has already made a huge splash in the metagame. She has very high consistent damage using her S2, [Infinite Potential], which adds a second hit to every attack she does including her autos. The amount added is pretty large and it’s fair to say that a majority of her damage comes from these additional hits. That means she doesn’t have to wait for skills to pump out large amounts of damage. Speaking of her autos, they also cleave giving her a small amount of AoE which is useful for clearing out small mobs. As a result, she’s now considered the best choice for a supplementary dps in WB2 being able to clear out the dryads just by existing. As a main dps, she is also excellent especially when using her UT3, [Moment of Respite], which increases all aspects of her damage on bosses every time you use her S3, [WA-TAAAAAH!!!].


Class: AssassinContent Focus: GeneralistTags: [Generalist], [Manual Heavy], [Meta Relevant], [WB2], [WB3], [GC2], [Free], [Starter Character], [Cooldown Reduction], [Adventure], [Trials]Full Details: If 80 tp, drop T5L
Description: Second Best Overall DPS. Widely regarded as the best physical dps in the game before Cecilia, Roi excels at almost everything. His main damage tool is his S3, [Blade Claw]. It refreshes its cooldown when Roi lands a crit, it refunds 2 of the mana spent to use it upon said crit and its damage is boosted for each bleed stack. Essentially, it’s a skill with ridiculous damage and no cooldown. He performs fine on auto when farming, but to get the most out of him, it would be a good idea to take manual control of him making sure he’s primarily using S3 on bleeding targets. Other than that, he doesn’t have any fancy tools that make him a specialist. Instead what he has is an insane amount of damage that can be applied anywhere. Of course how you build his gear will greatly impact his performance in different content.


Class: AssassinContent Focus: GC3, AdventureTags: [AoE], [Cooldown Reduction], [Manual Heavy], [Meta Relevant], [GC3], [PvP], [Adventure]Full Details:
Description: Best AoE. Erze is the queen of AoE / multi targeting often overshadowing the other physical AoE characters, Nyx and Zafir. In situations where there are 5 or more targets, her S1, [Sweet Blood], can reset its cooldown. It lowers its cooldown based on the number of times it hits and it can hit every target on the field. As you use it, it gets more and more powerful as well. Erze as a character also gets more powerful as fights progress as she has a skill that increases her attack the more targets she defeats as well as a Unique Weapon effect that powers her up based on the number of hits her skills do. The trade off to all this is that she’s quite weak when facing a single target (which is the case with most bosses) as she can’t properly ramp up. But for AoE / multi target situations, there is no DPS that even comes close to her.


Class: MechanicContent Focus: Generalist, TrialsTags: [Generalist], [Burst], [Defense Reduction], [Bonus Damage], [Meta Relevant], [Trials]Full Details: Perks:
Description: Pansirone is undoubtedly a strong character, but she’s currently not the best at what was traditionally known as endgame. Her moveset is a bit of a mixed bag. One of her skills is a somewhat narrow AoE, another is a buff that increases penetration and another is a skill that is single target in nature (but has random targetting). Her moveset does sound like a bit of a mess, but the skill value of the first skill mentioned is actually reasonably high. So much so that she can clear most content with ease. Though she’s not the strongest at what was once known as endgame, the place where she truly shines is Sky Trial. Her moveset is absolutely perfect for clearing sky meaning she can farm her own Soul Weapon and the Soul Weapon of any Assassin, Archer or Mechanic.


Class: MechanicContent Focus: BossingTags: [Advanced], [Bonus Damage], [Manual Heavy], [Burst], [Slow Start], [Meta Relevant], [WB2], [WB3], [GC2], [Trials]Full Details: If 80 tp, drop T5L
Description: Strongest Burst. If there’s any one hero that’s known for their bursting power, it would be Crow. He achieves this with his S4, [Hunting Preparation], which places stacks on his enemies. When his S3, [Even Gods Shall Die], is used these marks are consumed in exchange for a damage multiplier that makes the skill one hell of a sight to behold. His S4 does have a drawback however; in exchange for huge bursts and damage buffs, Crow can not gain attack speed meaning that gear has to be build accordingly. Due to the nature of needing stacks for his burst, Crow excels at long fights, making him ideal for raiding, and struggles in short fights, making him ill fit for adventure / story mode. But if there’s any character that can truly one-hit-kill a target, then it would be Crow.


