Understanding a character’s strengths and weaknesses is an essential part of advancing in Genshin Impact. Choosing the right characters allows you to build an effective team and advance through levels. This article will evaluate and discuss different characters and the key aspects you need to know about their performance. Specifically, this article will focus on performances demonstrated in the Spiral abyss and other time trial challenges.

Amber’s Strengths
The first character of this article will focus on is Amber. Amber is one of the first party members you will obtain in the game. Amber’s primary role in the game is on puzzle-solving; before you receive a better archer or pyro user.
Amber’s Weaknesses
Some of Amber’s weaknesses include having an underwhelming design. Amber has a dummy that pulls aggro from enemies. However, it only explodes a minute amount of damage. Due to Amber’s weak damage output and a bad mix of support and burst roll, she is only worth investing in certain conditions specifically, if you enjoy her design or happen to enjoy playing with a low tier character.

Beidou’s (A-Tier) Strengths:
The next character being evaluated is Bedou. Bedou happens to be the only character that can counter enemy attacks, which is a plus. Bedou maintains an elemental skill called “Tidecaller,” which allows her to enter a stance that absorbs enemy attacks. When Bedou breaks from this stance, she can create an output of significant damage.
One aspect of Beidou that makes her stand out is her elemental burst. Bedou can create an electric field around her, which releases electric discharge to her attacks. This allows Bedou to switch to a character with a faster attack speed, which melts enemies away while the burst is applied.
The reason for this is that electric damage scales directly with Beidou’s ATK. All of these factors truly make Bedou a worthwhile character. It is helpful to pair Bedou with another character who is skillful at fast damage dealing. This pairing will result in the damage output is too high.
Beidou’s Weaknesses
Unlike Amber, Beidou has minimal drawbacks. The main disadvantage is that her elemental burst has a long cooldown, which makes her less flexible if she participates in challenges that take longer to complete.

Bennett Strength’s
We will now begin to evaluate Bennett. Bennett is supported, so his main strengths are focused on his elemental bursts. Bennett’s elemental burst can create a field around him that applies Pyro to your attacks. His elemental burst also heals the first character if their health goes below 70%.
Bennett’s Weaknesses
Bennett’s elemental skill, Passion Overload, has been known to explode in the face. This causes issues during combat because it throws him backward. This can be especially troubling if you’re fighting on cliffs because you’ll be most likely to fall to your death. Bennett has difficulty dealing with damage properly, and he also has difficulty healing.

Barbara’s (S Tier) Strengths
Barbara is quite a valuable player in the game because she is known for being a dedicated healer. For Barbara, healing scales directly with her HP; this is a guarantee that she will be your most tanky character. Barbara has an elemental skill that can create a field around her that heals your character a total of three times. You can further heal your team by dealing with damage under the effect of the skill.
It is important to keep in mind that it can be difficult to apply for Wet status on yourself and everyone else; if you mismanage any of your Cryo or Electro attacks, you will get frozen or shocked. Put, Barbara’s elemental burst is a party-wide heal that regenerates large amounts of health. In general, Barbara is an excellent healer and a valuable character.
Barbara’s Weaknesses
Similar to Beidou, Barbara has minimal weaknesses as a healer. The main weakness to look out for in Barbara is that her elemental burst has a long cool down. Due to this long cool down, it is better to only use this burst in emergencies.
Chongyun’s (S Tier) Strengths
Next on the list is, Chongyun. The main takeaway strength from Chongyun is that he is the only character in the game that can provide constant Cryo buff for the team. Chongyun has elemental skills that produce damage to enemies and creates a field that changes attacks into Cryo damage. What makes it even better is that its burst has a low cooldown and energy cost. This makes Chongyun, in general, a beneficial damage dealer. Chongyun is a desirable choice if you’re looking to build an effective combat team.
Chongyun’s Weaknesses
Chongyun’s main weakness is that his damage output isn’t the greatest. Another disadvantage is that his cryo buff only works for the great sword, polearm, and sword users.
Diluc’s (SS Tier) Strengths
If you’re looking for a character with high burst damage, Diluc is your guy. Diluc can perform up to 3 flaming slashes; they can be mixed with regular basic attacks. On the last constellation upgrade, these flaming slashes will not interrupt your basic attack combo, which gives the highest amount of damage on the final hit. This turns Diluc into a consistent damage dealer. Another benefit of his elemental burst is that it provides a wave of energy in the form of a phoenix. This wave of energy can knock off enemies and also explodes when it lands. Diluc has weapons that become covered in flames, which makes him deal with Pyro damage.
Diluc’s Weaknesses
Diluc barely has any weaknesses! Overall, Diluc is a top contender and would be an excellent asset to any team. The only thing to keep in mind is that to unlock his most potent form, one must fully max out his constellation. This is impossible for F2P players.

