Today, I wanted to talk to you guys about Angelica Montmorency and her specialty change.
Specialty Change Quests
So first we have here 500 spirits that we do have to eliminate, as well as six Shiny Enchantment Catalyst, and also 800 Ezera adventure points and a trial battle.

So there’s actually a map in the game that’s pretty much made for this special to change quest. And this is due to because the 800 points requirement, and I actually made a mistake in this and I want you guys to be careful here.
So you guys might think the adventure point pretty much means anywhere in the world adventure, or whatever in normal adventure, but it’s actually not is actually specific to one area.

Pretty much here if you guys take a look, you could be on normal, or you could be on world difficulty but it is recommended that you won’t world difficulty because you get more specifically AP per energy that you use. So here we have as you guys can see in chapter one, we have Ezra and chapter two we have rain Gar.
So the adventure points you have to farm it is in chapter one, Ezra, so you have to come here to pretty much farm the map in order to stack up this AP, specifically to Ezra and for Montmorency. That map is actually only here you can only farm here for the AP points, which go towards her specific change. And at first, I thought it was actually everywhere.
What Map To Farm For Angelic Montmorancy Speciality Change
Basically, the map that’s the best for moments is special to change is pretty much 1-8. The reason being is because you do get spirits here that you can fight towards, which counts towards the specialist to change quest, and you also get shiny enchantment drops.

Now the only bad thing about this map is that you can’t really trade for the special, the shiny enchantment, but you do get the drop here.
But I mean, the best thing is that this map specifically count towards the all three requirements of pretty much angelic mummer so 1-8 is pretty much the best map I would say. Because you do get the 500 spirits you do get the shiny and Chairman drops as well as the 800 ap which you could farm on this map.
Farming Shiny Enchantment Catalysts
So now I also wanted to talk to you guys about pretty much well once you finish, let’s see the 500 spirits and let’s say you finish the hundred venture points.
We would you go specifically to farm you know shiny enchantment catalyst and the map for this 5-4.

The reason being is because in five dash four you do have a lot of spirits in this specific map. I believe there’s about like eight spirits or something wherein one dash eight there’s only about a six but in five dashboard there is a bunch more spirits you know. They do drop the shiny enchantment. Just be careful because there is a boss here purple moss nega and then.
Now there’s also another map that I wanted to point out in chapter seven. This was the original map that I want a lot of people to go farm to, but it just pretty much didn’t work out for the AP and it’s pretty much 7-S6 and the reason why is because there is an epic catalyst drop here, ancient creature nucleus and there shiny enchantments as well as spirits.

But I’m pretty sure you guys wouldn’t want to come here you would want to take advantage of one dash eight but this map is for like players that don’t exactly have shiny enchantments. So I think this map is really awesome because you know ancient creature nucleus is actually used for the awakening of Angelica Montomorancy.
Awakening Angelica Montmorancy
Once I have her right here awaken her six star is actually used for an ancient creature nucleus and then our fifth star is um, blood fleet bone but I’m pretty sure you guys have a bunch of that already.
If you don’t you can always go to chapter one dash nine or 1-10 which is related to Angela marazzi once he once again 1-9 does have a bunch of these you know as well as one dash 10.
But it’s highly recommended one dash eight is the map you use the farm for angelic moment again, just be careful because those events are points that you need for like Baltimore. Nc is exclusive to Ezra and Ezra is located in location one location of normal as well as World difficulty.
So I’m 5-4 also has the AP exchange if you guys really really want it like really, really fast, definitely kind of for you know because you can get it from the AP exchange, which is pretty much a guaranteed you know, guaranteed catalyst, which is super awesome.

But again, if you’re farming the epic catalyst needed for her 7-S6 is probably the best one because you do get the shiny enchantments as well. And now that is pretty much it.
Suspend Speciality Change Quest
Now one thing that I do want to point out that I think a lot of players will get stuck with is if you have two heroes changes going on at the same time.
As you guys may know, you can only have two max amount going on at the same time, all you have to do is point to the middle part, as you guys can see here next to her name, she has a little thumbnail, right?

Just double click on it and then you can suspend the quest. So once you suspend the quest, every progress that you have up till now, will get saved.
So what I mean by this if you suspend now and all you do is continue again, where you started will be where you left off once you come back. So let’s say before I suspended the quest I had 200 spirits eliminated and then I canceled and then I came back it’ll be back at 200 spirits again.
So that is definitely important to know as well.
She’s definitely going to be useful. So for some specific part of the game that I feel like you know, a lot of players should have her even if you have Angelica and guys she’s free.