Genshin Impact How To Get Raw Meat/Fowl


The two most common ingredients needed to make meals are Raw Meat and Fowl. Both of which can easily be obtained throughout the game, especially if you know where to look.

Raw Meat

Your goal is to look for any big forest areas on the map; the most common one is in Springvale.

Boars usually drop it, and the trick with them is that you should be a hero with a bow when hunting them. Boars tend to run real fast, which may prove to be difficult if you’re chasing it down with a sword, but it gets way more manageable when you start using a bow.

Usually, each kill earns you around 1-2 pieces of raw meat.


For this one, you need to start looking for springs, or at least areas where you can easily see and hunt birds. Areas near water (lakes and beaches) also count as a prime hunting spot for birds.

Similarly, birds are a bit tricky to hunt; hence using a bow would be ideal. Attack them from afar to not give them a chance to fly away.

It is important to note that ducks also drop Fowl, so you can kill them if you see them.

Hunting Pattern

The respawn times for both boars and birds are quick enough that you can cycle through them each time you kill a set. One thing you can start doing is find areas where they spawn, which are near teleport spots so that you can easily go to each spot and kill them to farm.

Since they can be very generous with their drop rates, you should be able to gather up a lot of raw materials in no time. The whole process might be a little bit time consuming, but with patience, you’ll surely get what you came for, and more.