I want to start a top 5’s series for anyone relatively new to the game who wants to find out which units are currently worth investing in and are very strong. We’re going to start with the top 5 attackers.

The first unit is Siren, she’s a grass attacker.
Leader Skill
Her leader skill is a DR and skill damage +10% for wood type allies.
We have her auto skill here deals 111 damage. Her tap skill deals 439 damage four times to target and gives vampirism ten percent of damage dealt becomes heals for two turns to self.
Slide Skill
Sirens slide skill deals 523 damage, 120 percent damage to three enemies prioritizing water-types. Next, we have our drive skill, which deals 2184 damage to four enemies with the lowest HP.
Why is Siren good?
She’s most useful when piloted manually as an I will only tap to reapply vampirism sliding. The rest of the time and losing out on a lot of DPS unique in PvP when paired with a pantheon. As her vampirism scales with critical heals and allows you to run the team without any healers.
Siren works very well with Pantheon, as you can see here and emotes. She is currently a great attacker on PvP renegades, and she has been out since these games are released, and her vampirism skill is powerful.
It will allow you to run a team without a healer and scale well and damage and prioritizes water types such as Eve, who is a great attacker.
Next on the list, we have Cleopatra. She is a light element 5-star attacker.

Leader Skill
Her leader skill gives +10% for light type allies her auto deals 112 damage.
Her tap skill deals 472 damage to target and additional 209 damage if the target is a dark type, and a 55% chance to apply focus 100% critical rate and hit rate to sell for 10 seconds long.
Slide Skill
Next, we have her slide skill deals 922 damage and 800 ignore defense and apply curse kV damages per 2 seconds and additional damage when curse ends for 8 seconds long to the two lowest HP enemies.
Drive Skill
A have a few notes on her great against dark raids. With her focus buff allows you to deal with critical damage during fever, her curse in PvP can do a lot of damage even when cleansed in world boss.
She requires a speed buff to make her continually tap to gain focus like Jupiter’s bleed skill her curse. She gets much better at higher uncaps falls behind Bardo Hilda around Auto for dark dragon break to her focus being percent based and having only to hit the slide.
So basically, you can see here that Cleopatra is a great attacker due to her tap skill on how she can crit during fever.
Based on the rankings, she is a great attacker to invest in because she does well in PvP and PvE.

Coming at number 4, here we have Eve. The water type attacker, not student Eve which is shown in the picture.
Leader Skill
We have our leader skill, which is drive skill damage plus 10% two water units her auto deals 113 damage.
Our tap skill deals 485 damage with 250 additional damage a fire-type to the enemy with the lowest defense.
Slide Skill
The slide skill here deals 855 damage with 450 additional damage and poison 450 damage one enemy attacks and receives attacks for three turns to 2 enemies with the lowest HP next here wherever drive skill which deals 2437 damage to all enemies notes. She is the best choice for new players since she can be retrieved from Lisa’s lessons on day 7.
As a versatile attacker who will carry you through early and mid-game currently have the greatest poison damage in the game, falling out and in favor in PVP due to the battery having to have her poison damage.
The cold beating her out in burst damage poison deals 100% damage whenever the target acts auto-attack tab slide or drive and deals 30% of poison damage when they receive an attack.
As opposed to your own AI, the enemy AI won’t prioritize non-poisonous children when favoring, resulting in your enemy killing themselves through fever if they’re poisoned.

At number 3, here we have Nicole, a wood type attacker.
Leader Skill
Her leader skill is slide skill final damage plus 10% for wood type allies her Auto deals 113 auto-attack damage her tap skill deals 455 damaged three times absorbed 200 damage as HP.
Slide Skill
Nicole slide skill deals 929 damage to two enemies party lowest HP 800 ignore defense damage and 148 damage for each of your buff max of 8 buffs.
Drive Skill
The drive skill deals 2435 damage to 4 random enemies and flicked one random enemy with snow bomb 1,500 damage and reset skill gosh after 10 seconds notes tear.
Slide Skill
Her slide skill gains extra true damage 2 for each buff and allows for massive damage in PvP skills to 700 damage per buff up to eight when maxed at +6, great for PvP. But loses a lot of her effectiveness or oregano and world loss due to our Tuesday slide. Its additional damage only applies once to a single target. Additional damage is treated as a debuff. It can be resistant naturally or with the debuff immunity, such as Dana’s taps.
Gunslinger Hildr

At number 2 we have Gunslinger Hilda, a light type attacker.
Leader Skill
Her leader skill, which is Drive skill final blow plus 20% for attacker allies in PvP Drive dodge charge them out 10% added for all allies her auto-attack deals 114 auto-attack damage to the target.
Tap skill
Her tap skill deals 495 damage and has a 70% chance to grant ranged attack ignores enemies taunt reflected self for 18 seconds in PvP only a 70% chance to grant focus accuracy and 100% crit to solve for 18 seconds.
Slide Skill
Next, we have her slide skill, which deals 961 damage two times and 150 bonus damage to enemies party lowest HP in PvP only 600 ignored defense damage to two enemies party lowest HP.
Drive Skill
Her drive skill here deals 2506 damage to all enemies. She is a powerful light attacker that can only be obtained through the House of reincarnation. Air will tap first before sliding, making her often hit very hard in PvP for his slide ensures she’s excellent for dark regna and a world boss as well.
Courtesan Bathory
For number one here, we have Courtesan Bathory; she is a fire type attacker.

Leader Skill
Her leader skill is slide skillful final damage plus 15% for fire type allies for PvP added crit rate plus 30% for self her auto-attack deals 113 auto-attack damage too target.
Slide Skill
Her slide skill deals 497 damage grant battle cry attack 15% stacking up to 3 times to sell for 15 seconds long and 75% chance to direct it ignores state a targets fortitude status.
Next, we have batteries slide skill, which deals 1009 damage two times each and 480 ignore defense damage to two enemies party lowest priority highest attack and 300 bonus damage.
Drive Skill
Her drive skill here deals 2601 damage to four enemy’s party lowest HP some notes we have here for every one of the best fire attacks is available. Still, her forehead slide she’s excellent in all game modes, and I will tap first to get her battle cry buff on auto, so she works well better when she has a speed buff.