Monster Super League Tier List


Work in Progress: S+ Tier is the ideal format I have for the list, everything else is on hold until I perfect S+ and then, everything else will follow.

Disclaimer: Most of these tiers were already written down on another tier list, this is just a little more in-depth for new players who are confused about why some of these units are so good. S Tier is pretty flexible as some could reach into S+, while others could fall into S-. The ones sitting in S+ and S- just, without a doubt, belong there.

The description for now is a simple explanation. If needed, will expand, but I don’t expect it to be needed.

* = Farmable, Rare

*^ = Farmable, Legendary

** = Easy to farm after pulling it once

(For Water Latt, every player should have gotten a free one as part of the tutorial.)

**^ = Farmable and needs to pull it once

*** = Easy to farm at any time

***^ = Hard to farm and needs to pull it once

Remember elements or even stars could be different for awakening and evolution.

The list is in no particular order within its own tier. The similar Astromons are listed next to each other. The order they appear in has no bearing on their rank. General rule of thumb is Fire -> Water -> Wood -> Light -> Dark for an Astromon and the one with the highest natural star rating and most types in that tier usually comes in first.

Note: List puts Astromon in the * of its farmable location. For example, Dark and Light Miho are some examples.

All Normal Abilities are Single Target, so it’s implied in all of them.

S+ Tier

Amount: 5 

Fire Persephone

Natural 5*, Defender, AoE Active Skill

Leader Skill: Critical Boost – Increases allies’ critical hit rate by 20~25% in dungeons.

Passive Skill 1: Sap – Grants 60% chance to inflict the target with two types of sap damage for 1 turn.

Passive Skill 2: Sap – Grants 100% chance to inflict the target with two types of sap damage for 2 turns.

Sap is a very good thing to have, as it kills tanks with tons of HP, and Fire Persephone gets two turns of it on two different skills. 60% and 100% makes it a very reliable Sapper and it has good defenses. Her Leader Skill is critical hit rate for dungeons, making it a good leader for high damage teams in dungeons.

Water Persephone

Natural 5*, Tank, AoE Active Skill

Leader Skill: Critical Boost – Increases allies’ critical hit rate by 20~25% in dungeons.

Passive Skill 1: HP Siphon – Attacks restore allies’ HP in an amount equal to 10% of own max HP.

Passive Skill 2: Petrification – Grants a 80% chance to petrify target for 1 turn. Petrified foes cannot act, but have increased defense.

Water Persephone is very unique in the fact it can heal the entire team just by attacking. Not only that, it has an 80% chance to petrify the enemy to immobilize them. Building HP on her makes her team much harder to kill, due to constant healing and interrupting by petrification. Her Leader Skill is critical hit rate for dungeons, making it a good leader for high damage teams in dungeons.

Wood Persephone

Natural 5*, Balanced, AoE Active Skill

Leader Skill: Critical Boost – Increases allies’ critical hit rate by 20~25% in dungeons.

Passive Skill 1: Sap – Grants 100% chance to inflict the target with two types of sap damage for 1 turns.

Passive Skill 2: Attack Down – Grants a 60% chance to reduce all enemies’ attack power for 2 turns.

Wood Persephone has a Sap and an Attack Down making it both able to kill and support her team. An 100% chance to Sap anything for 1 turn and a 60% chance to reduce all enemies’ attack for two turns allow its allies to pummel their enemies faster and take less back. Her Leader Skill is critical hit rate for dungeons, making it a good leader for high damage teams in dungeons.

Light Persephone

Natural 5*, Defender, AoE Active Skill

Leader Skill: Critical Boost – Increases allies’ critical hit rate by 20~25% in dungeons.

Passive Skill 1: Morale Boost – Grants a 100% chance to restore 10% of allies’ SP when attacking.

Passive Skill 2: Shock – Grants a 60% chance to shock all enemies for 2 turns. Shocked foes cannot act and have reduced defense.

