Aurora Legends Sariel Guide


Cereal Box Guides

Sariel – Angel of Peace

Introduction: 3


Skill Overview: 4

Passive Ability: Holy Night 4

First Skill: Healing Miracle 5

Second Skill: Peace 7

Third Skill: Peaceful Rest 9

Downsides and Weaknesses 11

Potential Teams with Sariel 12

Vivian, Lucifinil, Sariel 12

Victoria, Miho, Sariel 12


So you’ve somehow found yourself to this guide, and you might be wondering, who exactly is floaty white-haired girl. Well, if you found this guide within the first 3 weeks of its posting (April 7th, 2019), then you should recognize her from the event, “Lost Sun”. Sariel is the farmable unit from this event, and is not available anywhere else, which means if you can, farm her shards!

I won’t get too deep into the exact method of farming her, since it would require diving deep into the Lost Sun event itself. For now, this Reddit post should get you by. If you still aren’t too sure of what’s going on, feel free to join the Official Discord Server and ask around! My personal favorite people to harass are Mina and Ananfal (not sorry guys). 

It is important to note that there are a limited amount of farmable shards available for each event, meaning that if you want to invest in Sariel, or any event-exclusive character for the longer term, farm your heart out now, and again when it comes around.


So for all the lazy folks out there, here’s your short and sweet summary. Sariel is a hybrid healer and tank-buster. While it may be tempting to optimize her for Angel-themed teams, don’t forget that she is completely viable outside of that archetype. Her first skill, Healing Miracle, has the same power as Sandra’s Heal, and only gets stronger on other Angels. Her other two skills have respectable nukes, and since she is a Mid-Game character, her skills will be fully usable after the first 3 to 4 skill casts of the battle. At the very least, she’s a much better character than Columbus. Don’t use Columbus. If this guide does well, I’ll make a gag guide purely to illustrate why Columbus is horrible. Don’t use him. Please. 

In my opinion, Sariel will be a strong character to pick up in newer servers. The Lost Sun event is an incredibly cheap event to farm at 100% efficiency, meaning that she will be an incredibly accessible 4-star character for F2P/Low Spending players, and definitely an invaluable asset for Mid Spenders. For higher spending players, I would say Sariel most likely will not a particularly attractive choice, until she reruns two or three more times. If you’re a newer player jumping into an older server (like Emporia), then I’m assuming you’re either going to spend a lot, or you don’t mind being competitive. In which case, the above still applies!

Skill Overview:

Before you ask, yes, I am too lazy to take two separate screenshots to make these super clean. Please don’t murder me.

Passive Ability: Holy Night

Pretty straight-forward ability. For any Angel you have, any healing is increased by 20% (including lifesteal I assume, I haven’t confirmed that bit myself though). It’s important to remember that if Sariel is the lone Angel on her team, she will still heal herself 20% more, making her a decent amount more tanky that your average healer.

First Skill: Healing Miracle 

Suddenly I’m regretting the fact that I didn’t bother taking two screenshots to make these look better

Since I’m a buffoon and the skill description is on the page above, I’ll summarize the effects down here.

Heal every second for 3 seconds.

Early Game – per tick: 30% Attack Strength (+5% per level) [55% at max level]

Early Game – total: 90% Attack Strength (+15% per level) [165% at max level]

Mid Game+ – per tick: 70% Attack Strength (+6% per level) [100% at max level]

Mid Game+ – total: 210% Attack Strength (+18% per level) [300% at max level]

If you already read the summary and you’re here, then great! If not, I’ll repeat what I said then. Sariel’s Healing Miracle and Sandra’s Heal are essentially the same skill. The main differences are in the levels, where Sandra gains +3% (+9% total) and +7% (+21% total) respectively towards her ticks for Early Game and Mid Game+. Now, a person could argue that the 15% more healing that a maxed out Sandra Heal has over Sariel makes it so that Sariel must be on a full Angel team in order to compete in total healing. 

