GBF Granblue Fantasy Gunslinger GS Guide

Granblue Fantasy Gunslinger guide

Welcome to my gs guide

The goal of this guide is to share my experience and opinions i’ve had so far with Gunslinger so other players who has an interest on this class won’t get lost in choosing the bullets or anything regarding this class.

I’ll focus mainly on the mechanics,skills, recommended guns, playstyle and synergy with your team, namely Light first (wind and others are coming up slowly i think, light’s coming 1st cause light nebu being the most popular element nebu and i also main light)

(leave me a comment if there’s incorrect facts in my guide or something you’d like to suggest/advice, I’d be glad to accept your suggestions, you can contact me via discord under my username Othinus/Othi)

A cool sheets for mats checking and bullets farming. All works and credits belong to the sheet owner, not me

(You need to also give inputs of the bullets from the lower tiers individually along with the highest tier bullet if you want to farm one, I’ll provide a revised version at a later date, DM me if you find any errors with the mats checking sheet in the progress)

  1. Mechanics


  • Gunslinger (GS) makes use of guns and a special bullet slot system, allowing to load specially crafted bullets with unique effects into the gun.
  • GS is a heavy-duty class in terms of damage, capable of reaching close to and/or cap damage DATAs in many situations, whether on or off elements but they shine when used on-element due to critting and also critting improvements with its passive skill and damage reduction. A really good job if you have access to moon/nebuchad/gold bar’d gw gun and some sustain, also letting you experience a feel of Gae Bolg’s dps.
  • You will be able to meme your way pretty dank in HLs.
  • Armpits


  • Not a job for new players at all, since it requires both a decent pool and a good gun, as once you put in the bullets into the gun, removing it means discarding the bullets forever aka delete, you’ll need to craft a brand new bullet from scratch, not to mention the pots need to farm the materials.
  • Pray that you don’t get hit cause you will suffer from huge self def down

What you (might) need and (should) have:

  • All tier 3 class maxed for mastery, self explanatory.
  • Samurai, Sword Master and Wiseman/Mystic maxed. Samurai for the 5% atk mastery, SM for the 2% atk mastery, very nice.
  • Wiseman/Mystic’s 1 ougi gain is VERY GOOD, don’t let the puny 1 value fools your eyes. You’ll get 11% ougi when single attack, but 22% when DA and 40% when TA, you can reach full ougi bar faster for feeding purposes and less times seeing those 99% ougi while at 0 bullet. Also, you will be able to do 2 consecutively ougis in 3 turns with Nebuchad but Wiseman/Mystic’s mastery is required unless you have an ougi speed up buff like Amira’s 1st or Macula’s call. Get this mastery.
  • Ability to handle some roasts cause hoo boi you’ll get shitted on often in chats
  1. Skills (and core EX Skills)
Early Shot(4T)Similar to water mecha man’s 2nd skill, it performs an auto attack without taking a turn. It is affected by instances buffs/buffs so using Early Shot after buffing in the turn is recommended. DATA buffs also affect the skill but DA and TA buffs are INDEPENDENT, so if your gun atm only has 2 bullets left with 0% DA(assuming you have no base DA for simpler understanding) and 100% TA buff, you will only do a single attack.
Trine (Triple Threat)(4T)1st effect: Allows you to fire as much bullets as possible for one INSTANCE(not for a turn), up to 3. No this does not mean it’s 100% identical to a TA. If you only have 2 bullets, you’ll do a DA. It also means if you have 6 bullets and cast Trine, then Early shot, you’ll TA, but then when you click attack button, single attacking or DA/TA will be purely based on other DATA buffs/rng and not by Trine2nd effect: Grants stacking atk up/def down to self for every Trine cast (def down debuff can’t be cleared). Both last for 6 turnsATK UP value: 30%(40%) per stack, 150%(200%) capDEF DOWN value: 17%(15%) 1st stack, 7%(5%) every stack after, 45%(30%) cap.(values in brackets are for special Class Weapon Nebuchad)
Reload(8T)Pretty simple, reloads your gun, resetting all bullets count back to the original state, Trine stacks stay the same
PassiveLong RangePassive with boosted chance to deal critical attacks with 130% the damage (boost value unknown)Note: class-exclusive weapon Nebuchad always crits during trine instances with crits of 150% damage
Dual Impulse (Double Trouble)(5T)Grants 100% TA buff for one turn. If your gun has 6 bullets, DI > Early Shot > normal attacks will instantly fire all 6 bullets and give full ougi bar at the end of your turn
Clear(4T)It’s a clear for Ferry in light team in case you need a clear to run Hinrichten right at 1st turn, which is pretty much during AT
  1. Bullets type

