Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact, as of the moment, is the most popular gacha role-playing game at the moment with its anime like aesthetics, its various characters with interesting backstories, the graphics and design, and so much more.
Genshin Impact can be played on mobile with iOS and Android, on PlayStation4 and Nintendo Switch, and Microsoft Windows. You may even play cross-platform with your friends and even meet new people in-game.
As a new player in the game, you may feel lost and not know what to do. This guide is for you if you are looking for tips and tricks to easily do some things in the game.
Tips and Tricks For Genshin Impact
There are some chests in the game that you may want to get as soon as possible because these chests give you great rewards such as a huge amount of adventure points to raise your Adventure Rank. This allows you to level up, obtain rewards, and unlock more features in the game, allowing you to progress further.
If you get these chests early on in the game, the rewards are much substantial rather than obtain them later on, even if the rewards are the same. They are also great as they are in your path towards progression.
One of these chests can be found on the shore in the Stormbearer Point. There is a rock on the beach that you have to swim towards.

You should not swim rapidly because your character will drown. Upon reaching the rock, you will see a Precious Chest.

In Mondstadt, you should climb up top; you will see a chest here too. Then you should climb to the teleport waypoint then glide down to the statue.

Then you will see a light that you can activate.

Rings will appear, and you just have to follow the path, and it will lead you to a Luxurious Chest.

You should also go to the top of the cathedral to the bell, where you can find another chest that gives good rewards.

Depths Keys
You can get depths keys, and you can use them to open shrines. The chests that you can find here give a much better reward, and they are the ones that you should go after.

When it comes to chests, explore everything in the game as you progress through the main story.
Do not grind enemies for character experience because it will give you low XP. If you want to raise your experience, you should go through the main quest, do some side quests, and look for chests.
Collect all the items that you encounter as you go through the game. The inventory limit is huge, so you don’t have to worry. If you cannot find a use for the items you have now, do not worry because you will use them later on in the game. At the start of the game, you may feel overwhelmed that you have a lot of mora, but as you progress in the game, you tend to spend it all, so you should collect all the items you can get that you can use or sell later on.
Place Markers on the Map
You can place up to 99 markers on your map, which you can name individually and even change the icon to. You may delete them whenever you want to.

You should place these markers on your map, which could signify locations of treasure, secret locations, or anything at all that you consider as important in the game. With this, you can easily find something once you need it again, and you don’t have to roam around the map finding it.
When you climb walls or rocks, avoid jumping unless necessary because it depletes your stamina a lot faster. Be patient and climb. When you swim, you should also not sprint swim because it depletes your stamina faster too. Make sure that you have food for stamina too.

This can give you a boost in rough situations.
You may heal your character by eating food, but using the Statue of the Seven may also give you free heal.

You may choose to manually heal your characters using the menu, or you may change the setting of the statue to 100% auto-recover when nearby to automatically heal your characters to the maximum.
Main Characters
When you upgrade your characters, you should choose your main characters and focus on them in the beginning, as upgrades get expensive later on. Choose the characters that you are comfortable using.

Make sure that you upgrade the main damaged character and one support. Prioritize the character that deals with damage most for you. Do not use purple books to upgrade at lower levels.

Resin Cap
Original resin that you use to claim rewards on activities in the game, such as when you fight bosses, replenishes overtime.
However, you should not let your resin get stuck on the limit; you should use it when you have it. Divide your tasks. Have a timeframe.
Do not level up your level 1 or 2 artifacts. Always use three stars or higher.
Materials – Expeditions
When you have reached Adventurer Rank 14, send your characters on expeditions to obtain more materials.

However, remember that you cannot use that character for a given amount of time, so only send the characters you usually do not use on expeditions.
Pay attention to your surroundings and use them to your advantage when you fight, such as using ice or water when it’s raining or fighting near the beach.
You will always roll for new characters, but you have two different fates: the Intertwined Fate and the Acquaint Fates.
Always stock up on the Intertwined Fate because they give you a higher percentage of obtaining a character, and they are used on limited time banners.
You should also check events because you may get characters for free.