Soul Hunters Beginner Guide


Starting out right in Soul Hunters:

A “newbies” guide to the first week

Overview:  This guide is designed to help you be more efficient at the very beginning of the game.  Levels 1-45, pre purple fusion.

Note: I am just approaching Level 50 myself on my server.  I am, as of this initial writing, the highest level and arena ranked player on my server and have maintained a top 5 arena placement since server start, often top 2 or 1.  I am writing this guide now as opposed to when I am level 90, as it’s currently fresh in my mind on what I might have done differently during this first few weeks on a server.


Listen to this very carefully.  How successful you will be when you first start on a server is entirely based on this one point.  


When you first join the game, you’re likely going to just be on whatever server you first clicked on.  I kind of suggest spending a few days messing around with the game without investing money just to get a feel for how it plays, if you think you’ll enjoy it, and to start to understand what you need to do or not do.  Hopefully, you did not invest money into the game on the first server you were on.  

Anyways, at this point you want to start looking for a day one server which is just opening.  Being on a server day one gives you such a ridiculous benefit it can literally almost make or break how successful you’ll be on the server for the first few weeks.  In the long run, you’ll be able to catch up if you’re active, but there is a snowball efficiency effect from starting out right. 

You can check if your on a day one server by checking if the new server event is still running and how much time is left  I believe it’s a 3 day event normally, so it should say there are 2 days left still if your on day one of the server. However, as you may have been wasteful on your first few days, I’d suggest just starting fresh on a new server

To do this, shut down your soul hunters app, then reboot.  It will show you a login for your server, you should see a “change server”, at which point you’ll see the newest server listed as “new”  Don’t join it, just remember the name of it. Then twice a day repeat the process until you see a newer server then that one with a new name get created and you’ll know you’re joining in the first half day it was created.  It seems new servers start every three days, so shouldn’t be a long wait.

*Note:  I have been told sometimes a new server will start up at 3:00 pst, which is only 2 hours before the day reset.  In order to use that first initial day, you’ll want to make sure you’re on right away to get full benefit. I have not confirmed this myself, but something to keep in mind.

** If you really like the server or guild you’re in, then you may not want to swap servers.  You’ll be a bit behind but you can catch up later still, this guide can help you not be wasteful from this point on.

F2P OR $$$:

The first thing you need to decide is if you’re going to be a straight free to play (F2P) player or are going to spend some money on it.


There are bonus events in the first three days of a new server that promote spending money.  I believe one of them gives you Lumos. The rest can vary, when I started I was also able to get Taurus and Zem.  These heroes may change, but as of April 2017, these are all excellent heroes for arena. Zem is one of the strongest tanks, and Lumos is a nice early support

I’d suggest at the very least that you consider the Monthly Card.  You may also want the diamond chest tickets for the first month, and when I joined they were selling Prince of Persia and Ezio for $1 each for a 3 star.  I personally think a 3 star Ezio for a dollar helps you get a good early start. And around level 40 Prince of Persia seems to become pretty powerful for arena, at least on my server.  You’ll have to spend more money later if you want either of these champions at a high enough star rating to be viable in high level game play, from what I’ve read.

The key benefit, beyond great champions, however, is from spending this money day one, it will put you up to I believe VIP 5 at least.  This allows you to purchase stamina 7 times a day, which is key to week one success. Overall, it’s about a $14 investment into the game I believe.

Here are the key break points with VIP levels, I have underlined what I feel are the most important to you in the first week..

VIP 3:  Skip cooldown time in Epic Arena, Enter Hall of legends 1 time per day, Purchase stamina 5x per day

VIP 4: Purchase Stamina 6x per day

VIP 5: Purchase stamina 7x per day, Occupy 3 zones in Treasure Cave, Auto-Plunder in Cave

VIP 6: Brotherhood Coins for Guild Co-op Daily increased 50%, Purchase Stamina 8x per day

VIP 7: Purchase stamina 9x per day (You won’t purchase more than this likely)

VIP 9: Permanently summon Black Market Smuggler

VIP 10: Permanently summon Goblin Peddler, Reset Crucible of FIre 2 x per day, One free Conjuring stone use per week.

