Today we’re going to talk about our Wanda whether or not she’s worth it, how to get her, how to equip and her, how she performed in Guild Wars, where else to use her and all sorts of other questions.
Wanda Stats

I’m just going to start off showing you my stats for her and we’ll go through some other things after this is the build I settled on right now during free equipment removal. She is sitting on a speed set with a broken set as the off he’s on 22 speed. She’s got really great base speed so she’s really easy to make fast I could make her faster but I couldn’t get the damage up there. So I decided to kind of stick with this set instead 2770 attack 10 k HP which isn’t bad for a three-star unit 55 effectiveness so kind of enough to do things in PvP.
How To Get Wanda
So that’s my current build with her. Let’s talk about how to get her now.
First off, you’re going to need something like 410 Raider runes and then 40 epic runes to be able to finish your skill tree. And as with all the specialty change units, if you’re going to use them, you really should just finish this there’s no reason you shouldn’t. I just because you know, they need every boost.

They can And most of these boosts are pretty great. She’s got a couple fantastic ones. I don’t know where they are here but she gets something like 12% effectiveness. She also gets a bunch of HP she gets combat readiness when she uses her skill one which is great.
One of the reasons why I tried out sort of judgment on her as well. She also gets 40% hit chance of weak point which helps dodge your moonlight dream blade. 100% chance to stealth after she uses her skill three, she also gets a 50% chance of inflicting unhealable on our scale three as well combined with a 50% chance on the base makes it 100% chance and she also was a 15% chance speed increased speed to herself for two turns at the end of her turn.
Also has 25% chance to decrease the skill cooldown of one shot one kill when the enemy is targeted when using weak point.
Finally 70% chance to hit on her s3 which just makes it so much easier to dodge that stupid moonlight dream blade evade and stuff like that definitely something you want to pick up.
How To Farm Wanda Specialty Chain
As for how to farm her specially chain you’re going to need 500 venture points from stage eight I did it in 8-10 black curse powder farming there.
There was also some fun stuff in the shop I bought but 8-10 is where I did it. You don’t need to get to it you just need to farm 500 of it.

Also for her badges which I do believe you have to give which is really frustrating because you need those other things. But I find those in 9-3 through the AP shop I farmed, whatever epic catalyst drops there I think heart of hypocrisy.
You could also do a 6-10 and just get them in the AP shop there as well.
There’s a ton of other places I personally recommend just farming for epic catalyst somewhere and buying them from the AP shop or just like randomly getting them as you go.
Also, need 1000 equipping crafting materials through the hunt which I did straight and it was a lot of fun and I got zero pieces of gear and my thousand crafting materials so there’s that.
But that’s generally all you really need to do for that.
As for her skill-ups or her awakening here, I believe you also need fuse nerves which I think I got a 9-6 or something like that. World nine somewhere you can get these. That’s where I ended up picking mine up.
Wanda Skill Set
As for her skill set, it’s a really tough one and I’ve been struggling with this and I think a lot of other people have been struggling to. She’s got some weird things going on for her right like she has a sudden for two turns. She’s also got unhealable which is just a weird thing that combined with each other.
She also has targeted she also has stealth though all these things kind of make it feel like you want to use her for PvP because studying stealth, dodging hit chance and stuff like that. All of the really push her towards a PvP build.
But I tried to use her in Guild Wars and there was just out of like the 21 people that were on the opposing team I could only use her against like one or two people and she was a horrible idea to use her for, but I’m just not sure if you can really use her from a PvP standpoint.
I’ve been considering building her pure tanky because she just doesn’t do enough damage and you need to survive counterattacks, right?
Like even if you go against a team that will never target one die. So you have people that are beating their unit somewhere else. The second she hits somebody and they get one Elbrus to proc she’s dead with the 10k hp.

Charles is just gonna one-shot or so it’s really frustrating if she hits a can. It’s also really frustrating. So I’ve been trying to make her work, but honestly, I just can’t and I hope somebody else can. Because I want her to work, to just do a little better.
The other thing is from a hunt standpoint, from a PvP standpoint, nothing you can really hit can be hit by stuns. So that is the other frustration with their skill set right now and I understand, if you don’t hit stun, you can still hit the heel blocks with something like Golem, it does help you they’re suddenly like, possibly the left boss and hell raid, there’s a couple of places you can generally use her for there.
But like let’s be real here. She doesn’t have the greatest set for that and there are better options and honestly, it just doesn’t really help him out much out in the PvE stage. So I’m just at a loss of where to use her.
The other thing too is everybody has immunity right now. So if you go into any sort of guild war right now basically like 95% of the people are going to have immunity on the targets you want to hit. The one-shot one kill will just do nothing
Her Abilities Need Buffs
So that’s just my thoughts of her right now. I wish I had better news I love her design. I’m going to try using her more I’m pretty excited to have her skill set like this. But overall I think she’s really underwhelming I think they really needed to give her one shot one kill something to help her out in PvP because it seems really weird to make her a PvP based unit and then not have are usable in PvP.

Wanda Gearing
So that’s frustrating. As for gearing your Wanda if you don’t want to build her this way I feel. Even if you’re going to a slower base one day you still want to go a speed set just because her base speed is so high.

You also have a bunch of options for your artifact you can use something like Rosa had Hargarna you can use something like Bloodstone wouldn’t heal enough like there’s a ton of options you can do none are really that fantastic.

I was also asked around the idea of going super tanky and just control based with proof of valor because she does get a ton of combat readiness with her skill one, which does add up a lot when you’re going so many times right so getting that stun locked down might be something that’s worth doing.
Honestly, if we weren’t in this counter-meta right now with Charles with SSP with all these counter people with ml cans, she would probably be in a good spot. But with all the the counters, you just can’t build her that way right.
Another option I’ve tried out personally that I actually really enjoyed was judgment. I really liked getting an extra attacking because that does boost your combat right and it’s twice and I really enjoyed this artifact for her but again, didn’t really help much in a vacuum.