Class: MechanicContent Focus: BossingTags: [Advanced], [Single Target], [Burst], [Defense Reduction], [Manual Heavy], [Bonus Damage],  [Meta Relevant], [WB2], [GC2], [Free], [3* Ticket]Full Details: If 80 tp, drop Pressure Point
Description: Fastest Burst. Similar to Crow, Rodina excels at single target burst damage. She owes this to her S2, [Take Aim], which places a debuff on the target, causing them to take 50% extra damage from her, which, when used in conjunction with her S3, [Focused Fire], allows her to deal heavy damage to a single enemy, with the last two hardest hitting attacks ignoring defense with her UT3. Unlike Crow though, she barely has any ramp up time and can perform her burst much faster making her an ideal quick kill character on bosses with finite health. However, her slow attack speed and a not so useful S1 leaves her not doing much damage outside of her S3. Her kit is particularly effective against bosses that take extra damage during certain phases, which makes her a prime candidate for GC2. She is fairly average (bordering on bad) at story stages and straight up unusable for aoe fights, which makes her a sub-par choice for progression. If you need to make one dude really dead real fast, Rodina will do that for you.

Honorable Mentions – Meta Relevant DPS that function as Sub DPS


Class: AssassinContent Focus: Generalist, GC2Tags: [NPC], [Defense Reduction], [Generalist], [Meta Relevant], [WB2], [GC2], [Sub], [Adventure]Full Details: If 80 tp, drop T5L
Description: Gladi is an all around solid character, dealing a good amount of damage. This damage is then multiplied by an insane amount by his Unique Weapon’s additional critical damage. He has access to defense ignore with his S3 and S4, [Ultimate Punch!] and [This will hurt!] respectively and gives physical damage amplification with his S1, [Quick Strikes]. As an NPC though, it’s much more difficult to acquire him and his Unique Weapon (and consequently, upgrading his Unique Weapon). But if you manage to get your hands on Gladi and a highly awakened Unique Weapon, you can expect your investment to payout with an incredibly strong DPS.


Class: ArcherContent Focus: WB3, TrialsTags: [Attack Reduction], [Amp], [AoE], [Defense Reduction], [Meta Relevant], [Trials]Full Details: Transcendence Perk build is specifically for WB3
Description: Requina is also a hard include to meta-relevant characters as she’s another character that is focused on just one content. The content in question this time is WB3. Requina’s moveset really helps out in WB3 as she has heal rate reduction as an archer, multi targeting and defense ignore. Unlike the other hard includes, Requina can actually see use in other places, just not as the best choice. Requina is essentially another Miruru (see above). The reason why she’s not the best choice is that her damage amplification is not always at full strength as the durations and cooldowns of her skills don’t allow for it. As generic supports go, Requina isn’t the worst, but in WB3, she’s simply amazing for physical teams.
Nowadays, Requina has found a new niche in Sky Trials. The fact that she’s an archer (who can reduce heal rate) and has ample damage amplification makes her highly desirable in a sky trial team that has no problems breaking pillars, but needs to stack on more damage on the boss.


Class: ArcherContent Focus: GC3, TrialsTags: [Amp], [AoE], [CC], [Offensive Buffs], [Cooldown Reduction], [Meta Relevant], [Trials], [GC3]Full Details: Perks: 


Class: MechanicContent Focus: GC3, TrialsTags: [Amp], [AoE], [CC], [Offensive Buffs], [Cooldown Reduction], [Meta Relevant], [PvP], [Free], [2* Ticket], [Trials], [GC3]Full Details:
Description: Miruru is essentially the AoE version of Naila (see above). She can deal damage, apply damage amplification and crowd control over large areas. This makes her an ideal support for GC3 where AoE is a necessity. However, the ability to hit the entire field has a cost; Miruru’s skill values are on the lower side as compared to Naila. Still, it is quite handy to be able to apply skill effects to multiple targets making Miruru a good pick as a starting support.
Much like Zafir, Miruru has found a new niche in Sky Trial. Her ability to amplify physical damage on multiple targets her makes her a valuable asset when you’re struggling to break the Sky Trial’s Boss’ totems. Her ability to lower attack with Special Bullet also helps quite a bit.

