Today we will go through the best healers and priests in King’s raid. Each one of the characters listed here will have advantages and disadvantages. You feel free to choose the ones that are most suitable for your situation.
This list is based on a gamer experience, so it will not have every healer/priest but the ones considered the most efficient by most advanced players.

Lavril usually goes with other priests, pretty much as Mediana does. It would be great for you to bring her to 8-man scoring content and some rare content like TOC78.
Once you are done with your DPS UW, you may want to raise her UW because her UW would raise the C.DMG directly.
UT2 and UT4 are her primary UT. Use them as best as they can suit your DPS. In terms of gears, find C.DMG lines as much as you can.
The best artifact for Lavril is the Christmas Tree of Holy Night and Infernal Greatsword.
- The cuteness
- M.amp debuff
- C.DMG buff
- Low Healing
- Big Mana Consumption
- Long Cooldown

Shea is the most expensive Non-NPC priest. While the other Non-NPC priest is fine with zero UW, she cannot get even close to being OK with UW at zero, as her UW directly reduces the cooldown of her skill.
Shea needs specific gear to maintain a good cycle in fights, but this does not make her not worth investing in. You will want to a user in the end game content such as WB1/2/3, GC3, CR.
- Heal, Buffs, Mana
- CC immunity
- Need 5 UW
- Need Specific gear

Juno is the third on the list. She is another Physical Priest in the game. Her skills are helpful on most of GR with physical DPS.
Because she’s an NPC hero, it is costly to upgrade her UW, so zero is acceptable. Of course, the higher the stars, the better.
Juno can use any DPS gear for gear, while for artifacts, she can use any valuable artifact depending on the content, but if we had to recommend one, her main would be Pocket Watch.
- Dispel and Cleanse
- Shield
- Decent Heals
- P.amp
- NPC heroes (Time Gate)
- No CC
Fallen Frey

You may already know that this is the dark version of Frey. According to her CONs listed below, she is expensive. Her Unique Treasure 2 has to be at four stars to have 100% of shield uptime, and her unique weapon has to be at 5 stars to make your shield thicker than it is. Her Soul only consists of Attack reduction and Attack speed buffs. However, your aim would be the a2 soul weapon.
The Fallen Frey typical fields are Eclipse, World Boss 1, 2, and 3, Small Shakmeh, Big Shakmeh, Trials of Flow, and Challenge Raid. You can bring her everywhere you want if you have invested in Fallen Frey
- Shield + ATK & Attack Speed buffs
- Heal rate reduction + Dispel
- CC with Mana reduce
- Debuff with increase all damage target takes
- High investment UW, UT, SW

May is the second NPC hero on this list. She is good with any DPS. Her UW is mandatory even with zero, and for more CC, you could use the UT called Crystal Ball from Unknown Origin. She would still be doing fine without it. Same as Juno, she can use DPS gears, and for artifacts, she can use any kind of support artifact.
- Nice Buffs (ATK, penet ASPD, Mana)
- Good at long battles
- Nice CC
- Nice Hot
- Need her UW Badly
- NPC heroes (time gate)
She is one of the four Physical Priests, not good in healing over time, but an offensive priest. And also very good in 8-man content.
Medina’s UW is worth investing in because her buffs come from her ATK, whereas zero is okay for her UT.
You can use DPS gears on her or find a specific equipment with ATK points for her. For her artifact, we recommend using the Tarot Card of Loss or Blessing of Earth.
- Mediana has the most significant raw ATK buffs
- Big heal in a short time
- It is excellent to use when it comes to scoring content
- Mediana has no CC skills
- Long cooldown skill

Rehartna is another Physical Priest. She has CC skills, Shield, and Buff.
Her unique treasure is not mandatory, but they are always good to have, and hers, they help reduce or expand the Mana or the cooldown skill.
If Rehartna is in your primary team, you better get her a Soul Weapon that is suitable for the attacks buff. Rehartna specific field is usually Eclipse or Small Shakmeh, or Trials of Flow.
- Irremovable buffs
- Shield + Healing
- Stun
- Cleanse
- Low heal
- Long cooldown skill
- Not useful on short battles

Evan is another physical priest and the only male priest that becomes very useful in the endgame content.
This is the first hero in possession of a Unique Skill Set. Unlike Juno, who needs to use S3 to change his skillset, Evan would change the skill set every time he would use his skill, so instead of 3, he has 6 skills. All of his Unique Treasures are good, but for All Rounder, we would recommend UT4.
Since he is a very Mana reliant character, you would need his Unique Weapon to provide more Mana for him. His Unique Weapon should not need any upgrade. Evan’s specific fields are Small SHakmeh, Big Shakmeh, sometimes on World Boss, and some other times on Eclipse.
- Physical Amplifier
- Physical Damage Reduction
- Shield + Recover Mana
- HP regeneration + Attack Speed buff
- CC + Dispel & Reduces enemies ATK
- Mana reduction
- Mana reliant