In Genshin Impact, players are allowed to cook different food types, as long as they have the required materials and the dish’s recipe. One of the items you can cook is called Almond Tofu.
Where to Get the Recipe?
The recipe can be found in the Wangshu Inn’s Kitchen area near Dihua Marsh Liyue. When you enter the basement area for the kitchen, look for a table at the left side of the room, and a prompt will pop up for you to investigate.

You will then be given the recipe right after. To activate it, you will need to go to a cooking station and select the recipe and click on the cook.

What are the Materials Needed to Craft it?
Since it’s only a 2-star recipe, the materials aren’t that difficult to obtain.

You will need three milk, one sugar, and one almond in your inventory before you can start making it.
What are the Benefits of Consuming it?
Depending on the quality of what your character was able to make, Almond Tofu can technically give your party an increase in an attack by either 66/81/95 points. However, please note that this increase in power is only applicable to the user’s party; therefore, when playing in Co-op, it will not affect the power level of your teammate’s heroes.
Buying Almond Tofu
You can also buy Almond Tofu without crafting it from Verr Goldet in the same Inn where you found it. It will set you off 1,550 Mora per purchase and is limited to only two pieces per day. The dish itself is worth getting as you can use it for the daily quest “Good Medicine Tastes Bitter,” which requires you to hand over Almond Tofu as a quest requirement. As a reward for completing the quest, you will be given different enhancement levels to help you progress.