Girls x Battle Feeding Guide


GXB – Feeding Guide

What is Feeding?

Feeding is an option you have after getting 2000 intimacy on a girl, then using a ring to marry her. It provides extra stats via ‘feeding’ her gold or gems. It provides her a little over 2k AP.  

When should I start Feeding?

Feeding is primarily a late-game activity that requires a huge amount of gold. I haven’t recorded the amount of gold required (apologies), but it’s somewhere in the ballpark of 500 mil.  

This huge cost requires feeding to be done after you’re lvl100, Red+1 and have already maxed out your girls skill points (because god knows they’re expensive).

If you’d like help learning how to properly generate/spend gold, I’ve a guide for there here (i’d recommend looking there to see if you’re ready to feed before following this guide)

Who Should I Feed?

Because of its high cost, feeding should be done on powerful girls only, to boost their strength even higher. 

A primary example of this is Javelin, who REALLY enjoys the bonus stats. Other solid options include Blowie, Smartie, etc. Just anyone who is already good late-game.  

How Should I Go About Feeding?

I’ve made a feeding calc in the past, but it’s quite fiddly and annoying to use. Instead, I think some basic mental math is much more practical.  

This is your basic feeding screen. From here you have a few options. Gold, Gems, or Onigiri.

Gold is what you’ll be using most of the time, so click the little gold box and press feed.

At first you’ll get a lot of Green +’s like above, and obviously you want that, so press confirm to lock those in. As you get higher, you’ll notice lots of negatives starting to creep in, like below. Avoid locking those in and simply retry. It’s a slow process with lots of retry’s required.

The trick is knowing when to lock in, and when to ignore. A way I’ve come up with to figure this out quickly is described in the picture below.

What Resource should I be using?

This last part is my personal opinion, and if you’re a huge whale, or don’t mind spending Gems.. do as you’d like.

For the majority of feeding, strictly Gold should be used. Through Guild War, Champion, etc, you can generate enough gold over a long period of time to afford this eventually (although it’ll take awhile). 

Gems should be saved for events, and Onigiri should be saved when you’re nearly maxed to finish off the last little bit.

My suggestion would be 95% Gold, 5% Onigiri.