    • Parabellum: Pistol-looking bullets, Iron bullets don’t have any special effects, but have high raw power (PWR130), the CORE bullet of this type.

Others are light bullets which have low power but give yourself DA buff, and debuff bullets which give debuffs to enemies like sleep, charm, poison, burn. Shield bullet grants you a small shield, all of them are useless/not worth at all.

Left to right: Iron, light, poison (debuff in general) and shield Parabellum bullet

  1. Rifle: The bullet type that when people ask me, i would answer a big factor of deciding your playstyle. The 2 most important are Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) and Exploder (Exp), they are different to each other and have a notable impact to your flow of damage when you use any of them.

FMJ: Highest raw power of rifle bullets (PWR130), enemy DEF DOWN

Exp: PWR105, self ATK UP, enemy DEF DOWN

Armor Piercing: Very low PWR70, boost to self crit rate, debuff to self’s DA rate. Since you also need base DATA, and you have a crit boost passive (value unknown but it’s not small at all) so this bullet is basically rendered useless, even more if you get Nebuchad. I don’t recommended this AT ANY COST.

Silver Bullet: PWR50, increasing ougi damage which you’ll be almost always cap. Useless.

FMJ vs Exp comparison: now this is the thing you’ll need to focus on if you are crafting your gun’s bullets

The FMJ has PWR than the Exp by a noticeable amount, you’ll see the difference in raids. But the advantage of the Exp is the bonus stacking ATK buff that adds up to the atk up pool of trine (I’m not 100% sure if the buffs from the Exploder really got added to trine’s stack pool, but since the damage multipliers seem to be the same, and it’s not the new “Bonus DMG” system like Warlock’s chaser to surpass cap damage, it is safe to assume so). This makes therefore the Exp faster to reach Trine’s peak, how fast it reaches the peak depends on how many Exp you use in your gun. But when Trine reached its maximum cap, The ATK buff from Exp now becomes moot, making the FMJ the one hitting harder at maxed stacks.

So in conclusions, the Exp is more suited for a short-fight-bursting style, when you’d want to reach the highest possible dmg output as fast as possible, while FMJ is more oriented to mid-long fights, letting you hitting the (should also be) cap damage infinitely after reaching the maximum trine stacks.

Left to right: FMJ, Exp, Armor Piercing, Silver

  1. Cartridges/Shotgun Shells: nope, DO shells don’t exist lol, only 4 main types of Shells (jk but really it’s bad enough). All shells hit all enemies.

Assault: PWR105, no special effects. Plain and not strong, not recommended

Elemental: PWR90, enemies’ elemental resist DOWN. The pwr is not great, and i think we won’t be able to reach cap with this bullet easily, even with the natural crit from Nebuchad, but the elemental resist down the very helpful, and it’s not on the same multiplier of the def down effects of other bullets. The elemental resist down debuff reducing defense against the particular attacks of the said element, or reducing the debuff resistance is whatever cause they both help tremendously, therefore the potential of elemental bullets are actually more than just raw dmg.

Guard Breaker: PWR75, enemies DEF DOWN. weaker than Ele, same def down multiplier while Ele bullets are not. Bad bad

Slug shot: PWR300, self DEF DOWN. Crazy heavy hitting bullet, but you also debuff yourself at a much faster rate. And that 300% won’t even mean much when you can already cap with other bullets with around PWR110-130 bullets. Not worth

Left to right: Assault, Elemental, Guard Breaker and Slug Shell

  1. Ethereal: There’s only 1 type of Ethereal bullet atm. All the Ethereal points grant elemental atk buff, which is on a different multiplier from the trine stack pool, but there are 2 small subcategories, the 6 summons cycle points and primal points.