VIP 12: Dispatch 3 heroes to mercenary camp, Occupy 4 Treasure Cave zones.

VIP 14: Dispatch 4 heroes to merc camp.

If you are interested in seeing if being a Free to Play (F2P) player is viable while still being competitive.  You can follow an experiment as I record my progress trying to be competitive as a F2P player at:

** Note Since starting the F2P experiment, I have learned a few new lessons with ways to start to maximize your options as a F2P player.  I still have some more to learn and will I think add a section specifically for F2P players to this guide after I have gathered all my thoughts on the subject.  I’d suggest again to read through the experiment journal and see if you can pick up some strategies for yourself by seeing what I was doing and what worked out for me or was wasteful and could be avoided by you.


When you first start out, the game starts you with Elric, then Ember, Gale, Mortus, Drago, Flora, Leon, Vincent, and Mariana.  Maybe not in that exact order..

Here’s a breakdown of each a bit:

Elric: He’s an adequate tank but nothing to special.  He doesn’t compare to Zem, during the first week, in my opinion but later on he may be okay once he’s awakened (really high levels).  You’ll likely need to use him initially until you can get a better tank. Don’t over invest into him until you get a feel for where your hero pool settles out to after the first day or so.
Ember: She has a bunch of damage but no utility.  However, other heroes can basically do everything better.  She’s a bit of a newbie trap, use someone else and don’t invest time or resources into her.
Gale: She can provide some decent back line damage.  If you’re a Free to Play player, you may want to invest some attention into her.  Likely won’t be on your strongest arena team, but does alright in crucible and campaign.  
Drago: He brings an AOE Stun and Physical Armor Debuff to the enemy team.  There certainly are better tanks. But for a F2P player if you cannot access a better one, he may be an option to consider for a physical based team.
Flora: As your only healing support you start with, this champ is needed for crucible or other situations where you need heal sustain.  However, if you can get your hands on Jasmine, use that hero instead of Flora.
Mortus: A middle of the pack pick of heroes.  At high levels you likely will not find yourself using him, so don’t invest resources unless you have nothing better for an option.
Leon: Somewhat weak in early levels, is a bit stronger later in levels, but then not super great at end game levels.  Once again, would suggest you try to find a better champ to invest your resources into.
Vincent: I didn’t use him but apparently in early levels of the game he’s decently good but falls off later levels pretty hard.  For this reason, I’d try to find a champ better later on to invest into rather than this one. Vincent I believe is acquired to start the game by acquiring VIP levels.
Mariana: This hero seems good but her long channel on ult means she is often interrupted in arena.  Basically, you can find better heroes to fill her role but she may find some use in Crucible of Fire at times for you.


As you may notice, all the starting heroes are not really all that special later on in the game.  It’s important you realize your resources in the game are limited and you cannot simply level up all your heroes you’ll be getting until extremely late in the game.  


I’d suggest trying to find better heroes if you can, to invest your resources into.  Here’s a google doc that seems to be kept up and current at least as of me writing this that may help understand who’s good.  I’d suggest focusing on arena champs initially.


Probably the most important factor to week one success will be strong hero’s.  This however is followed almost equally by your party level. If you have really great hero’s, you can beat an opponent a few levels higher than you, however, almost all other things being equal, party level wins.

If you are planning to be a F2P player, you’ll likely need to accept the fact you’re unlikely to be able to reach the top of the arena, early in the server, unless you get lucky early with heroes.  Your gated from this simply because …

Point 4: Stamina used = party experience & equipment farmed = hero level & gear = hero ability level & fusion level = the majority of how powerful a hero/team can be.

You should probably read the above point again and ponder on it a moment.  It’s essential to early success.

Let’s break it down..  

1-The amount of damage your hero does with their abilities, is directly related to the ability level they have learned their abilities to.  (Note: you have to be party level 6 before the game will allow you to start leveling abilities on your hero’s)

2-You cannot raise your ability levels higher than your hero level. (Some items give bonuses)

3-You cannot raise your hero level higher than your party level. (At very early stages of the game you can, but before long your gated on hero level by party level)

4-You raise your party level by gaining party exp.  Party exp is earned by expending stamina (on a 1 to 1 basis) or by completing daily quests (note: there are a few other times you gain party level but these two are the main ways)

5-Daily quests are limited to one a day. But additional stamina can be purchased with diamonds.  Therefore Stamina is key over pretty much everything else.