Solid DPS Characters

These characters provide good DPS, but unlike the characters listed above, they have some, albeit few, flaws that prevent them from being meta relevant. These issues are usually just overall lower damage, but it could also be due to increased costs or some other issues. By no means are these characters bad though, they’re just not the best at what they do.


Class: ArcherContent Focus: GeneralistTags: [Auto Friendly], [Single Target], [Defense Reduction], [Generalist], [Free], [Starter Character], [2* Ticket], [Adventure], [GC2]Full Details:
Description: Selene is perhaps the most beginner friendly physical dps. You get her for free on your 8th day of login, she gets her Unique Weapon for free from that same login reward, she’s auto friendly and she’s not too bad on the eyes. She does pretty well in most content, but gets a big boost when there’s only one target on the field. Under these conditions, her S2, [Rush], ignores enemy defense which greatly increasing the damage done. This makes her pretty good for bossing. Unfortunately, her raw damage is mediocre (as compared to the above DPS characters) which prevents her from being at the top.


Class: AssassinContent Focus: GeneralistTags: [Generalist], [Defense Reduction], [Bonus Damage], [Meta Relevant], [GC2], [Free], [2* Ticket], [Adventure]Full Details: If 80 tp, drop T5L
Description: Reina is an all purpose DPS much like Roi, being able to do fairly well in most content in the game. Unlike Roi though, she is simple to play, simple to gear and is auto friendly meaning that she is a very beginner friendly character. Her moveset might be simple, but it’s also incredibly strong due to her passives and buffs providing her with plenty of additional stats and 2 different damage multipliers. She applies this mainly to her S1, [Float Like a Butterfly], which has no cooldown with a proper setup, meaning that her damage further scales up proportional to the amount of mana she’s gaining. Overall, this makes for a surprisingly high amount of damage for such a simple and easy to use character.


Class: WarriorContent Focus: GeneralistTags: [Advanced], [Auto Friendly], [Generalist], [Slow Start], [PvP], [Sub], [Dispel], [CC] Full Details:
Description: Unlike the last hero, Chase is perhaps the least beginner friendly physical dps. But in return, it pays off with some real endgame power. What makes him tricky to use for beginners is his S2, [Remove Limit], which drains a portion of your health every second as a cost to the strongest buff in the game. Once activated, Chase becomes stronger and faster as time progresses. But if his health goes below a certain point, the buff cancels and you have to start out the build up process from the beginning. Still, when given the proper set up, Chase can be a real monster DPS. He can even serve as a late game sub dps because his other skills have utilities such as strong crowd control and damage amplification.


Class: MechanicContent Focus: WB2, GC2Tags: [Advanced], [Single Target], [Manual Heavy], [Defense Reduction], [Slow Start], [WB2], [GC2], [Free Character], [3* Ticket]Full Details:
Description: Much like Crow from the section above, Mitra is a character that takes a while to power up using buff and debuff stacks. 3 different kinds actually. This makes him unsuitable for short fights against multiple targets. When put into a long fight against a single target, Mitra can really shine as he builds stacks. His main source of damage comes from his auto attacks meaning you won’t want to use skills for the most part. The exception to this is his S3, [Dance with me!!], which does an explosive amount of damage to random enemies. Hence why being against a single target is crucial, as it removes the randomness from the targeting. Because he only uses one skill and his autos, this means that Mitra is simple to play, but does require you to control him manually to get the best results.

