If you’ve finished leveling up all classes from row 1 to 3 but are confused on how to unlock the row 4 classes to move forward in the game, then you have come to the right place. Compared to the first three rows, the row 4 classes are much harder to unlock but also powerful.
Row 4
To have the row 4 classes unlocked, you will need to create and uncap any Class Champion Weapon. It is the primary weapon required to access the row 4 class quest.
While obtaining the weapon, you can also get an additional Extra II class. This Extra II class will allow you to access the ‘Search for an Heir’ quest, which is needed to complete the task of unlocking row 4 classes. Go to the shop and purchase the weapon under the ‘Weapon Series’ tab.
Requirements For Unlocking Row 4
Although you may start your journey in unlocking the row 4 classes early on, you will not be able to complete it unless you reach level 101. There are several steps in unlocking the row 4 classes, and the final step requires Centrum, a high-level item.

It can only be acquired if your character is at least level 101. Now that we have discussed the essential information you need, you may now follow the four (4) steps below to unlocking the row 4 classes in Granblue Fantasy.
How To Unlock Row 4 Classes
Step 1: Purchase an SR Replica Weapon
The SR replica weapon can be obtained as a rare drop from coop quests. Acquiring the weapon this way is an arduous task; that’s why it is highly recommended that you purchase the SR replica weapon from the Fabled Weapons shop instead.
Purchase it from the shop under the ‘Class Champion Weapons’ tab.

If you have Class Distinction, Creed, or Legendary Merits available, you can exchange them for an SR replica weapon from the shop. Once you have the replica, your journey to unlocking row 4 classes can then begin.
Step 2: Uncap the SR Replica Weapon
After obtaining the SR replica weapon, you may now uncap it using three (3) steel bricks. This item is relatively easy to get, which makes this step pretty easy.

It can be acquired using the 500,000 chips that you farmed in the Casino Cage or purchased from the Trade Moons shop for a total of 30 Silver Moons or 90 Bronze Moons. One steel brick costs 10 Silver Moons or 30 Bronze Moons. The steel bricks will increase the weapon’s level all the way to level 75. Steel bricks are the ideal materials that you can use in uncapping your replica due to their usability.

Step 3: Forge the SR Replica into a Class Champion Weapon
By obtaining certain materials, you can forge your SR replica into a Class Champion Weapon.

This step can only be completed once you are level 101 since it requires a specific amount of distinctions and creeds to get it done.

For the creeds, you can acquire it through coop missions, while distinctions can be obtained using pendants. Once you’ve forged the weapon, enhance it all the way to level 100 and then forge. Before you actually do this, however, think about what type of element you want as these are useful as the main hand weapon.
Step 4: Change the Class Champion Weapon’s Element
To finally unlock the row 4 classes, change the element of your newly forged Class Champion Weapon. Fortunately, the items needed for this step are easy to obtain.

The most challenging part would be deciding the specific element that you want the weapon to change into. It is suggested that you do your research if you’re unsure which element you want for your weapon to be. A free quest will be unlocked in Zinkenstill after you change the Class Champion Weapon’s element.
Winning the battle will reward you with the trophy needed to unlock the Extra II class as well as the row 4 classes. Remember that you will need a specific amount of CP and Class Distinctions in unlocking the row IV classes. You are only allowed to exchange one distinction a day, and you will be required to have 30 distinctions to unlock the row 4 classes. This means that you have to spend at least a month to have the necessary distinctions obtained.