In addition to this..

1b- Your hero’s fusion level unlocks additional abilities and gives extra stats, making your hero’s stronger.

2b- You complete fusions by filling every equipment spot on a hero with items, then fusing with some gold.

3b- Equipment usually has a minimum hero level required before you can equip it, which we see earlier directly relates to your party level, and stamina/party exp earned.

4b- To get the equipment, the most efficient way is to farm it in campaign, which requires stamina to do.

In fact, Though your hero stars are helpful, Fusion and Hero levels are often more important to winning than Stars are.  Not that stars are not important to a point. Fun fact! Champs with fewer stars often will ult sooner I’ve heard than champs with more stars!

So what this means is…

Buy Stamina.  But.. for that you need diamonds, and to have diamonds you need to know how to get them and use them efficiently..  


Acquiring diamonds comes from a few ways.  Buying them in the store, completing quests, and the arena.  When you first get started, you should do initially really well in arena and acquire a very nice amount of diamonds.  Don’t fall into the trap of spending them early unless you’re seeing a really good hero in a diamond spender event.

For the most part, Diamonds cost money.  The goal is to use them as efficiently as possible.  But it’s also important to PURCHASE them as efficiently as possible.  There are special events that you get bonuses stuff when purchasing anything during the event.  The one exception is Ezio and Prince of Persia do not benefit you on a few of these events, so be careful on those.


You can use them just about anywhere in the game, but let’s consider the options that most people consider..

Buying Stamina:

You get 120 stamina for 50 diamonds twice, than 120s for 100 diamonds three times or so, than 120 for 200 diamonds a bunch of times, than 120 for 400 diamonds etc, etc.  As you can see, the efficiency drops off. However, you basically should always be spending the gems on stamina for at least the times it only costs 50 or 100 diamonds. And if you can afford it, the 200 diamond times as well.  I wouldn’t go into the 400 diamond purchases, it’s a bit too expensive at that point.

Buying Gold (Midas Touch):

This also goes from efficient to not efficient investment in diamonds rather fast.  For the most part you’ll want to at the very least spend 10 diamonds a day in order to get the exp from the daily quest for using this.  

Early levels you may find yourself buying gold with diamonds in order to keep your 5 core arena hero team’s abilities at the same level as your party level.  You’ll want to do this as few times as is necessary however, so as not to waste diamonds. But being competitive in arena provides such great rewards that I feel it’s worth it.  

At around level 30 I believe, you’ll gain access to the Crucible of Fire. (more later on Crucible)  This will be another gold source for you which will help with some of your troubles.

Once you reach level 42 which should take about 5-7 days of play, you’ll open up the Treasure Cave which will resolve most of your gold issues.

Conjuring Stone:

I would very, very, highly recommend you never waste diamonds on the conjuring stone.  The cost for chances of reward ratio is some pretty bad odds. The only time I myself used it is when I had a very useful arena hero who needed 10 more soul stones in order to reach the next star.  That hero was the daily conjuring hero and I used it until I got the stones. However, I was actually appalled at how many times I actually had to use it in order to get just 10 stones for the hero.  Don’t think I’ll ever touch it again. To wasteful. I’ve heard rumor, the first use gives you a card more often than not, but haven’t confirmed this.

Diamond Chest:

FIrst of all, never buy single diamond chests.  If you’re going to do it, at least buy 10 for the bonus.  I’d suggest NOT buying diamond chests. Instead invest in the monthly diamond chest ticket store thing and save up those until you have 10 of them, then use the buy 10 with diamond chest tickets.  A few exceptions, the first being Sylphi is available with the “Instant Hero” event and requires Jade which comes from buying diamond chests. If the event is close to a refresh you may want to get a few chests to acquire enough jade to unlock her.  The other exception is…

Diamond spender events:

Fairly often the server will have special Diamond Spender events.  These will provide you a fairly sizable number of soulstones for heroes depending on which stages you complete to.  This is the ONLY time I would suggest considering purchasing buy 10 diamond chests. Research the hero’s available however.  Not all of them are going to be arena team game changers. However, it might be worth it if they are powerful arena champs.

