Granblue Fantasy GBF Assassin Guide

Granblue Fantasy assassin guide

Assassin, the most OP (expensive?) job in Granblue Fantasy IEVER  (WIP)

← Such Cutie isn’t she? But she is OP as fuck.

So, the famous “whale” only job in GBF. To be honest, if you are NOT playing Wind, or LIght, or Dark, Assassin may be a great choice for you when you need to DPS race those 3 meme classes.

And I am here to tell you why!

Here are some key points and highlights about this job:

  • Most versatile job in the entire game
  • Arguably the most expensive job in the entire game
  • Coolest job in the entire game
  • Cute ass sprite
  • You are probably in the 0.01% of GBF population who even plays this job
  • And last and not least The most OP job ever

Now, let’s discuss Assassin’s abilities, they are actually very very simple.

Assassination: Use Assassin Tools. This is your bread and butter, and most of the guide will explain the various benefits of the tools, and what you should use. With 1 Turn CD, you can assassinate EVERY turn! You can carry up to 8 assassin tools with you into battle!

Punish: diverts your aggro to another character. Kind of useless. Use whenever you feel like. It’s actually not bad if you want it to hit a certain character i.e. fire potato, so your team gets Backwater bonus.

Double Assassinate: You can use Assassination again in the same turn. 8T CD. Use this when you need to combo. Or the oh shit button.

So now you know what assassin have, let’s talk about what are some of the best tools the assassin can have.

Assassin Tools

Throwing Knife (Cost: 1x Liquid Steel; 10x Per Battle) Throw a knife at your enemy doing 5x damage as your current element. 620K is the cap. This is very cheap and effective Tool. Especially when soloing Magna, this allows you to push them out of break, or into OD zone very easily. If you just starting out with Assassin, use this! 8/10

Assassin Blade (Cost: Lacquire Mosa x2; 10x Per Battle) This is also a very cheap and VERY strong tool in your arsenal. It’s made from some darkish looking moss thing. Very easy to obtain from repeating story battles. This gives your MC 5 Turns of 50% ECHO. This thing is crucial for your combo. Highly recommended! 10/10

Runners HIgh (Cost: Green leave/branch thingy x1, Blue Berries x3, and Golden Wheat x1 , 5 per battle) This is a very strong tool, but a bit costly. If it is worth using during your Combo time unless you have a lot to spare. This gives your entire team 3T 50-60% DA rate. Very strong, but also is very expensive. 7/10

and Smoke Bomb and Smoke Bomb+ (cost: 2 Wind Element/2 Green grass thingy . To create the Smoke Bomb +, use 2x Smoke Bomb, 10 per battle for each). This is arguably one of the most OP item ever in the game. Smoke Bomb gives your MC FOUR ILLUSIONS. THIS PRACTICALLY NEGATES ALL SINGLE TARGET DAMAGE. I usually don’t bring the smoke bomb, but instead use the Smoke Bomb+. The Smoke Bomb+ gives your entire team two shadows. This is an insane safety net. Indeed, with capacity of 10, if you are a whale, you are practically invincible to all single damage from any boss in the game for the entire duration of the fight. Some special moves, like Dar Angel HL’s 50% special, can be dodged completely with these illusions without the help of Phalanx. Smart use of this Bomb will lets you do some very unique things. 8/10

Slow Powder (cost: 1x water element, 1x earth element; 10 per battle). Rather cheap, and effective way of delaying the enemy. Again, if you are whale enough, you can delay the boss using their ougi moves for 10 turns straight. However the best use for these is for emergency, such as when you need to get your CD back on your summons or skills on your character. I wouldn’t just chug these like nothing at the boss, unless you are really whale. 7/10

Morale Shot a.k.a. Steroids (cost: 1x fire element, 1x wind element, 20 per battle). This is a very strong buff, and is stackable, and is also its own unique buff slot. The most you’ll use in battle is usually 5. That will last 25 turns. Each time you use this, it will reset its duration to 5 turns. And each stack of these is 10% attack and defense, and caps at around 50%-55%. So the best way to use this is use these every 4-5 turns to increase the buff and reset duration. This is like having a mini gaebolg for your entire party. 8/10

