Genshin Impact Top 20 Mistakes Beginners Make



Genshin Impact is a very popular anime game that is constantly growing its userbase due to its recent adoption by famous gaming streamers such as Valkyrie and Neytiri. Because of its recent growth, many beginners are joining the game, and these are some of the mistakes that you can avoid if you are one of those beginners. 

Mistake #1-Not Marking the Map. 

Genshin Impact offers a custom pin that can be used on your in-game map to mark locations you want to travel to. It can also be used to mark areas that you wish to avoid returning to. 

Mistake #2-Not Reading Artifact Details

A good rule of thumb is never to invest experience into one or two-star artifacts. The rest of the artifacts that you use should be carefully examined to make use of the artifacts that work the best with your character loadout. 

Mistake #3-Not Checking Stamina

This is a very common mistake in any game that has a stamina feature. Always keep an eye on the stamina bar, and if you happen to run out of stamina while climbing on a wall, you can use the dive attack to reduce the amount of health that you will lose in the fall. 

Mistake #4-Not Checking Character Perks 

Just like it’s worth it to go through and examine the artifacts that you are using, it is worth it to look through your perks to optimize your character’s performance. 

Mistake #5-Buying Acquaint Fates

In Genshin Impact, if you have the option to purchase Intertwined Fates instead of Acquaint Fates, you should always take advantage of that opportunity.

Mistake #6-Not Teleporting

There are times when teleporting isn’t appropriate. Still, typically if your character is in trouble, you can teleport to evade whatever is causing your character harm without doing damage to your progress in the game.

Mistake #7-Not Using the Statue of the Seven. 

Unless you are in a battle, you can teleport to the Statue of Seven to get a quick team to heal instead of using food. 

Mistake #8-Capping Resin 

You always want to make sure that your resin is recharging and not capped. 

Mistake #9-Upgrading too Many Characters at Once 

In Genshin Impact, upgrading your characters can take a long time. The wiser strategy is to invest most of your resources into one or two specific characters instead of spreading them across your whole team. 

Mistake #10-Ignoring Hidden Vendors and Rewards 

While these can be tedious to find on your own, using the internet to help you find these hidden rewards is very much worth your time, especially as a novice player.

Mistake #11-Not Using Co-Op.

Playing video games with friends is an extremely socially rewarding experience, and anime games like Genshin Impact and Bleach: Brave Souls have joined the global phenomenon of online multiplayer gaming. 

Mistake #12-Not Exploring the Map. 

Especially once you reach adventure rank level twenty, you’re going to want to have a healthy understanding of where everything is located on the game map. 

Mistake #13-Upgrading World Level Prematurely 

It is much more worth the player’s time to upgrade their character and their weapons before upgrading their world level. 

Mistake #14-Trying to Obtain a Raid Up Character 

This can be very tedious, and it is much more worth the player’s time to try to re-roll for the character they desire.

Mistake #15-Not Carrying Food. 

On the off chance that you run out of stamina in the wrong situation, like being caught in the middle of a large body of water, you should always have an inventory stacked with nourishing items that your character can consume to regain that lost stamina. 

Mistake #16-Staying on Low Ground 

High grounds will give your character access to viewpoints that reveal items on lower peaks that are not visible on lower grounds. 

Mistake #17-Grinding 

Grinding enemies for character experience is very tedious, and it is usually not a worthwhile pursuit. 

Mistake #18-Not Collecting Free Rewards. 

Genshin Impact offers a battle pass, a spiral abyss, and daily rewards. It would be foolish not to take advantage of these. 

Mistake #19-Being a One Dimensional Player

In Genshin Impact, the best players with the most effective strategies employ different characters that use a mixed bag of elements.

Mistake #20-Lack of Creativity 

Genshin Impact is a complete game with an abundance of actions to take during combat. Being a resourceful player that can make effective use of the environment around them can turn an average player into a champion. 


These are twenty mistakes that beginners make in the game, Genshin Impact. Use this list to avoid making these same mistakes yourself while other players struggle and fall behind.