Puzzle and Dragons Tier List









Changes from last time: Uh, Jhoira was released? Also anything that we forgot to kick because it’s not Yusuke, new and shiny, or a 7×6 meta-lead was a mistake. Sorry not sorry.  

PLEASE NOTE: Appearance on this list is immutable, has nothing to do with what dungeon you are attempting or what subs you have, and applies to any level of player skill. If you didn’t trade your entire collection of 6* GFE’s for multiple Yusukes, you’re doing it wrong because JP said so. 

ALSO KEEP IN MIND: All original thoughts about this game have been preordained to the JP player base, as well as all possible future strategies.  So don’t even bother. You will be wrong. Even if you’re not wrong, it won’t be “optimal”. Optimality is defined by what JP established when they had an extra six months to think about this and try different things.  That’s what optimality means. There is no other actual definition of optimality, particularly in a mathematical context. Wait! Don’t look it up! That’s not optimal!! STOP!!!! You are such an F-Tier…