Today we will be talking about the battle cruiser for the Royal Navy, HMS Hood. There aren’t many battlecruisers in Azur Lane; Hood stands out for more than just one of the few battlecruisers. I’ll be comparing her stats against the only battlecruiser for its rarity, Amagi.
Hood VS Amagi
Stat Comparison
When Hood is compared to Amagi, Hood is more survival focus. On this particular survivability side of things, Hood boasts drastically higher health than Amagi has, and because of that, Hood lasts longer in a fight.
Hood: 7677
Amagi: 6514
Both of them have medium armor to be fine against most guns like AP guns and PV guns.
Hood has a considerable difference in her anti-air stat, so she will take a lot less damage for planes than Amagi does.
Hood: 285
Amagi: 162
Hood barely loses to Amagi, but both are still low enough that they’re very likely to be hit.
Hood: 22
Amagi: 24
On the offensive side of things, Hood’s firepower is drastically lower than Amagi’s, and as a result, she will do less damage.
Hood: 312
Amagi: 379
She also lacks torpedoes that Amagi has but it is important to note that most back liners generally don’t have torpedoes. Nonetheless, she does not get that minor extra damage that Amagi’s torpedoes can bring.
Hood: N/A
Amagi: 187
Hood does beat Amagi in this regard, but the difference won’t be significant enough.
Hood: 138
Amagi: 129
The noticeable differences in Hood’s overall health and anti-air stat make her quite the tanky threat for enemy ships to deal with, but this does come at the cost of weaker overall damage output.
Equipment Comparison

Main gun
Hood does barely beat Amagi in her BB gun efficiency. When it comes to their secondary gun, things are drastically different. Amagi beats Hood by a good 30% margin. On top of that, Hood can also not equip CL guns, so she may occasionally struggle when suicide boats are rushing her as DD guns might not have the range nor the damage to take them out fast enough. Thankfully, she does gain two additional secondary gun mouths to help with defense a little bit. Lastly, Hood beats Amagi in her anti-air gun efficiency and has an overall better playing capability. Hood’s stat line is impressive, but this stat line is not enough for her to have the reputation that she has among many.
Main gun: 140% efficiency
DD gun: 150% efficiency
AA gun: 100% efficiency
Main gun: 135% efficiency
CL/DL gun: 180% efficiency
AA gun: 90% efficiency
Royal Navy’s Glory
This skill does not disappoint. When Hood fires her main gun, there is up to 70% chance to launch a barrage. The location of the barrage’s area lines up with the white line that pushes your vanguard back in battle. The barrage itself is powerful and can wreak havoc in both PvE and PvP. The last part of this skill increases the reload of your entire backline by up to 40% for 8 seconds.
This helps the rest of your backline join the fight quicker by allowing them a faster cooldown on their abilities. It does make a noticeable difference when you pay attention to the cooldowns right before Hood fires her gun.
Also, make sure that you do have Hood in the flagship position to get the most of her barrage. Otherwise, everyone will look at you and say that you’ve committed a great sin.
How to handle her auxiliary equips?
1.Use auxiliary that boosts her overall hit so that she doesn’t miss her shots. This allows her to keep her damage up instead of completely missing her shots.
2.Use double autoloaders to add up to 70 reload to Hood. This allows her to fire her main gun faster with the hope to proc her rng skill. The more she procs her skill, the faster the risk the backline can attack.
One general argument about double autoloader is when a characters reload below 100, that will work against him. However, once above 100 reload, there is a diminishing return as you continue to increases reload further. You use the autoloader but don’t be surprised when Hood’s DPS starts to go down because she’s missing most of her shots.
Mob or Boss Fleet backline?
She works quite well in both. Her barrage can do wonders in mob fleets, and the buff can help the other back liners contribute to those fights as well. In boss fleets, she can handle a good amount of punishment before sinking, and the buff still does help to shorten the fights as well against bosses.
Her stat line gives a nice all-around feel, her buff and reload buff allows her to contribute well in terms of damage. Meanwhile, her health pool and anti-air stat will enable her to handle incoming damage also pretty well. Her consistency is nice to take advantage of because she is a solid backline to work with, and the barrage does more than enough to help in fleets. It’s a bit sad that the buff doesn’t help her out that much when she’s on her own, but if you have the right gun on her, then it’s not much of a concern. If you use her in the 1-1 fleets, you mustn’t rely on the autoloader.
Hood’s skill synergizes with many back liners safer for any ships with a frontal barrage. Hood can easily work with any faction, and this gives her some nice flexibility in designing fleets with her flagship. Overall, Hood is a solid backline to work with. Her stat line does some nice advantages in sorting, and the buff skill provides a nice bonus for full backline formations. She is a ship girl who requires the flagship spot but thankfully, her health pool could help justify that allocation.