Fischl’s (SS Tier) Strengths
Fishl’s leading roles are as a primary damage dealer and support. Fischl has the power of an electric raven. Fischl has impressive archery abilities that cause significant damage. Fischl’s elemental skill is Nightride, which leaves her raven Oz on the battlefield, which deals with consistent damage.
This also releases electro status on enemies. Another unique aspect about Fischl is that her elemental burst transforms into Oz, and she can travel as a ravel, dealing Electro damage to enemies. She can keep Oz on the battlefield with her for over 20 seconds once she transforms back. An impressive point to make about Fischl is that she is only a 4-star character. This makes her a very accessible F2P character to use.

Jean’s (S Tier) Strengths
Jean can launch enemies upward through her charged basic attack. The fall time is significantly low, making it relatively easy to control smaller groups of surrounding enemies. Jean has elemental skills that are enjoyable to use. First, Jean can release a short blast that scales well with her ATK.
Next, jean can hold down the skill, suck enemies in and blast them away. This is an excellent skill for getting rid of enemies in high places, leading to instant kills. Jean has an elemental burst which heals the team and launches enemies in the air. Afterward, there will be a vital field that gives constant health restoration. In summary, Jean is a great utility character with excellent burst damage and healing abilities.

Kaeya’s (C Tier) Strengths
Kaeya is similar to Amber because he is the second voluntary character to join your party. It is most likely that another Cryo user will replace Kaeya. Some of Kaeya’s strengths are that he has a simple elemental skill, which makes s small blast of Cryo. This Cryo blast creates an average amount of damage. Kaeya uses similar attack works to the main protagonist.
Kaeya’s Weaknesses
Kaeya’s elemental burst creates icicles around him; this creates small damage that isn’t so effective.

Keqing (S Tier)
Keqing excels with mobility and speed. Her attacks have the fastest delivery, and her elemental skill gives her the ability to move across land and air. Keqing can drop electrified stiletto on the ground and mid air and use her charge to create an impactful Electro explosion.
Instead of detonating the stiletto, she can activate the skill again and teleport back up to it. This opens up many exploration and combat opportunities. She has an elemental burst that makes her disappear and gives extreme Electro damage. All of these skills have short cool downtime and great scalable stats. Keqing is one of the scariest damage dealers.

Klee’s (S Tier) Strengths
Klee is an explosive character, literally; she is the primary damage dealer. Klee has an elemental skill that allows her to throw bombs that bounce. These bombs drop mines around the surrounding area after the explosion. The mines create small damage, but she can activate this skill twice, making it twice as dangerous. Klee’s elemental burst is very intimidating; they deal a lot of damage which she does basic attacks or throw s bombs.
Klee’s Weakness
Klee’s only issue is that she loses the burst if you switch her out, so she needs to be always on the field.

Lisa (B Tier) Strengths
Lisa excels at destroying enemies. Lisa is excellent at dealing with damage. Overall, Lisa is great when you need Electro support.
To deliver her elemental skill, you need to stay still to charge and deliver damage. The amount of damage depends on the number of stakes you apply. Also, her elemental burst has a large energy cost. She has low survivability, cool slowdowns, and long setups. This makes her less of a great choice for Spiral Abyss floors.

Mona (A-Tier)
Mona, the astrologist, is a master of water magic. She is a mix of support and fast burst damage. Mona’s elemental skill is similar to Amber’s. Mona can summon a water phantom. This water phantom pulls the aggro of nearby enemies, which continually uses Hyrdo damage and explodes. Mona has a dash that allows her to go underground; she is the fastest traveler in the game.
Mona can capture small creatures with her elemental burst with a bubble that has more significant damage and creates Wet status on them. The top of the bubble creates extreme amounts of damage. Overall, Moana is a flexible role and a great party member.

