Granblue Fantasy is a role-playing video game that contains summons and a special class system that changes your character as you level up. By accumulating experience, your character will advance and you will then have new contents unlocked when you reach a certain level. The added content will allow you to embark on new adventures.
Unlike most games, it doesn’t necessarily follow that your character gets stronger as you progress in levels. Damage output will depend mostly on the strength of your weapons and summons, not on levels.
Some players opt to use real-life money to obtain useful items that will allow them to attack and deal more damage to their enemies. For the new players who do not want to spend much money, there are ways for you to get stronger quickly, even before you reach level 50. Here are the four (4) easy steps on how you can level your weapons and summons for free.
Participate in Events
Events refer to the different sets of quests that you can join to obtain limited rewards and items. There are multiple events that you can participate in every month.

Frequently check the reward items of ongoing events to see if it can help you acquire items that will strengthen your weapons and summons. Make sure that you participate in those events where you can most benefit from. It will be your opportunity to acquire the coveted items without spending real money.
Join Co-Op Quests
It is a staging area that allows multiple players to join forces in a selected raid. The difficulty and mechanics of the raid will vary in each quest. Guest players who will join the quest will not expend any AP but will progress and obtain items all the same. Second, to join events, the co-op quests are worthy to invest most of your time and effort.

Only leaders of the raid will spend their APs and all you have to do is look for existing quests where you can join. It is a convenient way to acquire different chest items and materials that will help in unlocking new classes.
Jewel Resort Casino
Play in the casino to farm chips that you can exchange from the Casino Cage. The chips can exchange necessary materials such as Half Elixir, Soul Berry, Omega Anima, Skill Jewels, Skill Shards, Anat, and more.

Poker and bingo are the most solid games that newbies play to keep earning at least 20 thousand chips a day without spending much time. We recommend spending your chips on Half elixirs and soul berries.

Angel Halo Quest
It is a special quest that you can play to effectively level your weapons and summons. In this quest, you will have a chance to obtain Low Orbs, Whorls, and Rusted Weapons, making it worthy of every AP that you spend. It is available all the time and can be accessed by clicking on the ‘Special’ tab on your Quest screen.

There are three difficulty levels in this quest, namely, normal, hard, and very hard. The more difficult the level, the better items are dropped. Look at the GBF Twitter page and be sure to look for the quest with the star next to it, this is the section you should play at to get more mats.