From this point forward, content focus is no longer specified for most characters. Tanks, Healers and Supports are pretty general and can be used in most content types. There may be some exceptions if a character is ONLY used for certain contents.

Meta Relevant Physical Tank Characters

 want to talk about the following 4 characters as a whole rather than separately. As it stands, the following 4 characters, Phillop, Glenwys, Loman and Clause (respectively to the pictures above) are the only tanks being used in physical teams. The other tanks in the game are either magic tanks or are focused mostly in pvp. As for which tank is better or which tanks is the best for you to start with; it doesn’t really matter.

It just comes down to cost and preference. For example, beginners will get Clause for the low low price of free. Phillop is “free” as well, but has to be obtained from a free 3* hero ticket. If you want a waifu, Glenwys is of course available for 6000 rubies. Loman, while often considered the most universal of the bunch, does not come easy to beginners because he is an NPC hero and the way you acquire NPC is different and requires time.

While each of them provides a different set of utilities and bonuses, they’re all pretty well balanced and in endgame, you will want to use all 4 of them, switching them out based on the content you’re doing. As for a short breakdown to what the 4 tanks are focused primarily on…

  • Phillop: Primarily provides ways to lower an opponent’s defense. He has 2 different ways to do this that stack. Lowering defense really helps increase your damage unless the target in question is immune to it. Also has tools such as attack reduction on enemies and attack speed reduction on enemies.
  • Glenwys: Increases offensive stats primarily. Her Unique Weapon buffs the main dps’ attack and crit damage values and she has a passive that turns her defense into an attack buff for the entire party. She can also inflict heavy damage to crowd control bars that larger bosses have.
  • Loman: Has a hefty amount of damage amplification. Fully upgraded, Loman can provide more than 100% by himself (doubling your damage if you had 0 amp before). Also is the best tank for mitigating incoming magic damage between his a passive that converts a portion of his magic defense to party magic defense and his cleansing barrier.
  • Clause: Clause combines the traits of Phillop, Glenwys and Loman but on a smaller scale. He has defense shredding, offensive stat buffs, amp aaand he’s perhaps the best tank for mitigating incoming physical damage. Also possesses an incredibly potent slow and attack reduction that makes mobs do much less damage.

Below are their portraits and all relevant tags for further information.


Class: KnightTags: [Recommended], [Defense Reduction], [CC], [Attack Reduction], [Dispel], [Amp], [Attack Speed Reduction], [Meta Relevant], [PvP], [Free], [3* Ticket]Full Details:


Class: KnightTags: [CC], [Offensive Buffs], [Defensive Buffs], [Amp], [Cleanse], [Meta Relevant]Full Details:


Class: KnightTags: [NPC], [CC], [Defensive Buffs], [Amp], [Cleanse], [Attack Speed Reduction], [Barrier], [Meta Relevant], [PvP]Full Details:


Class: KnightTags: [Recommended], [Defense Reduction], [CC], [Attack Reduction], [Offensive Buffs], [Defensive Buffs], [Amp], [Attack Speed Reduction], [Meta Relevant], [Free], [Starter Character], [Trials]Full Details:

Meta Relevant Physical Healer Characters


Class: Priest Tags: [Heal Over Time], [Amp], [Offensive Buffs], [Defensive Buffs], [Cleanse], [Dispel], [Attack Speed Reduction], [Barrier], [Mana Battery], [Defense Reduction], [Meta Relevant], [PvP]Full Details:
Description: Of all the characters in the game, Juno probably has the most tools in her skill set. This is because instead of having just 4 skills, she essentially has 6 and most of her skills have more than just one effect. For example, her heal heals a large amount of health over a period of time with very little downtime. Additionally, it increases everyone’s defense. She doesn’t stand out in any specific way amongst the healers, but if you’re looking for a character that can do nearly everything, Juno is a safe choice (I mean, just look at those tags). Unfortunately, as an NPC hero, she is quite difficult to get and power up.


