Girls x Battle End-Game Gold Generation/Usage


 GxB End-Game Gold Generation/Spending

Gold is GxB’s second primary currency (behind gems). It’s much easier to obtain and 0has a variety of important uses. This guide will be split into two parts: How to make gold, and how to spend gold.

Please note that this guide is my opinion and while I’ll try to make it as accurate as possible, some parts might not be so.

How To Make Gold?

There’s many reliable ways to make gold daily in GxB, most of which you’ll be directed towards via daily missions. The most prominent are probably Sky Tower, Voyage (Phys Test), Champion, Guild Activities, Workplace and Lending 

Out of the above, most are simply ‘raid’, or ‘reset’. The only manual are Champion and Guild Activities.

Sky Tower

Considering this is an end-game guide, I’m assuming you’ve completed the original Sky Tower. Getting gold here is simple, just reset raid. Enjoy your 1mil gold upon completion.

After you’ve got enough pet skill books to complete your levels, selling their books and food becomes another huge source of income. Personally, I just wait till it tells me my bag is full then sell 999 books, food, ect. Each book sells for 10k. Giving you just shy of 10mil for a full set.


This one’s simple, just raid your highest level of Phys Test whenever it’s available. If you’re struggling on Gold, the 20dia refresh isn’t bad value – but i’d advise against anymore than that.

Work Place

As you probably know, sending your workers off here is hugely important. It gives you resources, gear and gold. I generally send two 8h missions per day.

The resources generated by your girls is based off their attack power. As such, it’s best to promote and skill up lvl1 girls you have working with extra low level gear when available. Just to lvl50 purple 0 or something, nothing crazy.

My recommendations on which workplaces to select are: 

Workshop Matts > Gold > Binders > Star of Excellence > Juice

Binders can be sold, but are also useful for crafting gear. If you use for gear instead of selling, you’re essentially ‘paying’ 34mil gold for a gas bomb. To me, this isn’t worth it. For some, it might be.


Pick your girls, turn off your brain and let them auto clear missions. This is a good time to farm intimacy on girls as well. I’d recommend setting up a ‘present’ team here so it’s easier to select each day.

Guild Activities

While the other methods have a cap on daily Gold, Guild Activities is variable based on your damage dealt. As Gold is an important resource, that means gearing girls who can deal the highest damage is important.

I won’t go in-depth on girls needed for these missions here, as the optimal line-up changes frequently; but generally Agil based teams are selected over mages due to their constant damage per second. Having two teams is also beneficial – one for AoE levels and one for single target (bosses).

Good Single Target damage dealers: Jav, Wild Girl (skin), 

Good Supports: Nia, Revolver, Nona, Lana, Rhea, 

Good Aoe Damage dealers: Smartie, Caitlyn, Masamune, 



This is just lending girls/pets out to guild members. Not much to say here, just remember to have all slots filled. I like to keep as much gold here as possible and cash it in if I ever run out (emergency funds!).

Gold Spending

Upon reaching end-game, you’ll be making/spending 10’s of millions of gold per day. Activities that’ll cost you gold can be split into two categories: Scaling and Linear. This part will be split into the above two categories, with scaling ALWAYS taking precedence over linear

Scaling activities rise in cost each time you do them daily. This means they should be done everyday to obtain the smallest costs.

Linear activities always have the same gold cost associated with them. That means you can use saved gold on these whenever you feel like it, no need to rush.

Scaling gold-dumps include: 

Admin (in workshop) and Alchemy (in institute).

can use saved gold on these whenever you feel like it, no need to rush.

Scaling gold-dumps include: 


Linear gold-dumps include:

Skill Points, Intimacy Feeding, Emblem Reforging and Enchanting Gear.



Spending your gold in admin is hugely important for your account. Making sure to purchase Green/Yellow stuff and Gems daily speeds up your Cabinet progressions; and thus your Bookshelf level.

Bookshelf level is a power multiplier onto every girl you own. And these bonuses are nothing to ignore.

In Admin you should be spending MINIMUM:

4x Green, 4x Yellow and 4x Gems.

Spending more than this is recommended, but anything less than above is bad.

It’s generally best to spend until the prices rise to the next threshold. 

These are: 4, 7, 10, 15.

Other solid options to spend here are

4x Green, 4x Yellow and 7x Gems (cheap)

7x Green, 7x Yellow and 10x Gems (standard)

10x Green, 10x Yellow and 15x Gems (expensive)

I’ve also found it beneficial later on to convert Yellow/Green to gems, as leveling the bookshelf via experience costs a lot of them… but this is dependant upon your resource requirements.

I haven’t looked into it much, but there’s a breakpoint where converting Yellow/Green to gems is cheaper than purchasing Gems as well. This is only if you’re purchasing a lot of Gems though.


Boosting specific girls in Alchemy is helpful for their overall power. It’s a long-term, daily progression.

There’s two methods of going about Alchemy. You either aim for 200/200/200, or 200/100/40. The first method will take significantly longer and cost more, but will give more stats in the end. I’ll go through the benefits of each.


(I’m unfamiliar with this method, so might be a little vague)

Significantly less gold/time investment.


Your girl won’t ever be maxed power.


1) Find which stat requires 200. 

2) Use 20k rolls to get this stat as high as possible (unsure how how it can go, possibly 30ish). 

3) Use daily free Advanced Purify rolls to raise a little higher (possibly 50+)

4) ONLY tick the box you’d like increased, then purify. 

5) Repeat step 4 a few times daily until this stat reaches 100

6) Select the stat that requires 200, and the stat that requires 100 and purify.

7) Repeat step 6 until you are 160/60

8) Select all stats and purify daily until 200/100/40


(my preferred method)


Completionist level stats at the end. Never have to worry about going back.


Expensive and time consuming.


1) Use 20k rolls to raise stats to about 15/15/15 (can go higher if you’d like)

2) Use free daily Advanced Purifys until (35/35/35ish, heard you can do higher, but I generally go to about here)

3) Tick all three boxes and Purify daily until 200/200/200

Purify Cost Increases with each cost PER DAY in order they are:

1.2mil, 3mil, 4.8mil, 6.6mil and 8.4mil.

You should do MINIMAL 1 Per day. 

2 Is recommended

3 Three is great. 

More only if you’re swimming in gold.


In Linear there’s two categories: 

*Always have cash prepared and ready for

*Only do if you’ve excess gold (ie – completed your daily spending AND have enough for the category above this).

ALWAYS: Skill Points, Enchanting Gear

Skill Points:

I recommend leveling them up till they cost 100k each, then waiting for half-price events.


Just enchant every R1 piece of gear you have.

EXCESS: Intimacy Feeding, Emblem Reforging 


There’s no rush on Intimacy. You can go from 0 feed to max in one day, assuming you’ve the gold saved.

Only do this if you’ve spent gold on all of the above, and have excess.

Emblem Reforging:

There’s no point rerolling for the perfect emblem for your girls. It’s far too costly to waste a lot of money on. A few rolls is fine, but anymore is a waste.

There IS a small chance your emblem might get upgraded into set rarity, but the chances are so low I can’t condone spending gold for this purpose.

TL;DR Priority order:

HIGHEST: Admin & Alchemy

MIDDLE: Skill Points & Enchanting Gear

LAST: Emblems & Intimacy