Well Fall (cost: 2x wind element, 2x earth element, 1x liquid steel, 5 per battle). This is basically a 60 second gravity that has a very high accuracy. Rather expensive, I do not recommend using it lightly, and only use it when the DF on your team fails its job. You can use this so that the DF can get its CD back to try gravity again. 6/10

Adrenaline (cost: 2x fire element, 2x light element, 2x red fire powder, 5 per battle). This is a rather costly tool as well, but very convenient. This boost your MC’s ougi to 100% instantly! And also not recommend using lightly, but if you are dps racing, this is quite good especially with GW dagger that gives entire team huge DA/TA boost. You can use this as an alternative to Runners High. 6/10

Sleep Needle (cost: 3x Dark Element, 3 per battle). This is a very high accuracy sleep. One of the strongest oh shit button in the game. This will put the enemy into sleep state for a turn, for you to do anything to him/her. I do not recommend just use this, but should coordinate with the raid, because anybody who hits the boss while asleep will wake it. The best use of this is to push an enemy into BK or something while not letting them do anything dangerous. It is a bit costly relatively because if you are not playing Dark, you might as well make those dark element useful! 6/10

Now the 3 below tools are what make Assassin the fuckin most OP class ever in the fuckin game.

Paralyze Needle (3x Light Element, 3 per battle). This is arguably the strongest oh shit button in the game. Yes. This is a very high accuracy paralyze that lasts 20 seconds. Do note, that overtime, boss do develop resistance (usually after 2-3 of these needles. In these 20 seconds, you can do whatever the fuck you want with the boss, and THE BOSS WILL DO NOTHING! When you use this, you definitely want to coordinate with the raid, and tell them start hitting the boss like crazy when the boss become paralyzed. With refresh and decent connection you can get about 3-5 turns out of one use. And that could mean life/death in some HL raids where you have to have damage cut summons, but for some reason you had them on CD… 10/10

Killing Dagger “OD” (2x dark element, 1x liquid steel, 5x per battle). This is the tool where your assassin will gain massive damage. This grants your MC “OD” slash status like Dark Narumeya, where your normal hits will reach ONE MILLION DAMAGE PER HIT. With the Echo tool, you are looking at 1.5 Million Damage, and with a TA/DA, you are looking at 3 – 4.5 Million per hit.

And as if that’s not enough, because your Assasinate skill is 1T CD, you can do this FIVE CONSECUTIVE TIMES RAKING 7 – 22.5 million damage in 5 turns from your MC alone depending on your TA/DA Rate. Use this with proper DATA buff and you will see your damage skyrocket through the roof. 10 out of fuckin 10

Killing Dagger “B” (2x light element, 1x liquid steel, 5x per battle). This is the tool which gives your assassin “Break Assassin” status like on Hawkeye job. Just like the OD version, this can also have potential of up to 22.5 million damage since you can use 5x per battle consecutively during break. 10/10

Combining the OD and B (enemy OD -> OD Slash into BK -> Proceed with BK Slash) This combo will see your damage/honour sky rocket in a very very short amount of time.

Now that you know the combo, the most important thing to remember is that proper DA/TA buff is very important. So bring a Ferri, or bring a Koruwa, and use Duel Impulse III. You will see your damage through the roof.

If you think these tools are too expensive, you should can even just bring the Killing Blade and Shadow tool and ignore everything else. With just these 3 tools, assassin is already a very very very strong job.

Think about it, Hawkeye’s Break Assassin is on a 5T CD, but you are on a 1T CD. On top of that you have OD Slash. A properly equipped assassin basically have 8 job abilities at its disposal. EIGHT FUCKIN JOB ABILITIES.

Tips for cheap ass assassin: Just use Throwing Knife and Assassin Blade already makes assassin very strong. 1T CD on a 620K damage ability is insane. This lets you cheese Magna MVP very very easily. And all it costs is 1 liquid steel per throw!

Mentioned here are only some of the most important tools, there are also other useful tools in the arsenal such as Break Keep tool which works just like Hawkeye’s break keep.

Properly executed assassination is very satisfying and the reward is big. The damage you can do is unparalleled. And the utility and versatility Assassin brings to the party is huge, you can mix and match you 8 tools. A well trained assassin is very scary. When you have some spare time, please do try it out.