Class: PriestTags: [Offensive Buffs], [Invincibility], [Amp], [Meta Relevant]Full Details:
Description: Mediana’s area of focus is increasing the main dps’ attack and she does it extremely well. Her S3, [Strengthening Potion], gives the main dps a huge increase in atk as well as adds a portion of Mediana’s attack on top. Using perks, she gives even more. Similarly, her heals are incredibly potent, but they have quite high cooldowns so she might need some help in this department when doing content that can accommodate more than 4 characters.


Class: PriestTags: [Advanced], [Offensive Buffs], [Defensive Buffs], [Attack Speed Increase], [Mana Battery], [Heal Over Time], [Defense Reduction], [CC Immunity], [Dispel], [Cooldown Reduction], [Meta Relevant], [PvP]Full Details:
Description: Shea is the other swiss army knife of healers offering a wide range of offensive and defensive buffs. Everything from damage mitigation from S1, to mana generation of S2 and attack up from S3. What makes Shea unique is that all her skills are channeled meaning that skill effects stay for a while. Unfortunately, that means she can only use one skill at a time. Unless of course you can invest heavily into Shea, get her a 4* or higher Unique Weapon, and cycle through all 3 of her skills manually. It’s a large investment, both fiscally and effort wise, but really pays off. That said, because of the heavy investment needed, Shea is probably not the best choice for a healer when someone’s just starting out.


Class: PriestContent Focus: GC2Tags: [Offensive Buffs], [Defensive Buffs], [Mana Battery], [Heal Over Time], [Amp], [Dispel], [Cleanse], [Meta Relevant], [PvP]Full Details: Transcendence Perk build is specifically for GC2
Description: Lucias is a bit of a hard include in this section. He is indeed meta relevant, but he is mostly used in one content type, GC2. His ability to buff the party’s physical dodge stat is crucial to GC2. Furthermore, his heal that serves as a constant cleanse and dispel is appreciated and can help with the specific mechanics of that fight. Outside of GC2 though, you will find that Lucias is a mediocre healer. He provides things such as damage amplification, attack and mana, but in small amounts. His heals are also just middle of the road when it comes to strength. By no means is he terrible, he’s just not the best when it comes to general content. But if you’re looking for a boost to your GC2 performance, consider picking up Lucias.


Class: PriestContent Focus: Eclipse + WB1 + Priest/Wizard TrialsTags: [Offensive Buffs], [Heal Over Time], [Amp], [Dispel], [Cleanse], [WB1], [Eclipse]Full Details: Perks: Note: WB1 applicable only for Magic Teams, specifically for Laudia compositions to get an extra S3 rotation in
Description: Rehartna, boasting an impressive ramping ATK buff on (up to a maximum of 6) allies with S3, providing cleanse and DMG reduction with her UW, sizable CC reduction on her Skill 1.Her entire kit focuses primarily on Eclipse farming, and more so with her S4 with UT4. The main selling point in building Rehartna is just that – It’s extremely affordable and cheap to invest into her, an extremely good bang for your buck in Eclipse while also retaining utility and useability in other party contents.In terms of perks, Rehartna does have access to an additional dispel effect on S1 that can be used if needed. Her S2 has access to an P.DMG amplification, however, it is a finicky amp due to the nature of the shield: If it lands on the frontline it will amp the hit boss, but will fail to amp if it lands on the backline as the range is not far enough to hit the boss. S3 perks can be taken according to content, and S4 has extra CDMG for all allies per stack! Combining that with her T5Dark nets a nice amount of buffs, which also puts her ahead of Mediana at early/low investments! Though unlike Medi, her S3 buffs are very much RNG, and may not always land on your dealer – So she provides a better buff at lower investments at the price of inconsistency.