Light Persephone allows for the SP or mana, whichever you fancy, of the entire team to fill faster with normal attacks. Her active is a strong 60% chance 2 turn shock, which can make the toughest of enemies, easy to deal with. She is also bulky, so she becomes something that can take a bit of a beating before wreaking havoc on the enemies with onslaughts of active skills and CC. Her Leader Skill is critical hit rate for dungeons, making it a good leader for high damage teams in dungeons.

Dark Arthur

Natural 5*, Tank, AoE Active Skill

Leader Skill: Fighting Spirit – Increases attack power of all ally dark Astromons by 40~45%.

Passive Skill 1: Aggression (HP) – Attack power of the normal skill becomes proportional to own max HP.

Passive Skill 2: Sap – Grants the active skill a 100% chance to inflict the target with three types of sap damage for 1 turn.

Dark Arthur has a bit of Fire Persephone and Dark Miho in him. His normal attack does more damage the more HP he has and his active is an 100% chance to inflict three types Sap on a target (It’s AoE, so it does affect everything one at a time.) for a turn and that can easily drain a tank out of a giant chunk of its health. Building HP means more damage for him, so he can go full tank stats and still deal a good amount of damage. His Leader Skill increases the attack of ally dark Astromons by 40-45% and so if he’s the leader, there should be at least another Dark Astromon in there, like Dark Miho, Dark Anu, Dark Cupid, etc.

S Tier

Amount: 27

Fire Valkyrie

Leader Skill: Fighting Spirit – Increases allies’ attack power by 40~45% in the Astromon League.

Passive Skill 1: SP Siphon – Normal skill attacks greatly restore own SP in proportion to the amount of damage dealt.

Passive Skill 2: Stun – Grants active skill an 80% chance to stun all enemies for 1 turn.

Water Valkyrie

Leader Skill: Fighting Spirit – Increases allies’ attack power by 40~40% in the Astromon League.

Passive Skill 1: Predator – Increases damage dealt by 40%.

Passive Skill 2: Defense Down – Grants a 60% chance to reduce all enemies’ defense for 3 turns.

Wood Valkyrie

Leader Skill: Fighting Spirit – Increases allies’ attack power by 40~45% in the Astromon League.

Passive Skill 1: Adrenaline – Critical hits have a 100% chance to restore own HP by 20%.

Passive Skill 2: HP Siphon – Attacks restore allies’ HP in an amount equal to 10% of own max HP

Light Valkyrie

Leader Skill: Fighting Spirit – Increases allies’ attack power by 40~45% in the Astromon League.

Passive Skill 1: Stun – Critical hits have a 100% chance to stun the enemy for 1 turn.

Passive Skill 2: Hunter – Increases critical hit damage by 50%.

Fire Arthur

Leader Skill: Fighting Spirit – Increases attack power of all ally fire Astromons by 40~45%.

Passive Skill 1: Stun – Grants the normal skill a 100% chance to stun the enemy for 1 turn.

Passive Skill 2: Defense Down – Grants the active skill a 60% chance to reduce all enemies’ defense for 3 turns.

Fire Yuki

Water Yuki

Water Anu *^

Dark Anu **^

Light Jeanne

Wood Leo

Dark Cupid

Wood Banshee

Light Hana

Wood Miho *

Light Miho **^

Dark Miho **^

Water Seiren *

Light Seiren **^

Water Mona *

Wood Mona **^

Fire Candling *

Water Latt *^

Light Seastar

Light Ghos ***

Light Kilobat **

Light Colte **

S- Tier

Amount: 3

Fire Anu *^

Dark Woolf 

Dark Cosmo **^

Personal Choices: Non Light/Dark 2*s

Amount: 3

Take this section with a grain of salt. It’s more theorycraft than anything and is not to be taken too seriously. However, it was looked into a bit, so it shouldn’t be too far off the mark. All S- Rank for the ones listed here.

Wood Squirrus *

Fire Cottontail **

Wood Starrok **