Genshin Impact How To Revive Characters



In this article, we’re going to see how you can revive your characters in Genshin Impact.

You might be wondering when you’re starting the game and having a party of four, and you’re battling opponents how you can revive the character. 

They will indeed be knocked out if a player in your party suffers maximum damage, and you will need to recover them and patch them up. 

Healing them before this happens is generally a smart move because if a character takes a lot of damage, you should turn to the other members of your group to keep them alive.

How To Revive Characters

Mainly, to revive your characters, you will need to go to the inventory. If you are adventure rank 7 can collect theĀ Teyvat Fried Eggs.

You need bird eggs in order to cook it.

Use the fried eggs on the character you wish to revive. It revives the character and restores a hundred hp. 

How To Get Teyvat Fried Eggs

You can obtain it by cooking or by the shop. If you go to Sara and try to talk to her when you’re in Monstadt, you should be able to go to the “Can I get a food to go?” section, and you can see there that the Teyvat fried egg is available. It refreshes and is available daily, and you can buy a maximum of 5.

You could also go to cooking and get more ingredients such as Bird eggs.

Other General Ways to Revive Characters

Food is the primary cause of healing in the game. While exploring the world, you can pick all sorts of ingredients and either eat them or mix them in cooking pots to make delicious and nutritious foods that can cure your characters or revive them. 

In the game, various recipes will both cure and provide fun battle buffs simultaneously, so try to experiment anytime you get yourself close to a cooking pot.

Characters That Regen HP – Genshin Impact Healers

If you get lucky, you might end up with a group member who can regenerate HP.

Genshin Impact Healers

  • Barbara
  • Jean
  • Noelle
  • Qiqi

Statue of the Seven – Group Healing

Then, if you are fortunate enough to find a statue of the seven, you can use it to get a complete group healing. These critical places also serve as warp points in the game, which means they’ll also show any data on the screen.