Destiny Child Event Guide


Welcome to the Destiny Child Event Guide

Regular Events



The Narrative Dungeon is a repeatable quest which has 4 or 8 stages. You need to acquire a  certain amount of the Narrative currency to unlock milestones rewards such as Child Tickets/Gems/Onyx/Evolution Gems. 

This guide is brought to you by @Icehro from the Discord, if anything is missing/if you have questions about events, feel free to ask around in the discord. (Editing and correction done by @Dungeon)

2 Difficulties are possible : Normal & Hard. 

You need to complete the entire questline on Normal once to access Hard Mode. 

The Narrative Dungeon resets twice every day (4AM & 4PM JST) you can also reset additional times up to a limit of twice, for 380 gems.

You can boost the amount of Narrative currency you acquire by having the ‘boost’ child in your team.

  • Hard Mode features better rewards than normal mode such as a chance for a 5* child in the last stage’s Flip Cards


Flip cards are a reward that appears at the end of each stage. You can choose as many cards as the number of stars you have when you finish the stage (3 Maximum). The Items that can be dropped from the cards: Narrative Currency, Evolution materials, Onyx, Gold, Childs. Special rewards are only available after completing the last Stage.

Additionally, you can choose to flip 1 extra card every stage you clear for 30 gems.


The Boost child increases the number of Narrative Currency dropped by 50%. The boost child available from the rate-up banner while the Narrative Dungeon is being held. During certain stages, the boost child will help your team, taking the place of your first character. => Leader buff is locked on this child. Boost of this child isn’t applied.



Complete all 6 missions to get the final reward. The missions are mainly about evolving childs (From 4 to 5 stars or 5 to 6 stars). There are also minor rewards for each mission which are Evolving slimes or Tickets. It’s an easy event that helps you get your units evolved and rewards you while you do it(You won’t say no to a 5*)



Paradice is all about tiles and RNG. Yes! R.N.G… By doing everyday missions (Such as using X amount of Stamina, doing PVP etc…) you gain the right to use one dice, and progress by the amount rolled (1 to 6). You gain rewards depending on the tile you land on and by the number of laps you complete. (Great rewards being around the 10/11th laps)



You have to complete missions that will unlock each day (up to 7 days). After completing all the missions you’ll unlock the final rewards being gems [For new Players] or childs. Missions are about completing some tasks like PvP, Underground, Expeditions etc…

Newbies 7 Days Devil Fiesta [Available 7 days after join]

  • 3000 Crystals Rewards upon completion



Each day, you have to collect 10 items to complete your tasks and get rewarded with stuff like Gems or Onyx. You can collect 1 items after completing one quest [PvP & Underground Dungeon don’t count]. Final reward was until now a costume.

⚜Victrix Collection Event⚜

See pic above to see rewards


Pvp event are happening in “Devil Rumble” Menu and can be either : a collect event (Collect items in Rumble Shop or by completing Rumble Mission) or a Evolution Road-like where you have to complete some tasks to get a final reward.

⚜Devil Rumble Challenge⚜

  1. Play 5 PvP (Win or Defeat)          5.000 Onyx
  2. Play 20 PvP (Win or Defeat)        15.000 Onyx
  3. Win 6 PvP                                     3* Soul Carta (Small Assailant)
  4. Complete 2 boards (Defeat the 5 teams in your list without reset)  4-5* Equip Tix

      5.   Defeat 5 Unknown (Even if you lose a first time and the team is revealed it still                  count as unknown)       4* Evolution Slime

      6.   Defeat 10 Unknown       3-5* Soul Carta Ticket

Final Reward (After completing every other tasks) : 4-5* Soul Carta Ticket

Higher Level Content


World boss is a collaborative feature where all players have to defeat one boss. Unlike Raid, there’s only one boss for all people, and up to 20 childs can be used in this fight.

Because I’m still writing this guide BEFORE details release I can’t put all the feature which will be introduced. Be sure to keep it up !

20 childs is a huge number and should make you realize that it’s not a cake walk. 

You will manage your team in 2 parts : (Each is 10 childs)

  • Front lane : Basically all your tanks, healers and whatever has a good/decent survivability. It is important to note that until the WB kills your last unit in the Front lane they won’t be able to touch your Back lane. So they are really important.
  • Back Lane : The squishy units, those who need to be alive until the end. Yup, your attackers. Until you Front Lane gets destroyed, they can’t receive any attacks in your Back Lane.

All the fight is played by an A.I [And you should know how dumb the AI is]. You can still choose your leader (DEF down on boss like Tiamat or Jupiter are really good) and the order of your drive.

Fever Time is automated and is played by doing all taps one by one (Obviously it’s shit).

[1] Khepri – Added 14 March 2018 (Ended 21 March)

Khepri is the first WB (World Boss) added to the JP server. She is dark element.

Khepri can Blind your units

You can find recommended units here : Souta’s Destiny Child Unit Spreadsheet (5th tab)

Khepri features a World Boss Shop where it is possible to trade Coins won from the event for rewards (Including Khepri herself).

The WB includes ‘Phases’ to break. Each phase broken gives access to more rewards in the shop.. To break one phase, players must defeat 10 levels in cooperation.

Player are credited 5 tickets to fight the boss and those are refilled TWICE per day [4AM JST] and [4PM JST]. If you wish to use your crystals to refill YOU MUST have used your 5 entries.

By fighting the WB you can gain WB Coins [Not definite name]. The amount given depends on your ranking. Special rewards also constantly change. 

