In this article, we will be talking about who you should summon first. So when trying to determine whether or not you should summon. Follow this very simple formula I will be sharing it with you. If you apply this strategy, you can decide for yourself what you are going to do.
Is This Hero Limited?
First and foremost, as we go through this checklist, this is a really easy way to determine whether or not you should summon a her0 regardless of whatever everyone says about a particular hero. So the first thing you should do is ask yourself.
Ask yourself, “Is this hero limited?” and “Am I going to get this hero again?”. Typically speaking, if the hero is limited, then grab it no matter what, so if you’re saving your bookmarks and if you’re positioning in a way that’s going to allow you to grab a limited hero, then grab that hero.
A good example is this Diene that will come up no matter what anybody says; you probably want to get this hero. Also, get that artifact because it is pretty much an AoE. If you haven’t run into it on a specific healer, it is probably one of the strongest, if not the strongest, spear weaver or soul weaver artifact in the game right now.

It is really strong, so when you talk about the AoE counterpart like you’re going to pull for that artifact because it is limited, it is paired with Diene, a limited hero and very strong. Whether you are a beginner in the game, you should pull for heroes available for a limited time.
How do you determine if they’re for a limited time only?
So what happens is when you look at these banners because now they are doing double banners again, and if it’s limited, it will specify. Typically with limited, it means that it will only be there for a limited amount of time.
Now, I know you are hyped because it is easy to feel comfortable because you know that these heroes are returning, especially if they bring the Luna or Diene.

Still, I would imagine that over time, as all the servers are aligned, and everybody has the same limited heroes, the chances that you will see that these heroes will come back is low.
So the chances that you will see Luna next year for Halloween is low, especially since everybody will probably be on the same hero upload schedule then. So limited heroes are a grab regardless of how you know to use the hero or whether or not it is relevant at that time, pull that hero. Also, limited heroes typically tend to be stronger than the other heroes.
Is This Hero Going To Help Me Right Now?
This is a very important question, especially if you look at Elena and Violet, for example.

So when you start the game, the most important summons for you are your selective summons. So you select the most important; typically, when you start the game, I would recommend you summon Tywin, Karin, or Clarissa.

You can fill the rest out, they give you free play support, but that is what you are looking at. So when you start the game, please select the most important because it will determine how fast you progress and get yourself to win as soon as possible. So while you are doing this at the beginning of the game, what is going to happen is you should only be pulling for heroes if it happens to help you in the spot that you are.
So, for instance, if we look at a hero like Violet, who is very PvP specific, could you use her for PvE? the answer is yes. Still, there are better options; most likely, you will not be using her for golem.
In the beginning, all you should be concerned about is getting to wyvern 11, and that is it. So for every hero, ask yourself if “Is this particular hero going to help you right now?” because this is one of the main criteria you should look at when you are going to summon a hero.
You need to look at where you are right now. So if you are in Banshee, is this hero going to help you with Banshee? If no then keep it pushing.
How far ahead do you have to look for you to be ready to build this hero?
For instance, if you are free to play, it will take you a lot longer than somebody who is spending money. So let’s say you play free to play. You anticipate that it will take you 4 months before you’re going to be able to use the hero, then that is a definite no, but if you’re free to play.
You know that you are getting ready to transition into the next piece of major content, and you know that the hero will be beneficial for you, then you can look at whether or not you’ll be able to pool for the hero.
Do I have the gear to build this hero?
This is important because if you do not have the gear to build a hero, it is no point in something for the hero.
So these three questions are the most important thing to ask before you summon a her0. If you pay attention to all of these criteria, it can make your life a lot easier, and it can help you determine whether or not you should summon a hero.