Devil Rumble is a form of PvP content that becomes accessible when players reach level 10. You then can battle other Archifiend candidates to improve your rank and reach higher in the leaderboard.
As you climb higher in the ranks, you receive special rewards, like crystals, weapons, vials, and so on. This is what makes Devil Rumble such a sought-out feature in Destiny Child. That being said, it is essential to know the best Devil Rumble teams available in the game so you can achieve the highest ranks possible.
Best Devil Rumble Teams
Triple Tank Trio: Hades, Athena, and Dana
This team composition is very straightforward, with having the tankiest units in Destiny Child, Hades, Athena, and Dana, paired with Chang’e and Neptune as your supporter and Healer, respectively. The new addition is Hades.

He is a Fire Defender with a Lead Skill that provides a Tap Skill Defense plus 10% to all Fire units. His TAP skill inflicts 313 damage while creating a plus 600 barrier for four seconds. Additionally, it can activate Fury, which can salvage up to 300% damage received and then returns the time.
His SLIDE inflicts 517 damage to two random foes and deals Reflect and Taunt buff for ten seconds. Finally, his DRIVE skill produces 1409 points of Damage to two opponents at random and creates a plus 15% HP barrier to 3 allies with the lowest HP for twenty seconds. This can also include himself if he is one of the units with the lowest HP.
Team Overview
The Triple Tank trio works so well due to their abilities. Athena’s Leader skill provides an additional 3500 HP to all your allies while also removing debuffs and applying them on herself.
Then, she can give the Reflect buff to your allies with the highest Attack. Dana then comes into play by creating HP barriers, and if she is built as one of the units with the highest Attack, she can create them even more quickly.
Then, she adds more bulk to your team by increasing their Defense with her SLIDE skill.
Finally, Hades is the new addition to your team. He can create more barriers to your team to protect them from Damage. Also, Hades can use his Fury ability for Burst Damage and then use the Reflect buff to return Damage to your enemies.
Chang’e and Neptune remain unchanged. They provide speed to your team, cause Stun to your enemies, and heals your party for more survivability.
Courtesan Bathory and Isolde Team Composition

This team is composed of Courtesan Bathory, Chang’e, Dana, Bathory, and Isolde. Overall, this team composition allows for high burst damage while keeping the enemy team debuffed with Slow.
The best build is to have Dana and Chang’e with the highest Attacks so they can receive the buffs and Dana from having the Speed buffs so she can create shields quicker to protect your team. Also, you should aim to play this team manually.
Let’s break down the units in this team.
Courtesan Bathory is a Fire Attacker
Her TAP skill inflicts 497 Damage at the base level while granting the Battlecry effect to herself. Battlecry increases her Attack by 15%, and it can be stacked up to three times, but only lasts for fifteen seconds. Additionally, her TAP skill also gives her a 75% chance to Direct Hit while ignoring a target’s Fortitude status.
Her SLIDE skill delivers 1009 points of Damage two times plus 480 points of “Ignore Defense” Damage to two enemies. This Attack prioritizes opponents with the highest Attack, while also inflicting 300 points of Bonus Damage.
Chang’e is a Water Supporter
Her TAP skill inflicts 381 damage to a specific target, and it also has a 52.5% chance of charging a random ally’s skill gauge to the max. However, this effect cannot be granted to herself.
Her SLIDE skill produces 663 points of Damage to an enemy and applies a Skill Gauge Charge amount of plus 40% for two turns and a SLIDE cooldown of minus 2 seconds to two allies with the highest Attack.
Her most important feature is her DRIVE skill. It inflicts 1789 points of damage, and it has an 80% chance of paralyzing or stunning three enemies that are charging skills for up to five seconds. Additionally, it also applies a plus 400 skill gauge to an ally for twelve seconds.
Bathory is a Wood-type Debuffer
She possesses a Lead skill known as Drive Skill Final Blow, which inflicts a minus 25% to all foes. Additionally, when playing in PvP, it also produces DoT (Damage over Time) minus 50% to all opponents.
Her SLIDE ability produces 690 points of Damage to two enemies, but it prioritizes opponents with the lowest HP. Apart from this, her SLIDE skill also generates Dancing Blade, which causes a Defense minus 20% and 200 points of DoT every two seconds for a total of fourteen seconds. Add to that a Defense minus 700.
Her DRIVE skill produces a whopping 2065 damage output to three foes, and it primarily affects those with the most buffs. Additionally, it generates “Brand,” which inflicts “number of buffs” on a foe plus one time 250 points of DoT every four seconds for twenty seconds. The final damage output has a maximum of six buffs with a multiplier of 7.
Dana is a Light Defender
She is used specifically for Tier.
Her main contribution is her SLIDE skill, which inflicts 578 points of damage to a target and creates a barrier of plus 1400 HP. Apart from this, it offers a plus 35% Defense to five allies with the lowest HP for fourteen seconds.
Isolde is a Water Debuffer
Her TAP skill inflicts 387 points of damage, and it has a 60% chance to Freeze for eight seconds.
Her SLIDE ability produces 645 points of Damage to two opponents with the highest Attack. It also applies a Skill Gauge Charge Speed of minus 20% for 14 seconds with an added Water Ballon effect.
Her DRIVE skill inflicts 1968 points of Damage to three foes and prioritizes units with the Healer type. It also has a 90% probability of bestowing Freeze for sixteen seconds.
Athena and Pure Bride Pomona Team Composition

This team consists of Chang’e, Dana, Neptune, Pomona, and Athena, which provides many advantages during Devil Rumble.
Chang’e can provide speed to your team and works in synergy with Neptune since she grants speed.
Neptune will also heal your team and give your team an edge if the match depends on fever.
Apart from this, Chang’e inflicts Stun to your enemies.
Dana will become your team’s protector since she creates those HP barriers. If you have her as one of the highest Attack units, she will create barriers more rapidly and receive the buffs from Chang’e and Neptune.
Pomona is essential in this team. She can nullify debuffs and provide Debuff evasion with her TAP skill. Additionally, she can revive a fallen ally. Finally, Athena improves your team’s survivability by increasing their max HP.
As explained previously, Chang’e is a Water Supporter. Her TAP skill is useful to inflict Damage to an opponent and then gives you a 52.5% probability of filling a random ally’s skill gauge to the maximum, excluding herself. Then, her SLIDE skill also supports two allies with the highest Attack by bestowing them with a Skill Gauge Charge of plus 40% for two turns and a SLIDE cooldown of minus two seconds.
Finally, her DRIVE skill will aid you in slowing down your enemies. It generates 1789 damage points but has an 80% chance of causing Stun to three enemies with charging skills for up to five seconds. You can also grant a plus 400 skill gauge to one of your allies for twelve seconds.
Dana is a staple unit for PvP. This is due to her ability to create a plus 1400 HP barrier and provide a 35% Defense to five of your allies with the lowest HP for fourteen seconds. This is part of her SLIDE skill. Additionally, her TAP skill inflicts 319 damage and bestows a Debuff Immunity for three seconds.
Neptune is a Supporter of the Light attribute. Her TAP skill is decent by inflicting 389 Damage and healing two allies, those with the lowest HP, for plus 30% for 20 seconds. However, her SLIDE skill is the star for Devil Rumble. It generates 679 points of Damage, and it also provides a Skill Gauge Charge Speed of plus 30% for sixteen seconds. Apart from this, it heals two allies with the lowest HP, a whopping total of 1251 Health Points.
Her DRIVE skill is also useful because it provides LIfe Link. This special ability transforms 50% of the Damage received into Recovery points for two of your allies with the lowest HP for twenty seconds. It is also possible to expand the number of allies to a maximum of 5.
She is a Light-type Healer. Her TAP skill increases the Debuff Evasion of two allies by an additional 15% for 10 seconds. It prioritizes those with the lowest HP. Her SLIDE skill provides 191 Regeneration HP once every two seconds each and bestows a Nullify Debuff to two allies for fourteen seconds. It also prioritizes allies with the lowest HP.
Finally, her DRIVE skill will allow you to revive a fallen ally with 1000 HP and heals three other allies with the lowest HP.
She is a Light defender with a pretty useful Leader Skill, especially in Devil Rumble. It bestows a plus 3500 HP to all of your allies during Devil Rumble. This will make your team super tanky and hard to dwell down. Her TAP skill inflicts Damage and provides a 70% chance to provide a Debuff Taunt for twenty seconds.
Her SLIDE skill provides a Reflect buff to herself for twelve seconds. But it also has a 90% probability to Taunt for twelve seconds as well. Her DRIVE skill is powerful and inflicts 1450 damage to two foes at random while also providing a Reflect buff to three allies for twelve seconds.
Ruffian Midas and Eve Team Composition
This team is formed by Ruffian Midas, Eve, Dana, Chang’e, and Bathory.

