Total gem cost: 800 or 980 or 800+900 or 0
Disclaimer: This guide is biased by my experience and bounded down by my intelligence.
LilyCat is Cat of Lily or Cat of Doom
Use this guide at your own risk and use it as a tool to explore the game.
This guide is meant to introduce you into the game the rest is up to you as my footsteps won’t be the same as yours.
Early Game:
Resources to look out for:
Sword Token: any kind, stock them up as many as you can and use them sparingly. You need these for Lucifinil later at Lvl 70.
Cane Token: any kind, get as many as you can, sit in Mage Patrol as long as you can. You need these for Pandora and your healers.
Shield Token: any kind, stock them up as many as you can. You need these for Vivian or any other tank you use early game.
Friend Points: Stockpile them but don’t let them over cap, keep them at around 250 so you are prepared for Jigsaw Events and Arcane Stone Event.
Never exchange this token for that token in Quest.
800 for 10-pull is good early game, after that no;
Use it on Prince Pack(980 gems) if you need more bag space;
If you manage your bag properly and don’t pull, you can get away with it.
Focus those gems on buying character’s shards in Mystery shop. <- Preferably your Laifu.
Arena Emblem:
Either spend it on Pandora
Or/And Roland
Definitely need Roland if you don’t have a solid tank.
I don’t sp to spend on Roland if you don’t have a solid tank.
I don’t spend on both even when I’m flooded with Arena Emblem right now because I’m expecting myself to get to the point of losing my matches a lot and not gain that many of them anymore.
It’s fine to get Pandora to 3* then focus on Roland, your choice.
I don’t do it because Roland is male.
I know I’m biased.(And us too)
Your 1st Team:
This team should be built for doing Quests.
Quest is where you get gears and everything in this game.
Below is the best team for Quest.
Tank + Pandora + Healer

For now, Miho works, just get her to 3*.
This girl ->

The easiest and the best healer you can get in the game tbh.
How to get Pandora:
- Always AFK on hard-mnode that gives Pandora’s shards.
- Always use Arena Emblem to buy Pandora’s shards x5 every day.
- Always Co-op on hard-mnode that gives Pandora’s shards.
- Use summon tickets in tavern if you want but I save it for banner of the character you >love<. <- emphasize on ‘love’, you can only pick one and it’ll take a long time to get that one with these tickets (RNG sucks).
- Always buy Pandora’s shards from Mystery shop if you see 50% or 80% sale off. Not a priority, you can get away without doing this. (I know I did)
I’ll take like 7 days -most 8 days- if you’re unlucky to get
How to get Miho:
Read my guide on how20 to spend efficiently on Reddit.
This event will rotate twice from what I heard from Mina. (First rotation would come in 4 twice fr months – event down)
Your set-up should look like this for awhile:

If you don’t have a healer, use this team:

Then progress to this team:

If no Miho:+ F

Just take an easier quest to do if you can’t get past a quest. For example:
Quest Dif-5 Require: 23k BR – Your BR: 23053
Just do the quest Dif-4 that require 21.5k BR.
The reward difference is not game-breaking.
I can’t stress enough how versatile Team Building this game can be, hence your team
will be widely different for every user.
If you use the 800 gem pull and get a good tank (Eliott, Sieg, Roland), use them instead of Vivian.
If you get any good DPS, use them instead of Sunny(because she’s 1*, if you ssget a dupe to awaken her to 2*, Sunny is fine -good even when she combo with Vivi).
If you don’t get anyone good, (like Alice or Schrodinger) you can use the default team above.
To know how to set up the team by yourself, read Team Building 101 and the question section below it from my Character Guide docs.
List of Characters To Look Out For
Mid Game:
This is what you should be able to do or maybe lower abit.
Late Game:
This is my speculation since I’m not there yet.
I asked a Chinese Server player and some information from Devs to form this theory-crafted section.
Your Late Game Team:
Vivian – Lucifinil – Sandra

How to get Lucifinil:
Level 70 rewards, not much to say.
How to get Sandra:
Spend your Co-op on her nodes everyday until you get her.
Spend on Mystery shop (50% & 80% sales) if you can afford it.
Spam Co-op on her nodes after you get Sandra 2*.
Get Vivi to at le
ast 2*, best 3*.
Why this team?
Completely free and farmable.
Confirmed 3-tier Combo from Vivian Lucifinil Sandra which can out speed mobs during late game and provide quick hed farmable.
Confirmed 3al.
Read my Character Guide on Luci+Vivi.
Now plug those info with healing capacity from Sandra that can combo with them.
Pour all skill points into Holy Blade for AoE damage, Vivi+Luci provides enough Single-Target Damage as it is.
Luci-Sandra skills you can put them as you wish.
Roland – Sandra – Isabella

Another team for you to strive for during Early-Mid game.
How to get Roland:
Same as Pandora if you read this game.
How to get Sandra:
Spend your Co-op on her nodes everyday until you get her.
Spend on Mystery shop (50% & 80% sales) if you can 4afford it.
How to get Isabella:
Reaches Adventure Level 19.
Why this team?
Completely free and farmable.
I don’t know if they combo or not but regardless of that.
Roland is a solid masochistic tank, every single skill of his reduce incoming damage or heal himself.
Sandra is a solid sadistic healer, every single skill of hers heals her target.
Isabella is a solid AoE Damage dealer:
- Her Angelic summon can hit for 205% in Early battle and 500% in Late-battle.
- Her Divine Mandate at max stacks can shield, silence and deals 240% ATK. <- it sucks at 1-4 stacks however.
This team can survive really well in any stage of battle and also do a lot of damage, especially Late-battle.
I don’t know how you can go wrong with this team or I’m missing something.
Always do Blue or higher Quest.
Spend Intel before they cap.
Green Quest that gives tokens are good.
Maelstrom Preparation Tips for F2P
– Get your main team to Tier 7 first. (level 65).
– Then make a second team (preferably with Alice) to Tier 6.
– Alice will be helpful on killing healing mobs in Rift.
These allow you to participate in 2F Rifts and able to clear out monsters protecting the mine in 4F (and maybe 5F)
Up to you, so many possibilities in making a team.
I prefer Luci + 2 AoE DPS to burst down the other side ASAP if I can afford it.
Event to Spend Gems on:
Will update more when there are more events available.
Miho Feast Event: Guide.Will update more when there are more events available.
Miho Event – Pet Feeding Strategy : AuroraLegend
Useful character list by Ji: