Welcome to my guide for getting Roozid, the newest three-star to get a specialty change. I’ll be covering everything you need to know about him in great detail.
Starting a Specialty Quest

First of all to start a specialty quest, get your Roozid to level 50 ASAP. This will then unlock his quest and especially the tab where you can start it and get working on it. Keep in mind if you have to ongoing quest already, you can’t start him until you finish wherever you’re still trying to get specialty changes for but he is actually really easy compared to the others.
Gifting Powders

If you’re new to the game or are hoarding bookmarks, the artifact us will be a bit problematic, forcing you to summon and sell three-star artifacts to get the dust needed to give him three-star artifacts he has one dust, so that’s 33 stars. If you’re only using three-star artifacts at a base level, four-star artifacts give eight and five stars give 30. You probably shouldn’t follow your five-star artifacts just for him unless it’s a dupe of an average artifact like Quality sacrifice.
Most artifacts aren’t using end game aside candlestick tonfa ancient chief Joker, and what we’ll talk about later, I’ll CLC and spear, but the rest are mostly saved to get rid of all new players get Yashica at chapter one, so that’s eight does right there. So you just need 22 more.
Killing Bellmice

Next on the list is mice kill 500 it’s actually pretty easy. I was doing it on stage 10 from balonus event on normal. If you haven’t found her stuff yet, then I recommend that for a little while. Normal costs only eight stamina vs world’s 12.
Otherwise, the best place is actually for dash for the normal difficulty the lab layout from clearing everything out it yielded 29 miles dead. So 500 divided by 29 equals 17 point, which means you’ll need 18 runs or so but it is about 180 stamina to complete that quest if you clear everything each time, which is easy if you’re late game which most people are by now. If you are in no rush though, to get them Still one XP and just want to auto then the earliest my stage is in world 3-3 with nine miles per run more XP but way slower.
Farming Shiny Charms

Lastly probably the hardest for everyone is the catalyst for shiny charms I was lucky and that I had five already from one of those catalysts just give five normal catalyst but what I find from my last one was 5-3.
The best way to get catalyst is to fight stages with the most monsters of that type that drop that catalyst as good as the kill boss achievement for catalyst boxes. It’s not the most efficient in most cases and the boxes random catalyst, which is just more orangey five dash three has six total flowers and Abbas flower, which I believe bosses have better drop rates and trash ones world will have slightly higher rates and more you expected but a handful of you probably don’t have access to that chapter. And well it’s slower. I am for speed.
So I recommend normal baby If hildred or bolonia can easily clear that stage in under a minute and the rest is RNG of giving them to drop. Finally, after getting all those quests cleared, you can begin to file trial to digivolve in your resume on the battle is actually easy somehow you use mice as helpers, even though you basically just murdered 500 of them already, but just kill the guys in the back first and cartoon is easy peasy afterward, you then get some dialogue and now you can digivolve into manga ruse in mind.
Skill Tree
So now that you got the hero, what now?

Well, first, let’s check out his new skill tree. Unfortunately being grass he conflicts with Kluri if you’re still working on her tree. So here’s the best most efficient route in my opinion on getting all the important stuff first, do note that each upgrade will increase the cost of the next upgrade with a final being 24 triangles.
It’ll this reset back down 10 but will now require one epic room alongside those and then start increasing again. So all in all, it’s going to require hundreds of greater runes and maybe 50 or more epic rooms to max out his treat his most important rooms two plus three as fast as possible our harvest, restrict and in my opinion, interest harvest pushes his combat readiness every attack by 5% restrict as a car debuff to win slash with a 75% chance to lower enemies car by 15% really powerful and interest gives more attack decrease chance for us as to while guard may seem sweet.
It’s actually a bit misleading as it’s activated by the enemy attacking lose it and then you only have a 10% chance to get evasion buff for two turns from that. But that’s counter-intuitive, since the point of ruse it is to move fast and slow down the opponent from attacking, which in many cases makes some burn. To turn evasion before the enemy can attack again. So it’s not that great for my testing. After those three moons I mentioned concentrate on speed and then the rest is up to you get the guard room last and absolutely ignore the courage room, which I’ll explain why shortly. But that is this tree pretty nice effects that make them worth using
Skill Overview