Solid Physical Healer Characters


Class: PriestTags: [Recommended], [Offensive Buffs], [Defensive Buffs], [Mana Battery], [Amp], [Barrier], [Free], [Starter Character]Full Details:
Description: Unlike many other mobile games out there, King’s Raid actually hands out some pretty useful characters to beginning players. One of them being Frey. Frey is a very simplistic healer who can heal characters one at a time prioritizing characters with the lowest health. On its own, it’s not very amazing as a majority of the healers in the game have party heals, but Frey has other tools to help spread the healing around. Her biggest asset being her S2, [Blessing of Light], which creates a protective barrier on every character in the party. It has little downtime, a large amount of hp and even increases the amount of healing done. These traits are actually amazing for getting through the unique mechanics at the end of adventure mode. Furthermore, her Unique Weapon enables her increase both the critical rate and critical damage dealt by the main DPS. Overall, Frey is a very solid healer to get your foot off the ground with.


Class: PriestTags: [Recommended], [Offensive Buffs], [Defensive Buffs], [Mana Battery], [Barrier], [PvP], [Free], [3* Ticket]Full Details:
Description: Laias is perhaps the best mana battery in the game. She achieves this with her S3, [Festival of Flow], which grants every character in the party 2 whole orbs of mana upon use. As you approach midgame and you start to upgrade your characters, Laias gains a second way to give everyone a third of a mana orb every 3 seconds. This additional mana is much appreciated at the beginning of the game where you don’t quite have access to armor that helps with mana regeneration just yet. Aside from mana related stuff, Laias also increases heal rate with her Unique Weapon, makes the team much more resistant to magic damage and can grant a strong barrier (which comes with added attack and healing) to someone in the party. All in all, Laias is a pretty reliable healer to start the game with.


Class: PriestTags: [Offensive Buffs], [Defense Reduction], [Attack Speed Increase], [Mana Battery], [Heal Over Time], [CC], [Slow Start], [Meta Relevant]Full Details:
Description: Unlike Mediana or Lavril who buff the main damage stats of atk and crit dmg, May provides buffs to the less commonly seen offensive stats. Her S1, [Take Anything!], can apply a variety of randomly chosen buffs that stack with one another. The skill itself provides attack and every time it’s used, more and more attack is added (until a cap is reached). It can also provide attack speed, penetration and extra mana. Because of the stacking nature of S1, she applies these buffs in incredible amounts which can be quite crucial depending on what dps you’re running or what content you’re doing. Unfortunately, she is an NPC hero meaning that she does not come easy to people who are just starting the game. But depending on your area of focus, May just might be a necessity to your ideal endgame team.

Meta Relevant Support Characters


Class: WarriorTags: [Recommended], [Offensive Buffs], [CC], [Amp], [Cooldown Reduction], [Meta Relevant], [PvP], [Free], [3* Ticket]Full Details:
Description: Naila does everything that a good support character does. She’s got boat loads of crowd control (2 of her active skills and her auto attacks), she provides a bunch of damage amplification and she buffs the party’s attack with her remaining active skill. To top it all off, she’s a crucial unit in GC2. The aforementioned attack buff also provides the party with physical dodge and physical dodge is a necessity in that particular endgame content. There’s really not much more to say other than Naila is an all around amazing support unit.


Class: PriestTags: [Mana Battery], [Offensive Buffs], [Invincibility], [Attack Speed Reduction], [Dispel], [Meta Relevant]Full Details:
Description: At first glance, Lavril is ill fit to be a physical support as a good portion of her skill set only affects magic damage. While that’s true, Lavril still offers a large variety of benefits to physical main dps characters. Lavril has the best buff to critical damage in the game in her S2, [Bear Up…!]. This effect is further increased by building critical damage on Lavril has 15% of her critical damage is added onto the target of her S2. On top of that, she has attack buffs, penetration buffs and also grants mana. All in all, even though physical teams can’t make 100% use of her skill set, she’s still a staple in many endgame builds focused that focuses on a single main dps.


Class: MechanicTags: [Advanced], [Cooldown Reduction], [Meta Relevant], [PvP], [Trials]Full Details:
Description: If Requina above is a hard include, then Oddy just made the list by a sliver. Oddy is an incredibly specific unit that can only be used not only in certain contents, but only with certain characters. In theory, Oddy brings only one thing to the table; his S3, [Time Distortion], cuts the cooldown of skills that have been used allowing you to use skills in rapid succession. This would be great if it didn’t have such a high cooldown itself (you’ll find that you can only use it once every 35 seconds). However, being able to use the same skill (or skill sequence) twice in a short period of time sometimes has an interesting effect. Characters like Lilia or Nia have very interesting combos that they can pull off with Oddy that result in explosive damage. I can not give Oddy my recommendation for beginners as it requires a lot of nuanced knowledge and specific setups to make good use of him.


