Since there are seven classes and many heroes available in King’s Raid, some players have trouble choosing the best heroes for their gameplay. Thus, it is essential to know the best heroes and know their strengths and weaknesses.
Gau is an extraordinary hero in King’s Raid due to his third skill, Vortex. Vortex is the largest Crowd Control (CC) skill in the game, and by itself, it can replenish the Black Dragon’s CC bar. Additionally, this skill is advantageous in any place or location that features a CC bar, such as Both World Bosses.

For this reason, Gau is a crowd’s favorite, and you would likely find Gau on the roster of any player’s team. That being said, Gau is not a hero that shines in every type of scenario. He does not do well in general Player versus Environment (PvE) content, basically Story Mode. Thus, he is not a top-tier hero for newcomers who are just understanding the basics of King’s Raid and want to progress through the storyline.
He is effective in Black Dragon and Both World Bosses and against all Hard Mode Dragons in regards to his strengths. He is also excellent in Arena and has the advantage that he does not need his Unique Weapon (UW) outside of the Arena gameplay. Now, Gau does have some weaknesses, such as being a bad hero choice for Story Mode and Guild Raids. An exception to the Guild Raids is Manticore because it does feature a CC bar.
Clause is a hero of the Knight class obtained for free after completing Chapter 1 in Story Mode. Many players disregard Clause since you receive him for free in King’s Raid, but that is quite far from the truth.

Believe it or not, Clause is one of the best Tank for most content in the game. His Slow effect on his second skill, once maxed out via skill books, comes in handy in many sections of the game.
It also reduces your enemy’s Physical Defense at the cost of 1 Mana. This is Clause’s strongest point. Additionally, he comes equipped with a useful 5-second Stun on his first skill and a Party-wide Defense buff on his third skill, which helps you tank any physical-based enemy.
Overall, Clause is great for PvE, the Black Dragon, and an excellent hero choice for the first World Boss. He is also an acceptable option for Guild Raid, useful in most stages at the Tower of Challenge (ToC) and Tower of Ordeals (ToO). Additionally, he doesn’t need his Unique Weapon at all times. Unfortunately, he is not a viable option for Arena, and you will have a hard time to defeat the second World Boss with Clause.
Priscilla shines in any team because she is an all-around hero unit. She fits anywhere in any team in any content. If you are looking for a fourth hero in your team or roster, Priscilla is the right gal for you.

She boasts a significant buff to herself and the hero with the highest Attack with her “Co-op” state.
Additionally, she can also reduce both Physical and Magic Defense of the enemies hit by her third skill. Apart from this, she can gather them up so your DPS (Damage per Second) hero can shred your enemies. She is quite offensive since she can dish out a considerable amount of damage if you build her properly and with the correct gear.
In general, Priscilla is a great hero for Story Mode, the Black Dragon, and the second World Boss. She fits in any team composition and doesn’t need her Unique Weapon, but it is essential if you want her to reach her maximum DPS potential. That being said, she does not shine in any particular area, apart from the new Urkak Challenge Raid.
Nyx is crowned as the ultimate physical DPS in situations where there is a horde of enemies or countless numbers of enemies. Take it to heart. No one can match his DPS in equal to gear and Unique Weapons star-level.

This strength causes his drawback, as well. He is not the best hero when dealing with single-target situations. Apart from this, Nyx is a hero that comes great with a lot of investment since you need him fully equipped to be exceptional.
Now, Nyx is an excellent hero choice in Story Mode, Arena, the Black Dragon, and most stages of the Tower of Challenge and Ordeal. He is also quite effective against the second World Boss. On the other hand, he does require a lot of investment and is T5 and very Unique Weapon reliant. Additionally, he is not as good in single-target situations.
Captivating Demon Epis
Before the previous update, Epis was very subpar compared to other heroes. However, she has become one of the best magic DPS and most content in the current metagame.