To me, that isn’t totally true. When someone is using Sandra, they want Sandra to be spamming her Heal during battles. With this in mind, If we gave both Sariel and Sandra their optimal healing rotations (S1 spam), then Sariel is only slightly inferior to Sandra. At Level 6 S1s, Sariel is healing 300% of her Attack Strength. Sandra heals 315% of Attack Strength. That means the overall difference between the heals is a measly 5%.

Sariel also has better scaling on her Early Game healing. At max skill level, Sariel has 165% Attack Strength. In comparison, Sandra’s is 135% Attack Strength, meaning that for the first 3-4 skill rotations, Sariel’s heal is a rough 20% stronger than Sandra’s. If we were to go back to the optimal healing rotation, it would take 9 skill casts for Sandra to catch up to the overall healing that Sariel put out, which is not a measly amount.

With all of that said, if Sariel is healing any Angel, all of these small disadvantages I’ve listed become completely irrelevant. This also means that Sariel’s independent self-sustain is much higher than Sandra’s.

Second Skill: Peace

Peace??? More like Nuclear Bomb. Sariel, you’re supposed to be the Angel of Peace here, why are you destroying people???

Same deal with earlier – these screenshots are maaaaaasssive.

Deal damage to one enemy. Also restore 50% Attack Strength to the lowest percentage ally. The heal does not increase % per level.

Early Game: 120% Attack Strength (+20% per level) [220% at max level]

Mid Game+: 200% Attack Strength (+50% per level) [450% at max level]

At max level, “Peace”, if you can even call it that, deals a whopping, massive, 450% of Sariel’s attack strength to the front opponent. I cannot express how insane this skill scaling is. To put it into perspective, our favorite character, Columbus, has a measly +12% Early Game/+20% Mid Game+ scaling on his 120%/450% Attack Strength S1, Falcon Dive. At max level, Sariel is 100% Attack Strength below Columbus. While that is a significant difference, you have to keep in mind that the difference at Level 1 was a whopping 250% difference. Sariel almost caught up to a character that is meant to be a damage dealer. From what I know, there is no other character that has a skill level scaling as insane as this one does.

The 50% Attack Strength heal is a minor upside to this ability. Healing your frontliner for an amount that small is almost inconsequential. Healing an Angel makes nearly no difference, as 60% compared to 50% is incredibly small on the grand scale of things. For a skill that does such massive damage, I would say that this heal is simply the cherry on top. To continue the comparison to Sandra, you will not be disappointed if Sariel does not cast her healing ability, because you’re going to be slamming the enemy frontliner for a respectable chunk of damage very early. For Sandra’s S2, you’d consider it a wasted ability unless your frontliner happened to die under its effects. While that is a very valuable effect, it often requires you to be in a losing position for it to gain value. Sariel’s “””Peace””” will impact that battle regardless of the gamestate.

Third Skill: Peaceful Rest

Someone PLEASE tell Sariel that slapping someone in the face really hard isn’t peaceful.


Different skill, same story, same idiot author.

Deal damage to one enemy. If that enemy dies, deal half the damage to another enemy.

Early Game – Base Skill: 150% Attack Strength (+30% per level) [300% at max level]

Early Game – On Death Proc: 75% Attack Strength (+15% per level} [150% at max level]

Mid Game+ – Base Skill: 300% Attack Strength (+60% per level) [600% at max level]

Mid Game+ – On Death Proc: 150% Attack Strength (+30% per level} [300% at max level]

Once again, Sariel has an insanely high scaling damaging ability. There isn’t much to this ability. Hit an enemy for a lot. If you happen to kill that enemy, deal half that damage to the next one. This basically translates to, if you kill the frontliner, here’s another strong nuke to help you snowball the battle in your favor. 600% Attack Strength is an insane multiplier. Potentially 900% Attack Strength is an even more insane multiplier. I’m honestly not sure if many other characters in the game have an unconditional 600% Attack Strength multiplier, much less a conditional 900% Attack Strength multiplier. I think Pandora’s S3 is the closest skill, but that either requires a team composition built around her to consistently activate or good luck, not to mention that her skill is distributed to multiple enemies.