Hero Stones from stores for Diamonds:

I’d suggest you don’t spend diamonds on hero stones from stores.  Exception are if they are heroes you’re expecting to be your end game arena team, you might consider it, however if you work out the overall cost of the hero by buying stones this way, it’s VERY pricey.  Best to wait for that hero in an event instead.

Items from stores for Diamonds:

I’d suggest not spending diamonds on items.  You can instead purchase stamina and then farm the items in campaign and get party exp to go with it.  Exception is if you have a hero you’re able to fuse if you had the item, and cannot finish it with stamina available… AND it will affect your current day’s arena standings (aka you’re likely to get more arena rewards as a result of not waiting till tomorrow)

Treasure Cave Giant Mine:

I haven’t really tested if the payout from the giant mine is better than the two payouts from large mines and one payout from small mine, which would take about the same number of hours to complete.  I feel like once you reach level 42, your leveling has slowed down enough that you’re better able to manage your gold issues and I don’t think investing diamonds here is necessary and is likely wasteful.

**Note: Well, I did a bit of research and tried this.  What I can say is so far, whenever I have spent 50 diamonds on a giant mine, I have ended up getting back MORE than the 50 diamond investment in diamonds mined.  So there is a net diamond benefit. If it’s more than doing the three individual mines, I am unsure still. But I would suggest it as a convenience option if you cannot check the game as often. 

Arena Resets:

I’d only suggest using arena resets if you are fighting for the first position on the arena ladder.  The benefit in those last 45 seconds from replacing your team at the top of the list when three of you can each beat up the other, is a good enough reward 

Heroic Campaign Resets:

I’d suggest not using diamonds for this.  Use your stamina on heroic campaigns to use up the initial 3 uses per day only on camps that provide items you’re in need of.  Then just do normal campaign runs of that camp to get the rest of them. Don’t waste diamonds resetting them. Your party exp is the same either way and most of the campaign heroes pre level 46 are not really top arena champs anyways.

Buying more ability points with diamonds:

Initially, I was doing this, but I hadn’t realized how fast these things actually regenerate.  I suggest NOT spending diamonds on this, just check in every hour and spend any points you have normally.  You’ll get enough to keep a solid 15 champs leveled up if you’re using them up as they generate. Max you can generate is 20 at a time.



So, in summary, You should focus your diamonds into stamina purchases, one midas touch a day, and that’s mostly it.  You may need more gold early on and may want to buy more gold to level up your core heroes with, but it’s rather wasteful so would not do this unless it’s likely to massively affect your arena results for that day.  


The second most important resource you can have, beyond diamonds (and I suppose stamina if you consider that a resource) is gold.

You get gold in a number of ways, buying it with diamonds, doing the crucible of fire, the treasure caves, bountiful harvests, and mercenaries in guilds.  As well as the campaign itself and arena placement.

Now, I have heard rumor of people saying many things about what to do with gold.  But don’t listen to them. Why.. I dunno, because if you have read the guide this far, you likely trust what I am saying for some reason, if you thought long enough about, is likely unfounded.  But beyond all of that…

Use your gold to level your hero abilities.  And.. to buy equipment being sold for gold from the store (except the really early level equipment, once you’ve gone past about level 20, they have a grey border)

Don’t spend it on buy 10 gold chests.  You’ll need it for hero leveling. I am top 3 arena if not first or second placed each day on my server for the first week.  And I don’t have enough gold… ever. I get 1mill gold when I win arena for a day, I’ve done it multiple times, I don’t have enough gold to keep up.


Gold is super important.  Abilities cost more and more to level each time your heroes get to higher levels.  Eventually you’ll need to expand your team from 5 to 15. You won’t have enough gold.

I don’t care if you’re sitting on 4 mill gold.  Don’t waste it on chests or other stuff, you’ll burn through that faster than you’d ever expect.  Once your higher level, like possibly the 80’s, you’ll start to have extra gold you don’t need. That’s when it makes sense to buy 10 gold chests.  

One more point.  When you get the treasure cave opened.  Don’t mine exp, just mine gold over and over.


