Why do you want 6-star members of your team?
There are a few reasons why you would want to 6 stars the characters in your team; one of them is that their Attack, Defense, and Health increase! This generally means that DPS will benefit much more because Attack Defense and Health are all important to them. Whereas Tanks and Healers are only going to benefit from the Health increase, the fact is that, since your enemy will decide who to attack first, your Tank and Healer in the battle do not have to be six stars a priority.
Best Characters To 6-star
Here is an example of scaling from 1 to 10 the importance of the 6 starring of a team.
First Character: Destina, on a scale of ten, in this case, she will get a 2 or 3, because the Defense and Health would help her whereas the Attack would not, but also the HP helps the EE because her Healing is based on of her HP, I could have rated it a bit lower if that was not the case, but as she is the only healer and frontline, in this case, it is justified.

Second Character: Luna is easily ten to ten with a Single Target DPS and the DPS skillset.

Third Character: Sez, I would personally give him 8. He is also a Single Target DPS, even though he is quite strong and quite good because he has AOE with his first skill. He can help you run through stages faster, so I will put him even slightly higher on the scale, like nine out of ten if you are a newer player.

Fourth Character: Ravi: in this scenario, I would vote her 7 or maybe 8, because, well, she can do tons of damage just with her basic skills. Her ultimate is a little bit underwhelming because you would need to have that fighting spirit even to use it; regardless, her basic skills are incredibly strong.

Fifth Character: Cidd, I would personally put him pretty high on the priority scale because not only he has a single target that is pretty powerful as ultimate skill, but also he can Defense-break and increase his speed, so I would personally give him a 9 out of ten in terms of Importance.

Here are few questions that you should be able to answer to understand who to 6 next!
The First Question is: What’s the piece of content that you are struggling with that you are currently trying to beat or get better in?
It could be Abyss, Trade, Arena, Story Mode, or Hunt. Along with a few others, but generally, those are the main ones.
Once you confidently find the answer to this question, we would like to recommend bringing the best pieces to that content and observing what happens. This means you pick one of those scenarios, enter it, and watch how your team struggles, asking yourself, “why did this character die? How?”
You would probably find that you would need better gear or get a stronger frontline.
The Second Question is: What did you observe? What happened to your team, and why?
Naturally, the only way to lose is for every member of your team to die. So should you put a bunch of HP on your DPS or getting two healers and two tanks? NOPE!
Remember that a good offense is a good defense as well!
Analyze your Single Target DPS, and once you find two of two different elements, you can move on to the Sub DPS because even though their attack won’t mean much as a DPS value, it still means more than a Healer’s attack.
Who To 6 Star?
Basically, if you are a newer player and you will pull Luna from the Limited, she will probably be your first 6 stars. Luna fits all the criteria and will be the most likely candidate to get you through a lot of content that you could not go through beforehand.
If you are still in the newer phase of the game, still focusing on your first team, and sticking just to 4 heroes, for now, one of them has to be a healer, one of them has to be a DPS, and from there on, it comes down on who you have access to.
Between Healers and DPS, there is one substantial difference. With the Healers you will need to ask yourself and observe if they are doing enough and if it is necessary to increase Health when 6 starring. With the DPS this is not a concern at all. You would know that they will hit harder and clear enemies quicker.
Go through every team member and scale from one to ten the importance of it to be a 6 star. Because you could 6 star the whole team, that would be fine, but it all comes down to a final question: Who, from your characters, would you need it to be at 6 star?
One of the perfect 6 stars, if you are newer to the game, would be Commander Lorina, because when you are going to the Story Mode, there will be all sorts of different elements.

Commander Lorina seems to be like the only free unit that won’t have any real weaknesses because she is a dark-type, and also because it is good to have a Single Target DPS at ultimate starring.