How To Get 4-star Weapons
As you progress in Genshin Impact, you will naturally progress to better and better weapons. You’ll start with a lot of 1 to 3-star weaponry, and most of the time, you’ll probably be using 3-star weapons.
In this guide, you’ll learn where to get 4-star weaponry in the game, including free ones included in quest rewards, and where you can purchase prototype blueprints, which will let you forge the weapons in the future.
Although the weapon levels reach until 5 stars, these are only gotten through gacha, which may not be something the F2P players can do. But rest assured, 4-star weapons are good enough for your needs.
Through Quests

Just by natural progression through the prologue, players will already be rewarded with a 4-star sword. Once you reach adventurer level 10, you will receive the sword Prototype Rancour as a reward. Another free equipment you will get is the Favonius Warbow, which can be obtained after finishing the prologue mission, around adventurer level 18.

By Forging
If you check out the blacksmith, you should see some 4-star weapons that can be crafted.

One of the primary requirements before you can start forging these is the northlander prototype. These weapons are easy to spot since they are the white looking weapons with a purple/pink background.
Other requirements are white iron, and crystal chunks, both of which you would need 50 pieces. It might take a bit of time to farm these materials, so make sure you pick them up when you go around in the world.
Catalyst Prototypes
- You can get the catalyst prototype as a reward for completing chapter 4 in the adventurer’s handbook.
- You can get the claymore prototype once you complete the quest “Break the Sword Cemetery Seal” side quest.
- You can buy a Northlander Sword Prototype in the souvenir shop in Mondstadt (225 Anemo Sigils).
- You can buy a Northlander Bow, Claymore, Catalyst, Polearm prototype from Liyue (225 Geo Sigils each)
Though it may be hard to get, Sigils can be obtained by running around the world and opening chests. It’s a bit grind-y, but if you spend the time looking around the world, you’ll surely get to collect enough sigils.
Through the Weekly Boss Fights
Currently, there are two boss fights in the game, which give you a chance to get the weapon prototypes. One is the Stormterror Dvalin boss fight, and the other one is the Boreas, Dominator of Wolves’ boss fight. Take note that Boreas can only be done after you’ve done Razor’s character quest arc. It is highly recommended that you attempt these boss fights weekly no matter the difficulty, as they give out insanely good items.
Through Battle Pass
Another way to get a 4-star weapon is through the paid battle pass. Upon reaching level 30, you are given a chance to select a 4-star weapon that you like.
The Battle pass usually comes out when you reach adventurer level 20, so don’t worry if you can’t find it yet. It’ll cost you around 10 dollars to get this membership, though.
Through Gacha

Perhaps the most RNG reliant of all the ways to get a 4-star weapon. Rolling the dice on the gacha will give you a chance to get 4-star weapons. These are mostly unique weapons and have a few more perks than those that you can craft or get from a quest. Attempting to get these is definitely worth your time, but it might be long before you can get one.