Ruffian Midas and Eve Combo
The Midas and Eve combination is very nifty because Midas can lower the amount of heals your enemy team can do due to his Death Heal ability and healing your team.
Midas’ plus six-max skill applies 407 HP Regen and 406 base Healing times number of buff plus 1. Additionally, he has the potential to produce heavy Damage on your team, which can be calculated to 3643 points of Damage with a maximum of 605 points times the number of debuffs plus
He can also counter teams that have Neptune.
Eve comes into play due to her poison skill, which at plus 6 inflicts 1532 points of damage every time a foe acts or takes Damage for three whole turns. Thus, this combo can practically take an enemy unit fairly easily, especially if the enemy team uses Neptune as their main Healer.
Dana, Chang’e, and Bathory
Dana, Chang’e, and Bathory have revealed their usefulness in the previous team. Dana is the best defender since she can protect your entire team from Damage with her shield, especially if she is one of the units with the highest Attack.
Chang’e provides speed to your team by decreasing their cooldowns and slowing your enemies with Stun. Bathory is useful due to her Leader skill, and she works in synergy with Midas.
Courtesan Bathory and Limos Team Composition
The team is conformed by Courtesan Bathory, Limos, Chang’e, Dana, and Neptune. The only new unit is Limos, as the other units have been described in the previous teams.

She is a Fire Debuffer with a Leader skill. She applies a minus 15% Defense to all of your enemies.
Her TAP skill inflicts 396 points of damage and has a 60% probability of Buff steal.
Her SLIDE skill produces 667 points of Damage to two enemies, prioritizing those with the highest Defense, and it also has a 75% chance to produce an Attack and Defense Switch for twenty seconds. Apart from this, there is a 75% chance to cause Confuse for 10 seconds.
Finally, her DRIVE skill inflicts 2039 points of Damage to three opponents, prioritizing those with Buffs, and has a 70% chance to Buff Steal.
Team Overview
Courtesan Bathory and Limos go well together due to Bathory’s high Attack and her SLIDE skill.
You can use Limos’ SLIDE skill to swap the Attack and Defense stats. Additionally, it is easier to kill an enemy with Limo’s stat switch and her Confuse debuff.
Overall, Limos’s ability to confuse two enemies is extremely useful in PvP because you temporarily transform the fight into a seven versus 3. Then, her TAP skill increases up to 2583 damage with an 80.1% chance at plus 6. Limos is one of the best Debuffers for Devil Rumble.
Both Chang’e and Neptune provide speed buffs to your units with the highest Attack. Even more, Chang’e can apply Stun to your enemies, while Neptune is used primarily as your Healer to regenerate the HP of your units. Additionally, her Life Link becomes pretty useful when the match comes down to fever time. As always, Dana is the defender of your team with her plus 1400 HP barrier.