Summon point: Corow, Diablo, Sagi, Vohu, Cocy, Ifrit grant self (MC only) stacking elemental atk buff.

Primal point:: Zep, Agni, Neptune, Titan grant the whole party stacking elemental atk buff


These are really all we have for Ethereal bullets until now, so they are the only bullets we can use right now.

  1. Recommended guns
  • Technically you can use any gun you want, but the useful and easily accessible are always appreciated more.
  • Guns/bullet slots evaluation:
    • Try to avoid using magna guns. They’re just bad to invest in.New guns from primals aka Lich’s and Baal’s are also not great.
    •  Not all gacha/limited guns are good. Some are good but some are bad, Lennah and Christina’s guns are 2 prime examples of bad guns, i don’t recommend using guns like those. Eugen’s and Rackam’s guns are the 2 best gacha guns, but getting them to 3* is hard if you want to polish and develop your pool, as with any gacha weps so think twice before using gacha weps for the long run
    • 4-slot is a big no-no, 5-slot depends, 6-slot is recommended if the slots are good
    • Also pay attention to the stats and the skill of the guns itself, some have drawbacks in bullets slot but can turn out to have a very nice stats/skill/compatible for your current grid. Normal Eustace’s gun is a prime example, only 5-slot bullet so you can’t do double TA in 1 turn as other 6-slot guns, but the stat of the gun is good and the big ATK + small backwater skill are just dank.
    • (most cases that you wouldn’t play gs with gacha guns so) get either Nebuchad or maxed GW gun, yeah it means the the GW gun you have after already unlocking Juntenshu Esser since only then has the gw gun 6 slots. Before that there are only 5 slots in the gw gun but since you are playing gs with the best guns you can afford i wouldn’t say the 5-slot GW Gun is worth tbh.
    • Bonus pic for Eustace’s:

  • Nebuchad vs GW gun comparison:


Raw stat: pretty much similar stat: 200HP/3020ATK vs 200HP/3040ATK, nothing much to say

Skills: Nebuchad having no atk up skills, instead having 2 SP skills for trine.

GW gun having a big atk up SLV, making the rest of your team deal a slightly higher damage than nebuchad.

Bullet slots: I have to say that the bullets of GW gun are much much better than Nebu, 2 extra Rifle slots making your choice between FMJs and exploder much more liberal, and extra DEF Down (+ ATK up if Exploder) is always more than just plain damage like Iron Bullets. Nebu having 1 more Etheral bullets than GW gun has its own perk, but light Nebu being the most popular one atm and there’s no Zeus point buffing the whole team, and Wind Nebu not making the most use and also bearing wind’s gun shard crysis, this perk is not really significant.

Special note: Nebuchad also has AUTO RELOADING + 20% OUGI BOOST after ougi attack, making it very easy to use

Evaluation and advices: 

Nebuchad has no atk SLV but instead huge improvements to the Trine and crits mechanics, making it really the best gun to use when on-element.

GW gun without a doubt, sadly is not as good and easy to use as Nebuchad, but it’s a nice gun to have if you plan to unlock esser. I wouldn’t say GW gun excel Nebu, but the GW gun works especially well in earth or wind (also dark if you want to meme hard enough with zooey) because of the team buff from Zephy and Titan point and enmity playstyle. You can also hit cap very consistently on gs without putting your HP out of your comfort zone.

  1. Playstyle
    • Nebuchad:
      • Ougi feeding with DI3 and Early Shot (Nebuchad only)

Since DI3 gives MC a 100% TA rate in a turn, and using Early shot doesn’t take away your turn, you can do 2 TAs in a row with Early shot and DI3

The only case that this won’t work is when you don’t have guild buffs on, or 20% ougi guild buff and no Wiseman/Mystic mastery.

  • GW Gun:
    • Ougi feeding with DI3 and Early Shot

Ougi feeding with GW gun is still viable, but after the ougi you’ll need to sacrifice 1 turn of MC damage to reload when it will automatically reload for you if you’re using Nebuchad.