Ningguang’s (B Tier) Strengths
Ningguang is a Geo user. The main assets that Ningguang has are that she can gather Star Jades by carrying out basic attacks, which can be released with her charged attack. Through a combination of elemental skill and bursts, she can produce damage. The elemental skill creates a Jade screen that can block enemies’ attacks and deal damage. Her elemental burst releases an intense projectile attack that deals damage if the Jade Screen is being used. This attack can be used often because there is a low cost of the burst.
Ningguang’s Weaknesses
The Star Jades issue is that you lose them if you need to switch to a different character. Also, she is an A Geo element, which causes a loss of interaction with other elements. Another issue is that she needs always to be re-positioned to collect crystals to keep the shield up.

Noelle (B Tier) Strengths
Noelle is a popular contender due to Beginner Wishes. She’s a great character to use early on in the game. Her elemental skills project a Geo shield around her, which remains even when you switch to another party member. This shield can also absorb damage and allows Noelle to heal her team. Noelle can also use the shield to damage enemies, and she gains 15 seconds of bluffs.
Noelle Weaknesses
Noelle’s purpose is to work as a support and burst team member. Overall she can be an awkward tank since her burst is underwhelming. Also, her shield has a long cooldown of 24 seconds. As a result of these weaknesses, Noelle cannot be used competitively in Spiral Abyss.
Qiqi (SS Tier)

Qiqi does an amazing job demolishing her enemies. Qiqi is an ideal healer in the game due to the fact she has great damage output in addition to great healing. Qiqi’s elemental skill summons an ice herald, which helps her destroy any enemies nearby. What makes her stand out is that when she deals damage, she also heals all party members.
The icing on the cake is that she has an elemental burst that releases an attack, which creates a large damage. Since Qiqi can tag her enemies, she is able to heal herself and start the fight with her burst. This releases every other member’s burst without concern of dying; any damage they receive will be healed from marked enemies.
Razor (S Tier)

Razor is the main damage dealer and a very important character. His elemental burst is Wolf Within, which provides increases attack speed and additional Electro damage. Razor is immune to Electro-Charged status, which allows him to not worry about slashing when in a pool of water. Razor can use this burst often because his Energy Recharge rate is always being increased.

Sucrose’s (B Tier) Strengths
Sucrose’s elemental skills and bursts work very similarly. They create a whirlwind that pulls enemies in and damages them. The elemental burst will then launch the enemies into the air three times in a row.
Sucrose’s Weaknesses
Sucroses elemental burst has a long cooldown and energy requirements. A way around this problem is by providing her with elemental mastery, which could reduce the burst cool down.
The Traveler – Geo (B Tier) and Anemo (A-Tier)
Both the Geo and Anemo versions of your protagonist lack vitality. The majority of the other characters will place higher on the list than these two. Anemo works best with other elements. Geo is focused more on support. You can make blocks with the skill and release a wave of crystallized rocks, which help block enemy movements. Overall, Geo is a bit weaker than Anemo.
Venti (SS Tier)

Venti is a very high demand character. Venti has the ability to gather enemies together in one spot. Venti has a great elemental burst that fires off an arrow that sucks anyone in along the way. The burst creates a vortex that traps enemies. His burst has an average requirement and low cool down. He is an advantageous character and a top choice on the Tier List.
Xiangling (S Tier)

Xiangling is a fantastic support that provides consistent Pyro elemental reaction. Her elemental skill summons Guoba. Guoba is a bear that eats chili pepper and spews fire every couple of seconds. Xianglings elemental burst creates fire tornadoes that remain even after you switch characters.
Xingqiu’s Strengths(B Tier)
Xingqius’s main focus is on reducing damage. His main mechanic revolves around Rain Swords; you can generate them by the skill or burst, they remain even when you switch characters. The swords have the ability to reduce damage and heal other characters. Xingqiu can apply Wet from his Hydro attacks, which help with support. His burst can damage surround enemies and prevents swords from shattering.
Xingqiu’s Weaknesses
Because Xingqiu does not specialize in one area, he is most likely to be outshined by other characters.