To bring up the already beaten horse, you will not be disappointed if Sariel casts this ability. Sandra’s S3 is a strong sustain tool, but requires her supported unit to deal simultaneously deal damage when it’s cast. While that aspect of the ability can be easily worked around, it also limits its usefulness in teams where she is supporting a character like Roland.

Downsides and Weaknesses

So, I’ve spent a lot of time gushing over Sariel and her strong points. What exactly are her weaknesses?

To begin, she simply isn’t as consistent of a healer as many other healers are. As much as I’ve downplayed Sandra’s abilities in comparison to Sariel, it is undeniable that Sandra is more consistent in keeping her allies alive. I wouldn’t necessarily say that Sandra is a better character, but if your goal is to keep your frontliner alive for as long as possible, Sandra should be your to go choice.

Sariel is also not a great candidate for being a main damage dealer. While she does have two damaging abilities, the presence of her heal means that if you’re unlucky enough to continuously roll her heal, and she’s your primary damage healer, your frontliner might be killed before your opponent’s. As great as her scaling is on her abilities, the fact that they cannot be reliably buffed nor reliably synergized with other characters means that what you see on her abilities is what you get. There aren’t going to be any cute interactions like Lucifinil S3 + Pandora S3, or bonus effects like the Burn or Injury characters.

For me, running Sariel shoehorns your team composition into a very specific role, which is tank busting. Because she doesn’t have any real buffs, her effectiveness drops when she is haphazardly placed into teams that are not meant to bust the frontline. While she can still be run in those teams, it is undeniable that there will generally be better choices for her slot.

In conclusion, Sariel takes the slot of two roles, but will not necessarily fulfill the goals of either role in a consistent manner. Due to the 3 character limit of Aurora Legends, this versatility is a double-edged blade. If she’s placed in the right team, then she performs extremely well. If not, then you really have to ask yourself, “Who can I replace Sariel with?”

Potential Teams with Sariel

Vivian, Lucifinil, Sariel

This is the team that I am personally planning on running. Since Vivian and Lucifinil are exceptionally good at killing the front character, Sariel makes sure that the damage is there to cinch the kill. She replaces Isabelle in this team, which means that the substitute win condition of “Isabelle blasts everything into heaven” and “Isabelle buffs Vivian with Halo Shots and everything goes to heaven” is removed in favor of ending the battle earlier and more consistently.

Recommended Skill Leveling Priority: S2 = S3 > S1

The reason why S2 and S3 are higher priority than S1 is because Vivian + Lucifinil teams win when they break past the frontliner. While healing is good, surviving isn’t a goal. The goal is to shred the enemy tank ASAP and get to the squishy backliners.

Victoria, Miho, Sariel

This is a team that Mina was running. Victoria and Miho is an incredibly powerful combo. The addition of Sariel into the team seems to be for better healing consistency, and the extra punch through the frontline. Without a tank, this team is a bit fragile and does rely on the frontliner (Victoria) to be able to sustain a little. Since Victoria doubles as the damage dealer and the tank of the team, running double supports in the form of Miho and Sariel is a good idea to ensure that Victoria is able to get her damage out.

Recommended Skill Leveling Priority: S1 > S2 = S3

The reason why S1 is higher priority than the damaging abilities is because Victoria does all the damage you need. The damaging abilities are still powerful here, but since Victoria relies on healing, and is also tanking, keeping her alive is much more important than potentially killing the frontliner.

NOTE :: If your team plans to kill your opponent before they can do stuff, then ALWAYS max S2 and S3 before S1. If your team already has a strong delayed damage dealer (like Phia, Pandora, or Victoria), feel free to max S1, since Sariel doesn’t need to do damage.

Let me know if you have any suggestions to add above! You can comment on the subreddit post, or ping/DM me via the Aurora Legends Discord. My username for Reddit is smolbarn, and my user tag for discord is bran flakes#7261. I appreciate any and all feedback!