She has excellent Area of Control (AoE) in her skills and her auto-attack, making her more suited for content with multiple enemies. Nevertheless, she also plays rather well in single-target environments.
Her strengths include that she can be obtained with the 2-start Ticket, solo the Slime Floor at the Tower of Challenge, and is an excellent hero in Story Mode, Arena, and the first World Boss. She is also a great option for the Black Dragon.
Epis is usable throughout her growth, and her usability improves with higher Transcendence. Unfortunately, Epis is not a suitable hero for the second World Boss and some Guild Raid Bosses. Also, you need her to be at least T4 for Arena so she can ignore the Enemy Block.

He has a powerful CC skill to reduce dragons and World Bosses’ CC bars. She also has the most powerful Heal in the game and a nice offensive buff.
His healing is exceptionally useful, unlike most other healers. Most healers release one burst of Heal, but Kaulah releases several bursts of Heal over a few seconds. This allows you to withstand some powerful enemy skills that inflict considerable amounts of damage in a short period.
His strengths include that he is an excellent choice for Story mode, the Tower of Challenge, the Tower of Ordeals, the Black Dragon, Both World Bosses, and Guild Raids. Additionally, you can acquire him using the 2-star Ticket, and he does not need his Unique Weapon to excel. On the other hand, some players do not use him because he is not aesthetically pleasing than other heroes. He also does not shine in Arena when compared to other Priests.
Frey is known for her Bubbles, the ones that provide Protection and bestow resistance against Crowd Control. By far, this is her best feature because it is a potent shield based on her Attack power with an acceptable uptime.

Apart from this, she also has a powerful Heal, but it can only be applied to one target. However, if you select the Transcendence effect for Healing, then she can heal two targets.
Usually, the capability of healing two targets is more than enough in most situations. This is because any team composition must have a Tank that withstands most hits and a Healer to replenish your Tank’s health bar. She also has a good CC, but with a long cooldown period as a drawback. However, it also has a 6-second Blind, which can be a lifesaver in some situations.
Regarding her strengths, she is excellent in Story Mode, the Tower of Challenge and Ordeals, the Black Dragon, the first World Boss, and Guild Raids. She is loved for her awesome bubbles and is an acceptable hero for the second World Boss. Her weaknesses include her single-target heal, and she is not as good as other Priests. Additionally, she can be quite reliant on her Unique Weapon.
She is a great Buffer, which bestows the buffs to the highest Attacker in your team as Priscilla does. She is the only Physical Priest in the game, making her an excellent choice for the Nordic Guild Boss because he can silence Magic Attackers.

She also inflicts good amounts of damage when she is equipped with her Unique Weapon.
Overall, her Buffs keep the DPS alive during the duration, making her suited for Story Mode, the Tower of Challenge and Ordeals, Arena, the Balck Dragon, the second World Boss, and Guild Raids. She is good for the first World Boss, but her utility is not good for other content. That being said, she relies on her Unique Weapon for damage, which is not available in the Arena store yet. She also requires a lot of investment since she is not available for tickets as well.

Gladi is an NPC hero, but you can get him for free through the F2P method. However, it is rather challenging to obtain his Unique Weapon since you need to spend considerable amounts of Rupees. If you acquire him, you will see that his damage is unmatched in every content. Mitra might be the only hero that outmatches him but only against the second World Boss. Nevertheless, if they both have their Unique Weapons at star-level, their damage output is practically identical.
He is excellent in all PvE content, Both World Bosses, Guild Raids, the Black Dragon, and inflicts insane amounts of damage even with a 0-star Unique Weapon single-target situations. On the other hand, he is difficult to obtain, even more with his Unique Weapon, and is not a good option for Arena.
She is a Magic-based Healer whose passive skill helps protect your team in any magic-based situation.

Additionally, her single-target Bubble can help your Tank do its best. Thus, she can be used everywhere, especially in Dragon Raids, the second World Boss, Arena, and Story Mode.
Overall, she can fit in with any team that likes to use Mana, and she doesn’t need her Unique Weapon. The only drawback is that she has no offensive buffs as other Priests have. Additionally, she needs to be T5 to be used as a mana battery.