Class: WarriorTags: [Cooldown Reduction], [Offensive Buffs], [Defensive Buffs], [Amp], [Cleanse]Full Details:
Description: Look up Mediana above. Priscilla is an altered version of Mediana. She converts a portion of her attack and adds it to your main dps character’s attack. The problem is that the values are much lower. However, her buffs do have some interesting unique properties. For one, it can provide critical damage on top of the attack. Another benefit is that when applied with a Unique Treasure, her buff can lower the cooldowns of the recipient. All in all, Priscilla is a weaker version of Mediana with defensive passives instead of healing, but depending on the dps, she might be able to combo with them well. If you’re building Cecilia as your main dps though, be sure to pick up Pris as a support.


Class: WizardTags: [Bonus Damage], [Offensive Buffs], [CC], [Slow Start], [NPC]Full Details:
Description: Veronica was once upon a time the gold standard for supports when it comes to bossing. She provides bonus damage against bosses with her S2, [Let Me Help You.] as well as a large amount of attack. Furthermore, these effects get stronger and stronger as the fight gets longer as her skills values get higher as you use more and more skills. But with the release of characters like Lavril and buffs to characters like Naila, Veronica is starting to fall out of relevance. If you’re using multiple dps characters though, she might still be a viable pick to parties as all her buffs affect everyone in the party. However, as an npc character, it won’t be so easy to obtain her.

Any other priest or tank, tbh.


[Generalist] – Characters that do equally well in multiple content types. Flexibility is nice. If a character does not have this tag, then it’s safe to say that the character is a specialist in a specific content.

[Advanced] – Characters that have particularly finicky mechanics that make them very difficult for beginners to use or make them useless early game. Recommended to stay away from these characters for your starting party.

[Manual Heavy] – Characters that do much better when played manually.

[Auto Friendly] – Characters that still do well even when left on auto. Often beginner friendly characters.

[Burst] – Characters that do most of their damage in a small window of time. Pretty good against bosses that take increased amounts of damage during periods of vulnerability.

[Single Target] – Characters that especially benefit when their target is alone. Often due to cutting down on random targeting of skills but sometimes for other reasons such as perks dictating they only work when there is a single target.

[AoE] – Characters that especially benefit when there are multiple targets. More targets hit means more damage after all.

[Defense Reduction] – Characters that have mechanics that either lower defense, penetrate defense or just ignore defense in general. Defense mitigates damage so if you can ignore it, you’ll be doing more damage.

[Bonus Damage] – Characters that do more damage due to a multiplier in their skills. These often have conditions to be fulfilled, but are easy enough to activate. 

[Cooldown Reduction] – Characters that have a skill that can lower its cd. Often the reduction is enough to lower the cooldown such that there is no effective cooldown. This means that they have a skill that is spammable as long as you have the mana to do so.

[Sub] – DPS characters that have a skill set that make them suitable to be a secondary dps instead. Usually means they have damage amplification and or crowd control.

[Slow Start] – Characters start the battle weak but become much stronger as they fulfill the conditions of their skills.

[Meta Relevant] – Characters that are the best or nearly the best at some content in the game.

[WB2] – Characters that excel in World Boss 2, Protianus. For DPS, typically characters that have high raw damage.

[WB3] – Characters that excel in World Boss 3, Xanadus. For DPS, typically characters that have AoE and/or defense ignore.

[GC2] – Characters that excel in Guild Conquest 2, Lakreil. For DPS, typically characters that have defense ignore.

[GC3] – Characters that excel in Guild Conquest 3, Velkazar. For DPS, typically characters that specialize in AoE.