  1. Synergy with light
    Short video of me doing Celeste HL with friends as reference

My approach to building ougi with Ferry and Amira

  1. Ferry and Amira

These 2 babies are pretty much staples in almost every light team. Ferry for 4 turns of insane TAs and 30% echo, 5th turn with huge ougi boost that will make your GS hit the 1.34m cap most of the time. You will need a clear though, either a clear from charas like sophie or from summon eg. calling or chaining a Baal works. Playing the safe GS with EX skill clear all is also an alternative when you don’t have any guildie or reliable source of clear. The other one you can run what you like/have/situational, i personally use Jeanne/Seruel Amira Song/Ferry for solo and Fünf in HL raids. Juliet is also a great choice for both offense and defense role.

  • Korwa, Amira, SHeles

Korwa instead of Ferry is also an alternative in HL contents. She works quite well with light team actually, considering light recently also have a new member from the ODA party aka Summer Heles. When you’re not running more than 4 chev swords and still using the chev/luci combo instead of zeus, i think Korwa is not bad at all when playing the role as buffer, your team right now won’t have the insane bursts from Ferry, on the other hand Heles can dish out those ODAs and GS(to an extent), Amira and SHeles will deal significant higher damage than Ferry team when she’s out of gas.

  1. Synergy with wind
    • Korwa/Monkey

Meme away i guess ??

  1. Lecia and gawain

Protection for your squishy djeeta and 50% echo with cap lift, nice. Also a note that Early Shot is considered an atk skill, therefore triggering Lecia’s ATK Order. GS high crit rate, medium natural DA and guaranteed TA all have really good synergies with Lecia. Opee Opee.

  1. Others

There are many other variations that you can use in Wind. Siete Nio Rosetta etc they’re all good, use what you have/want.

  1. Synergy with earth (Makira not updated)
    Nuking with Tez’s potential (player: ginpachi)
    • H.Eustace and Okto

Ougi factory ?

“Lets you puke out high damage ougis if you stack Huestace

And it keeps him from paralyzing himself cuz he can get rid of stacks easily with Okto” – Riyluu2016

  1. Eugen

His kit is great for both support role and attacker role. His uplift and triple Ignition also makes full chaining or 2-chaining with mc much easier.

  1. Ayer

Real memers know no bounds, get Ayer.

  1. Tezca and forming Tez teams

100% echo in one turn is HUGE, try calling it when you have full 6 bullets and DI3 off cooldown. If the echo procs, ez 440k x12 = 5.28m damage from MC alone.

So to use Tez you’ll need your team to consist of chars with all different races, i’ll list through the notable chars of each race.

Human: Eugen, Ayer, Caglio, Siegfried, Vira, Sara

Doraf: Hallesenna, Sarasa, Okto

Erun: Halloween Eustaces, Catherine, Korwa

Harbin: Arulu

The goal still remains the same, giving some protections to your mc while your team still be able dish out the highest damage possible.

For human part it’s pretty much a no-brainer to choose either Eugen or Ayer tbh, if you’re that developed in the pool and go earth gs you probably won’t use HL chars like vira or sara when racing. Cag is cool for the mid-fights, Ayer is hella good for damage if you can manage Ayer’s HP, being the only char in the game capable of lifting auto cap as of now.

Doraf part is pretty tricky cause all 3 of them are top tier earth dorafs and none of them is “absolutely” better than the other 2. Halle is basically gacha six, Sarasa is enmity and Okto being ougi factory. Okto has a good synergy with the whole team but other than that, the Doraf part is pretty much pure damage dealing in earth team.

Last slot you can go Halloween Eustace, Korwa or Catherine/Arulu if you’re in HLs.

Some recommended lineups for Tez:

  • Short races


Least protection to the team, but 1st turn DATA with HEustace and highest nuking potential

  • Mid fights


and any of the 3 Dorafs

  • Long fights, HLs

+ororor and any of the 3 Dorafs

  1. Synergy with dark
  2. Synergy with fire
  3. Synergy with water