a quick review of his skills before moving on to awakening because s3 is the main course meal while boosting everyone’s combat readiness by 20% and giving them a speed bump for two turns, and also strangely given himself healing over time for two turns as well. It will move on smile gets part, but perhaps is an attempt to make them survive a bit better being a thief which maybe means he’s made of glass, but boy does it work and saving him.
Also, the new animation looks frickin sick in action and being a four turn cooldown. By default, three with mala gore investments means he can push the team super often skill to win slash with restrict rune activated means we’ll have a 75% chance to lower enemies readiness, any 40% chance to lower their attack for two turns 65% when you max out and trust rune or make that a whopping 80% if you invest magaro two plus four, three turn cooldown by default, two turns if Mullah gore invested, and this is actually a beast of a skill, and lastly is one the weakest of the bunch can apply speed above 40% of the time. I don’t recommend wasting any malls on this one though.
Awakening, Stats, and Sets
For awakenings. His is really great since you only need plus for awakening. That’s it, stop there stop. The rest of the awakenings are damage and looking at the base stats here as all the reasons to avoid wasting time awakening him further. is damaged is pitiful. He’s not a dealer. He is pure support with max speed ruins will have a 114 base speed, not the fastest but is this best that outside of HP.

So the way to build Roosevelt Is speed made said what speed means that boots, you want him to go as fast and often as possible to debuff as much as he can. And the more he goes means the more often he can use his skills, which means the more often he can push your teammates to combat readiness, which means the more your team can attack or heal, which means the enemy’s dead long dead before they get to do anything.
So speed should be on everything. The secondary stat is actually up to you between hits HP and unity sets. Hit means more effectiveness, HP means more tankiness and unity will make them dual attack more which means more of this stuff I already mentioned.
You can get eunbi sets from the raid for right side main stats you want HP for me effectiveness or HP for the ring and speed for boots. Pretty simple substance the same you want speed effectiveness, HP defense, and least important effect resistance. ignore anything offensive like you would for glory or unit

Being a thief means he has access to some of the best artifacts. My number one pick is riana for the extra turn potential, again going fast means more times to proc, use the s3 then he uses us to from Riana or vice versa and it’s really good on him. Dust devil gets second place increasing chance of lowering enemies combat readiness and speed which goes great if you’re using the Unity set. Or if you have someone else with infinity basket. Moonlight blade is actually the least one I recommend.
Despite what I’ve seen a lot of other people try to do because of what I said about his guard room, meaning 90% of the time whoo nightblade for him is no better than any other character you put it on. And it’s never been taught here and the attack buff is useless on him. So 20% evasion at max level is instead if you don’t have the other two I mentioned you could consider alcian spear for more comment ready reduction against enemies if you don’t have the four and five star I mentioned run-ons, Memoriam, whatever it’s called, is pretty nice as well. I guess the bigger bosses granting a 2% increase speed every attack at max level. So that’s a 20% speed increase for the rest of the battle at max.
Team comp
So his kid is actually great with the addition of the skill tree effects. He’s basically a great alternative to shadow rose for those that don’t have her as he’s not dependent on creating like Sheree, and he provides way more utility than so can any stomps on Judith users. Overall, he’s a great unit. Now, as all specialty changed characters are if you already have breakers, that he’s probably better than sharrows and PvE.
I think which speaking of teammates, I think he’s best paired with Sid willona and assassin cartoon, he can activate SIDS buff which allows its defense break willona using her Ghana or infinity basket means more props for both and carto gives him more evasion. If you plan to use me life played. Add DNA or a healer and you can get a great team for all content except one Being a car pusher he’s also great with slower units like secret or mo either, which is why I invested into him since I don’t have a car pusher to get my Gator to do punkers damaged her total Free to Play team him. Falconer Cleary commanda Marina and the healer from selective makes an amazing team that will complete most of the content in the game. More than likely, Hazel my drone that quad Trinity assuming her specialty changes good. We’ll see. And that should about cover everything you need to know about ruse it. Is he worth getting in investing too?
Yes, I do think so. Especially if he can put some all the doors into him. But you’ll need to get most of history for him to truly shine in your comp, and some units will make them better than others. Like the ones I mentioned. The best stage from spirit also it’s a grind For runes is eight. You basically get one to two triangles 90% of the time. It’s fast and easy where it can level of fodder to Anaconda love and stamina. If you start eating epic runes go to stage nine for a nice Balance of both, but it’s a slower pace. Stage 10 isn’t worth farming unless you really need epic runes, but either way, it’ll take you over 1000 stamina to get most of his tree.