[PvP] – Characters that are also commonly used in some form or fashion in PvP. This can mean League of Victory, League of Honor or both.

[Adventure] – Characters that are beginner friendly and are useful for getting through the story/adventure mode.

[Free] – Characters that can be obtained at no ruby cost using beginner login rewards and/or chapter clear rewards. If a character does not have this tag, it is safe to assume that the character must be bought with 6000 rubies or must be obtained through the inn.

[Starter Character] – Characters that everyone gets for free.

[2* Ticket] – Characters that are obtainable through a 2* Hero Ticket or a 5* Hero Ticket.

[3* Ticket] – Characters that are obtainable through a 3* Hero Ticket or a 5* Hero Ticket.

[NPC] – Characters that are seen somewhere in the world map, most often Orvel. Much harder to obtain than other heroes as they can’t be bought with rubies and can only be obtained through item gifting.

[CC] – Stands for crowd control. Skills that are able to disable enemies preventing them from taking action. Useful for preventing damage.

[Amp] – Stands for damage amplification. A debuff applied to an enemy that increases the amount of damage that they take by a percentage. Useful for boosting damage output.

[Cleanse] – The ability to remove debuffs from your party.

[Dispel] – The ability to remove buffs from enemies.

[Offensive Buffs] – The ability to buff offensive stats in your party. These include but are not limited to: Attack, Crit, Crit Damage, Penetration, Attack Speed

[Defensive Buffs] – The ability to buff defensive stats in your party. These include but are not limited to: Defense, Tough, Dodge, Block

[Attack Reduction] – The ability to lower enemies’ atk value and thus lower their damage output.

[Attack Speed Reduction] – The ability to lower the attack speed value of enemies. Lowers damage output and makes interrupting the enemy with cc easier.

[Invincibility] – The ability to make characters invincible for a short period of time. This includes effects such as endurance (which allows characters to be damaged, but not below a certain point)

[Mana Battery] – The ability to grant mana to other allies.

[Barrier] – The ability to put a shield on an ally. The shield has hp (and a duration) that has to be depleted before the character can be damaged.

[Heal Over Time] – Heals that occur over a period of time rather than at just one time. Useful against enemies that deal damage over time (DoT).

[CC Immunity] – The ability to not be affected by enemy crowd control.

Class: Tags: Full Details: Perks: 


Lilia – Status Pending

Class: WizardContent Focus: GeneralistTags: [Single Target], [Auto Friendly], [Generalist], [Bonus Damage], [Sub], [PvP], [Adventure]Full Details:
Description: Mechanically, Lilia is a pretty unique unit. Her atk scales based on how much mana she’s recovering passively due to her S4, [Aqua Purification]. When her build is specialized at capitalizing on this skill’s effect, what you get is a hero that is pretty much always on full mana and has an outlandishly high attack. Her other skills are quite simple and have low atk ratios that way her overall damage doesn’t end up being busted. As a result, you have a unit that does mediocre damage. But still, because of the infinite mana, Lilia is a very auto friendly character that can perform well in most avenues.

Nia – Status Pending

Class: AssassinContent Focus: WB3Tags: [Advanced], [Manual Heavy], [Defense Reduction], [Burst], [Slow Start], [Meta Relevant], [WB3], [PvP], [Sub], [Trials]Full Details: Transcendence Perk build is specifically for WB3
Description: I hesitate to include Nia this high up in the list for one reason, she’s only good at one content, WB3. In the other content types, she’s pretty subpar. Her base damage is mediocre at best and while she has interesting mechanics, it can often bog down newer players and makes her very unreliable on auto. But when it come to WB3, it seems like her entire moveset was designed at excelling in it. Nia’s got multiple ways of ignoring defense, really boosting her damage where high defense is present (such as WB3). Her S3, [Demonic Eyes of Petrification], also has AoE which allows her to hit all 3 targets in WB3 in a single, defense ignoring burst. This is only scratching the surface of what allows her to excel at the one content where she’s good at. Oh, and she really tears people up in League of Honor PvP too, I guess.