Let’s recap the VIP benefits again..  At level 5, you can mine a third cave, and at level 10 you can run the crucible a second time for more gold.  At level 12 you can mine a fourth cave.

I personally feel level 10 helps a lot early as crucible opens up for you within the first few days, but then it takes a number of additional days to get the treasure caves opened.  I’ve struggled to keep a team of 15 heroes at the correct level, I don’t know how long it would be to afford a 4th lineup (5 more heroes) in order to mine a fourth cave, at which point I am getting offers from allies to help with there’s anyways.

Finally, don’t bother selling anything for gold.  Not really worth it. A champ you think isn’t good now, may be something you need later for some reason.  So just pack rat the stuff you have for the time being until you’re knowledgeable enough to know otherwise.


This guide is just going to discuss the first week or two of play.  Basically pre level 50 or purple fusion (Starts at lvl 48) It also is focused on what’s good in arena teams.

At these levels, there are very few heroes tanky enough to survive long in a fight.  Zem is one of the few who can hold up for any length of time. It’s mostly about whichever team gets the most damaging ultimates off will win.  

Personally, around 10 to 40 I found success with Zem, Ezio, Taurus, Sylphi, Lumos.  And at around level 40 I switched to Goram, Zem, Sylphi, Lumos, Avior. At level 48 I am starting to have to switch the team up again as, turns out, Prince of Persia is a very good counter to Avior and to an extent Lumos.  I don’t have Prince of Persia myself, but I run into it a fair bit.  

Regardless. There are a few key parts of a team to understand.  I expect from other games you understand this concept so I’ll go through this fast.  

Tanks: You need at least one, and possibly two tanks on your team.  They absorb most of the auto attacks and straightforward abilities of the enemy team.  They should be the first hero you gear up and always be your highest level.

DPS: or Damage Per Second.  These heroes *should* put out the most damage on your team, they can be either physical or magic damage.  They may focus single targets with massive damage or “AOE” or Area Of Effect, meaning multiple targets with generally good damage.  They often have lower health pools and so are the easiest to kill. You’ll likely want two of these on your team, but can do more or I suppose less (though unlikely less).

Support: These heroes either increase your allies stats or resistances, absorb damage for them, keep them from dying, or heal them up.  The goal of these heroes is to keep your tank or DPS heroes alive through the fight to do what they do best. Some supports instead weaken the enemy team, though that’s less common.  You’ll often want one of these on your team. Once in awhile two. More than that and you’re likely not going to have enough damage.

Let’s go into more detail on the heroes I’ve personally seen in the top 10 players on the arena ladder on my server in the first two weeks of play.  Classified as Very Strong, Strong, Decent, Average or Weak.

Note: These ratings are for pre purple fusion only! And based on personal experience.

