Where to Farm Grindstone
When you farm grindstone, two stages are usually used for farming it. You may use stage 4-8 or stage 5-7. If you use stage 5-7, you will get T2 Orion even if you failed.
Nonetheless, both of these stages have a similar drop rate. The drop rate is around 34%. You may pick your sub-target, which can be T2 Orion or T4 Grindstone. When it comes to trust farming, 4-8 is better.
4-8 Process

You should use S1 Saria and Blaze, and then you should make sure that the bind casters use their skills beforehand. Then you have to wait.

5-7 Process
Here, everyone is replaceable. You may clear it with less operators. Then you have to handle the early slug and the frost drone.

You should also deploy the jammer before the laser drone spawns. Then you have to save your skills for the last wave. You may use Siege as the early wave handler, then Lappland and SA S1 for the frost drone and the blocker. You may also use Ange for her heal and also for the last wave. Use Meteorite for the last frost drone and also for assisting Lappland.