Puzzle and Dragons Summer REM Guide


Some thoughts on “Summer” REM. Main takeaway is that this rem somewhat falls flat now considering the release of the new pantheon in JP that makes color absorb void a regular REM monster, and the meta moving away from damage absorb enemies.

The best monsters in the collab are probably the ones you can buy with MP. Blue Myr comes in handy for 3p farm teams to make pixel boards (7 cd a lot better than trying to use wee jas at 12), and Claire has some useful killers.

There is decent value in silver cards, see below.

Advice: Buy the MP monsters, roll a bit for Goemons, don’t chase the rares since they aren’t good.


Active skill same as regular fujin, probably not any more common either (Summer REM boosted rates vs. 10x Fujin rates) Considering that there is more general value in a normal godfest, if you need a fujin-style skill you are probably better off rolling in a boosted rates godfest and not in the Summer REM. 

As a leader, she is strictly worse than the best leads rn, though still useable as a B-tier leader for those who don’t have the better options. Can be used on blue hunter as a sub (lol) but please don’t use that leader in 3p thanks. 7c awakening not useful for NA.

Very nice new artwork for eschamali. Unfortunately there is no blue yog and the only blue leads that are remotely meta for 3p/2p are nene and julie (ameno is light not blue, aizen is dark). Can’t be used well on julie since your skill removes wood, and while it is somewhat useable on nene, there are better options (blodin + bicolors) for making blue orbs. Thus, she is a bit lacking compared to her light bride counterpart and is not as useful. 

Dat art tho.

Probably the best card in the REM. Luckily she is also buyable with 500k MP so you don’t even need to roll. While (non-red) myr has been trash as a leader for a long time now, she has seen relevance again recently thanks to the existence of pixel awakenings. 

Myr provides incredible flexibility to these teams since you can move your orbs into both a heart ping column or into a pixel formation. The only other skills that allow for this kind of flexibility all either are too long cooldown (wee jas 12) or have bad side effects (lucifer suicide rip yog). She is also inheritable unlike the light trash (also light myr won’t change away light orbs lol rip yog). 

If you don’t roll/have her, she is a must-buy if you want to do a lot of 3p and into the future for farming shorter dungeons. Never use her as a leader noone wants to see that.

Buffs have given her 2 new killers which make her useable in niche situations, as anything with 3 killers can find a use somewhere. Unluckily, the only latent she can take that stacks with her base latents in attacker killer for the white version and physical for the dark version. Don’t need to roll for her either, she is fairly cheap at 300k mp. With all the excess MP these days I would advise buying at least 1 just in case.


Color absorb has fallen off in importance recently because JP just came out with a new pantheon in the normal REM that has color absorb null. She can still be used as a dual active for meri farming teams that face blue absorb (ganesha x meri MHera see carl for details) because the active will flood the board with blue still. Not a necessity anymore but still nice to have because it will probably be months before we get Greek3 in NA.

I thought this was kinda good but then realized that the active skill is the regular tachibana active and not the awoken form one. Can see use as a BHunter sub but it is unlikely that most players will be able to make use out of her because from what I have seen most people playing BHunter are unable to get to the 7c that you need to get damage out of Tachibana. She does add combos with her AS, but even getting to 5c is probably quite a stretch.


Didn’t get the LMeta leader skill buff but she is one of the few blue monsters with 2 sb and 2 sbr. Couple that with a short cooldown of 4 and the fact that a lot of blue teams are short on sbr (meri, blodin no sbr) she can find some use as an inherit base that doesnt give up too much on the SB side while allowing you to get to 100% sbr.

Bicolor i guess, can be used as inherit on some teams, but also fairly garbage.


Heroine Navi exists and is strictly better (also 4 sbr, but 2 sb instead of 1 from chester)


These monsters do not exist.


Useful for farming as you may have seen during the pii farming in roguelike dungeons. Can be a triple purpose skill sometimes: killing a trash floor, providing a board, and dropping hp for dmeta teams all within 1 skill. Generally considered better than farmable Goemon because of the 2 SB. He has not fully been replaced by MGoemon because sometimes you do want the nuke + suicide. Roll for a few of these.