Lumos: (Very Strong)Excellent in early arena, if not almost necessary.  He puts out lots of damage and helps keep another damage dealer alive long enough for them to also put out damage. May drop off in high levels though.
Zem: (Very Strong)Pre lvl 35 he’s about the only tank with enough health and sustain to actually tank for any length of time.  This should be a hero you try to get both for early and late game use.
Ezio: (Strong)Great single target damage and survives often till the end of the fight.  Being able to purchase him at higher stars also can get you an early arena leg up.
Prince of Persia: (Strong – Very Strong)Pre 30’s may die early, but he really starts to do work after around lvl 35.  His constant cc and ability to cancel resurrection effects counters Avior, Lumos, and interruptible ult heroes.
Taurus: (Decent-Strong)Has an excellent kit but with Prince running around cancelling his ult early, as well as often dying before he ults, he struggles a bit.  Still worth playing and likely more valuable again at higher levels of play.
Sylphi: (Very Strong)Fight changing AOE Silence, Bonus AOE dmg to Illusionary units and Sustain in her ult.  One of, if not thee, best hero in the game.
Goram: (Very Strong)Creates 3 illusions that can use his abilities!  Lots of dmg and can tank, aoe knockup is also nice.  However be warned, Prince often will freeze him interrupting his first illusions ability, massively reducing his dmg and survivability..
Tanya: (Decent)Plays a lot like Ezio, a bit less dodging but a bit more resistance.  So far I’ve found Ezio more consistent. Even with her reaching purple fusion first.  Can run both in offense, if they have squishy high dmg team.
Avior: (Decent – Strong)Does a lot of damage, while also keeping another hero alive to get off their key ults with his AOE shield effect.  Hard countered by Prince of Persia who stuns him and can cancel his resurrection ability. Plays well into non PoP teams.
Jasmine: (Average)Let me clarify, Jasmine is Necessary to have, but not for arena.  Get her. She is key to campaign and Crucible fights often. However, she often dies before she gets ult off in arena.
Kong: (Decent – Strong)This hero also creates illusions.  Good counter to Ezio and other single target heroes.  I feel that Goram does it better though. Still a good champ to use in early arena.
Nilya: (Decent)I’ve seen this hero more in the lvl 40’s range.  The slow and freeze is nice. An alternative choice if you don’t have Sylphi, otherwise I think Sylphi does the job better.
Malrath: (Likely Strong)I haven’t seen a top 5 player on my server playing Malrath, but I read he is considered strong.  His kit seems powerful. I’d suggest him with knockups like Goram, Taurus, and maybe Tashi for the synergy damage with his ult.
Li Twins: (Weak – Average)The Twins were available on our server so saw a lot of them around lvl 30 – 40.  The best thing is resurrection ability with ult. I think other heroes contribute more.
Firehawk: (Average)Pre purple fusion, AoE damage and low health pools often means firehawks team is dead when his resurrection ability starts.  I think he will be much stronger with higher health pools and leveled heroes. Hold onto him for later. 
Tashi: (Weak – Average)Just starting to see Tashi now.  Think he requires purple fusion for his kit to really unlock it’s potential.  Might be strong then. Other heroes likely better to use in first two weeks.
Radulf: (Average)Nothing special here.  Not a shining support or dmg output.  Stun is random and so kinda unreliable.  Some fights will go well, others not so. He does extra damage to illusions / summoned units, so maybe for a counter pick in offensive arena.
Vincent: (Unsure)I haven’t seen much vincent myself.  Purple fusion gives him a buff against magic dealers.  I think other tanks already listed would be preferred if available.  The sustain may be useful in crucible however.
Gizmo: (Average – Decent)I see Gizmo once in awhile fighting against me.  Issue is, he doesn’t have any CC until purple fusion which is beyond the scope of this guide.  Does damage but so do others who also offer extras along with it.
Kaneq: (Unsure)I haven’t seen him myself, but one of the top 10 is using him.  Seems geared against physical back liners, but I don’t see those often right now.  Think he’s situational in offensive, but not sure.
Serafine: (Unsure)One player I haven’t faced in top 10 has Serafine.  Have read she’s strong. Kit seems great, especially post purple fusion.  I’d suggest trying her out on your arena team and see how she performs, though may need to wait till purple.
Xanos: (Weak – Average)I read xanos is strong, I used xanos, he doesn’t feel strong.  His kit seems good but I think he requires later levels and higher health pools to improve his survivability before he’s useful in arena.
Wraxius: (Weak)This champ is available as one of the hero chest options from day 7 of beginners event.  His kit is too random to know if he will be helpful or useless in a fight. And he seems easy to kill.  Would suggest other heroes do more instead.
Tholin: (Unsure)Haven’t played against him however summoned creatures offer other targets vrs single target enemies.  Stun is nice but low range. No sustain or resistance buff in tank kit often = weaker tank.Expect average myself.

Check out this google doc tier list for help:

Regardless of lineup there are a few things you need to have accomplished with your team.


Focus on your 5 main arena heroes.  Then add more after as they become available, so long as you’re able to keep your arena team maxed.  You’ll ideally want 10 by the time you reach level 42 for Treasure cave, or 15 if your VIP 5 or higher.

You’ll also need about 15 heroes once you get to the mid 40’s in order to complete crucible (explained later)

It’s extremely important to always keep your arena team at the max level your party level allows.  They MUST have all abilities on them maxed out as well, and have all fusions completed / gear equipped that their level will allow.  Do this before spending your arena tries each day.

