Genshin Impact Top 10 Best Ways To Get Primogems


Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact is a free to play gacha game that was just released this 2020 by Chinese game developer, Mihoyo. It can be played across various platforms.


In Genshin Impact, you will need to have Primogems as you will use them to roll for heroes. You may use them to roll to obtain high tier weapons and even new characters.

How to Get Free Primogems in Genshin Impact

You can have free Primogems in the game as you play. Here are ten of the best ways on how to get them.

#1 Chests

When you open chests, there is a chance that you will obtain Primo Gems from them. You can also get Primogems, especially in closed chests. You may also get Primo Gems from the chests inside the shrines, which are a great source of Primo Gems.

#2 Achievement

You should check your Achievements page, and you can see their achievements and get Primo Gems from these as rewards.

#3 Spirits

You may follow the little spirits that you can see around the world, and they would lead you to treasure that could also be a great source of Primo Gems.

#4 Balloon Plants

You would just shoot these balloons, and then you can get a chest with Primo Gems.

#5 Challenges

You can see various challenges all over the map and these challenges vary. Nonetheless, all you have to do is do and accomplish what they ask you to do, and then a chest will appear that could give you Primo Gems.

#6 Dandy

Dandy also exists an NPC that you may find in the world in which she gives time trial challenges that you may do. You may also complete her quest up to three times, and doing so will give you an upgraded chest for each time. You may get experience from this as well as some Primo Gems. You may find Dandy near Mingyun Village. You may also find her near Qingce Village and also near Mt. Aozang.

#7 Trials

You may complete the Trials on the Temples. If you complete these trials, you can have different kinds of rewards as well as Primo Gems. You may only complete these Trials once each. You also unlock them per level.

#8 Dungeon

You may unlock the dungeons, and this will give you Primo Gems as well. You may also unlock other things in the game, such as Statues of the Seven and Teleport Waypoints, which also give you Primo Gems.

#9 Spiral Abyss

There is the Spiral Abyss that you may use, which could also give you Primo Gems. The first eight floors do not reset, but the abyss resets every two weeks. You unlock the spiral abyss after you finish floors one to eight, and for each chamber of the spiral abyss that you unlock, you get 100 Primo Gems per chamber.

#10 Adventurer’s Guild

You should also do your daily quests and commissions from the adventurer’s guild, and you can also get primo gems there from completing these commissions.