Only after your arena team is maxed out, should you spend any resources into other heroes.  The next set of heroes you should spend energy on is your healer, (likely Jasmine or Flora) and your tanks.  This is because they are the next most useful when working through Crucible. And finally work on any other heroes with self healing in their kit, followed by the rest after that.  I’d suggest each time you reach a new party level, go back and bring your main team up to the new level, then go down the power list of your heroes one by one bringing them up the level until everyone in your main lineups are at the new party level.  After that if you still have resources, you can start leveling another hero up slowly to the party level as resources are available. Only level a single new hero up at a time to the max party level, and try to keep all other heroes you had at max level topped off whenever you gain a level.

Also, particularly when looking at tank heroes.  Be sure to pick up at least one female tank hero in your 15 hero lineup.  You’ll need her for the Female only Dojo to be successful. I have had luck with Dina myself so far.

A quick note about Enchanting:

I wanted to talk briefly about enchanting.  I’d suggest pre purple fusion to only enchant one item and day (for daily quest) and only with the most basic enchantment (30) using basic enchanting dust.  You should focus health or resistance items on your primary arena tank, followed by damage items on your primary DPS after that. Once you hit Purple fusion, levels go slowly enough that enchanting is more reasonable.


The best way to beat the crucible of fire the easiest, is to be the top player on the server..  Doing everything above will help you do that. The funniest part is what’s happened to me multiple times in my first week, which is the final team you have to beat on stage 15, is often your own team!  I have made all 15 levels every day I’ve had the option to run crucible with the exception of once where I ended at stage 14. (I screwed up my lineup on one fight around level 12-13 and wiped my party by accident)

Anyways, there are some other tips to help you out.


Determine what your strongest team is “A” team, this will likely be the same as your arena team.  Possibly a few alterations in it.

Determine your second strongest team “B” team.  This will do a lot of the grunt work for you.

“C” tier champs / fillers

First, While doing crucible at the later stages.  Keep your finger hovering over the pause menu option.  If the battle turns badly you can pause and leave battle to reset it with zero penalty and try again.  Sometimes RNG just doesn’t go in your favor.

Second, Let’s break the crucible up into stages

Stage 1-6ish  : During this stage, you’ll want to keep auto battle off.  Start with your weakest health heroes, (B team and C tier) often ones with high dmg ults and your healer.  Along with a weaker tank in your lineup. Run them through letting them use non-ultimate abilities and auto attacks to kill the enemies only.  The whole purpose is to charge up their ultimates to be used in later stages. Once a hero has their ult charged up, cycle them out and another hero in for the next battle.

Stage 7ish-8 : During this stage, you’ll need to start running your primary “A” team a bit.  The fights should still be easy enough that they shouldn’t be getting hurt much but it’s difficult enough that your “B” team might get banged up a bit too much.  This also gives your “A” team some battles to charge up their ults. Keep auto battle off, but if you think it’s necessary, manually fire off your front tank’s ultimate to help keep them healthy during these fights.  They charge up fast enough, you should be fine to use them. Only use one of your other heroes ults if the battle seems to be taking a bit too long and you’re worried about damage on your team.

Stage 9 or 10: You’re likely going to want to use your healer ultimate around now.  I’d suggest swap in your healer into your team for whatever support you usually use in arena (I hope it’s not a jasmine or flora that you use in arena..)  I’d also suggest that you keep one hero with a fully charged high damage ultimate from your arena team out of this fight and on the shelf (Let’s call him/her our “AOE Shelfie”, I’d suggest Taurus possibly, if you have him, for this).  Fire off your tank ult during the fight when it’s ready and then use your healer ult when it will hopefully provide the biggest benefit. If it’s Jasmine, try to wait till her ult will also kill some enemies at the same time, as this will quickly recharge her ult again for a future battle.  Your fine to use other heroes ults as necessary for this fight as well. The key is to try and have the team walk out of this fight in as close to full health as we can manage. This is where the opponent’s power level spikes up a bit and your team’s going to be taking some damage now.

Stage 10ish -13: This is where heroes really start dropping.  Hopefully you’ve managed to keep your “A” team tank, and most of the rest of it in healthy or full health condition.  Now they get put on the shelf as we want to keep them in as best form as we can to handle the final two camps. One of them with high damage should have a fully charged ult still (AOE Shelfie) which we will need for later.

So, it’s time for the “B” team to strut it’s stuff.  We want to keep the healer in this lineup and our next best tank or tanks, along with some hopefully charged up damage ults.  At this point, we are putting auto battle on, and just hoping for as few deaths as possible. As heroes drop during these fights, replace them with the most suitable replacements we can manage without dipping into the “A” team.  If necessary pull down the “A” team tank, if all the other tanks have died.  

Stage 14: Option A:  We are now going to take anything left from the “B” team and “C” team and throw it away at this point.  Make the best team you can with them, If you’re “A” team tank is still around, don’t use him in this fight.  It doesn’t matter if your remaining heroes are only a 3 or 4 man team with no tank. Send them in without your “A” lineup.  They will lose likely, but they will hopefully weaken the enemy camp a bit, maybe even take a enemy hero with them. At this point, you send in your “A” team afterwards.  However for the second fight on this camp, you’ll want to turn off auto battle. Just click away at the hero’s ults as they come up. However there is one exception..

Remember that one hero with a fully charged ult that did high damage that we shelved? (AOE Shelfie)  We want to try and keep that one hero’s ultimate unused if we can manage it. Only use it if you think the battle is going to badly.

Stage 15: Option A: The final fight.  Hopefully, your “A” team won’t look to unhealthy at this point and you managed to hold onto your big AOE Shelfie damage ult still.  Let them loose. That ult coming out right at the beginning of the fight should hopefully do enough damage to the enemy team that the rest of your champions are able to drop most of them before they get their ults off.

Stage 14 & 15 Option B: The alternative option is to flip how you play stage 14 and 15.  Use the big AOE Shelfie ult in turn 14 with your “A” team, keep the rest of the “B” team in reserve.  Hopefully the “A” team with the early ult comes out mostly unscathed. Then in Stage 15, expend the “B” team to soften them up and send in the “A” team for the finish.

If you lose your primary tanks…  Go to your guild and “Hire” a guild mercenary from the “Hire” tab when selecting your team in the crucible screen.  “Hired” mercs in crucible will fight through multiple battles until they die, just like the rest of your heroes do. Get the highest leveled on you can find.  The gold should be worth it for completing crucible. If bad luck kills off your healer early, “Hire” a replacement healer also.

*Note, the key is to survive through the later stages 10-13 in particular, with as strong an overall lineup as possible.  It’s not wrong to try using the “A” team with a few adjustments if you’re finding they can handle the fight without significant damage and the “B” team is getting wrecked.  One time my Stage 11 was harder then my stages 14 or 15. You may also want to try running a team with almost full healing/self healing. Dina, Sylphi, Jasmine, Lumos, and maybe Zem or Goram, for instance if you have them.  Be flexible in your approach and examine the team your about to face.


So, the key to success in arena, is basically everything we’ve discussed above.  Make a strong team, keep your party level high by focusing on stamina and party exp, and keep your hero’s maxed out.

At this point, the next thing is to understand when the servers actually count arena rewards.  Arena reward are provided at 12pm PDT on the server I am on. So, you’ll want to use about half of your 10 arena uses before that as they become available to get as close to first on the ladder as you can manage.  Then, once you’ve done that. About 20 minutes before the 12pm time point, use another arena use to level up. Once again at 10 minutes before. You should have about 3 arena tickets left. Wait for about 50 seconds before the time line.. You can check the server clock by clicking on the events tab, it will say in the upper right corner.


Anyways start a battle 50 seconds before, then as soon as you’re out, spend the 5 diamonds and start another one.  you’ll likely find your position has changed. As soon as you start the battle the results are calculated, even though you’re still watching the fight play out, someone else could already be fighting you based on your new position.  Depending on how fast it goes, you may even need to reset for a third attempt. In higher levels, you may need to change when you’re starting the fights depending on how long battles go for.





Point 4: Stamina used = party experience & equipment farmed = hero level & gear = hero ability level & fusion level = the majority of how powerful a hero/team can be.








Hope you found it helpful..


** Update notes: 

15-04-2017:  Updated a small note to F2P section.  Going to be adding a section later for it once I have learned a bit more about “best practices” so to speak.