You can finally exchange your collected coins into rewards available in the shop

Luxurious rewards sure as 5* Child tickets or 5* fodder can be get. Khepri can also be trade twice, making her +1 for free. 



Rewards in the WB event are a bit different from Ragna since you have all players fighting one boss, though it fellows the same rule: You get rewarded by your damage dealt. There’s actually two rankings :

  • Current boss : This is your ranking for the current boss. By being ranked higher you’ll get more “Cards” to flip (Up to 5 normal cards at top 41 to 50% Damage) By achieving the higher ranks (-40% +) you’ll get “Rare Cards” which generally always drop better rewards (Yes even 5* childs are included). It’s important to note that whatever your damage is : If you use one ticket you’re sure to get at least 1 flip card and some coins.
  • Overall : This is the overall ranking with usual rewards : Gems, Money, Tickets & 2x Khepri for the top ranked whale.


Bonus child were implemented for the first time in JP version. Those Bonus child help to gain more coins to trade more rewards

Bonus childs available for Khepri WB are : 

  • Tirfing (50% Boost)
  • Sitri (50% Boost)


21/03 => The event “World Boss Trial” Featuring Khepri has ended ! That means Khepri currently is no longer available. It’s possible she might make an appearance in future events/gacha!

[2] Thetis – Added 12 April 2018 (Ended 22 April 2018)

Thetis is the second WB (World Boss) added to the JP version. She is Water element.

Thetis can Poison your units


Thetis features a new world boss with a high damage Poison [BE CAREFUL WITH YOUR FEVER TIME]. Think about your Healer, tanks and the newly updated HERA.

This WB works the same way as Khepri (Found above) with some differences : 

  • 1 Ticket regenerates every 2 Hours – You can Hoard 6 tickets max.
  • You can attempt a practice battle against the current World Boss (It’s free)


You can buy Thetis up to 3 times in a shop following different phases

  • Phase 2 : 100.000 Coins
  • Phase 6 : 200.000 Coins
  • Phase 7 : 200.000 Coins

It is also possible to buy tickets, slime etc…

Here is an example of different tickets which are available


Included in the Thetis World Boss Banner, is new child Brownie, she is the only Bonus Child for this World Boss. She shares her banner with Siren who is NOT a Bonus child !

  • Brownie (50% Boost)

 [3] Crimson Queen Davi – Finished

3rd WB edition, this time fight against CRIMSON QUEEN DAVI ! Introducing the hot 5* version of Davi.

Davi can apply “Bleed”


5.000 => Davi’s Head Skin

100.000 => Crimson Queen Davi (5*)

200.000 => Crimson Queen Davi (5*)

200.000 => Crimson Queen Davi (5*)


3 bonus childs !

5* Water Attacker : EVE (50%)

5* Water Attacker : CALYPSO (50%)

4* Water Attacker : DANU (20%)

[4] Medusa – Ended

4th WB edition, Medusa feature a new World Boss being a debuffer this time.

This WB is insane thanks to her large capacity to SPAM petrify in both Front and Back row.  It’s recommended to use Maat and Luna to prevent a lack of damage



Ragna Break is a feature on Destiny Child JP that appear almost each 2 months (not regular). Featuring new characters, it’s the occasion to get for free some sweet and powerful 5*. Made up a party of 5 childs to challenge powerful Boss !

Basics are really easy to catch : You start with a boss level 1 and keep fighting until reaching level 40. To reach a new boss level and get rewards, you need to deal at least 2% of the boss life. (Rewards are secured if it’s your own summoned boss)

You need to fight your own summoned boss to increase level

All your friend list boss will appear in your Raid Menu, fighting it will give you Coins and Chest.

After the introduction of Cafe de Petit [Season 1], some modifications were done :

  • 1 ticket per try
  • Break Again [For the price of 1 ticket you can deal the exact same damage after your run]
  • Booster : You can use a booster (up to 5 times a day), it’ll increase your coins in the quest you activated it. (You can’t use it more than once per boss)
  • You can use up to 10 free summon each day (You can summon your own boss, without spending stamina, coins or gems)


Upon defeating for the first time the Boss level 40, you automatically become SLAYER. 

What is Slayer ? Slayer is a ‘title’ which gives you access to the Slayer ranking (Gain ranking rewards depending of your damage dealt as Slayer) and the possibility to fight other player’s boss which are not necessarily in your friend list [They used “Slayer Call”].

Every day as Slayer you can collect chests based on the number of boss you defeated (5 boss = Bronze, 10 = Silver, 15 = Gold, 20 = Platinum).

Each damage dealt in a boss fight (Can be Level 1 or 40 it doesn’t matter) are counted as your total slayer damage for ranking. NOTE THAT DAMAGE DEALT ON YOUR OWN SUMMONED BOSS DOESN’T COUNT


The Ragna Shop can be reseted up to 5 times (With each reset a great rewards, such as Krampus in this pic, can be won)

After completing all reset available you’ll be able to buy chest everyday.

Disclaimer : This pic is from the very first JP raid, some things have changed.

 CLEOPATRA – The Descent of the Obelisk 




  • Attacking a boss with less than 2% life will not cost tickets anymore
  • Booster can be used up to 5 times per day
  • You can “Break” two times a boss


After completing ALL the raid’s mission, you’ll be rewarded with Cleopatra, 1x 10 summon tickets and 10 Blood Gems

BARI – 3rd Ragna Season

New Childs

Jacheongbi => Leaf Attacker

Willow Bachelor => Leaf Support

Bari => Water Attacker


(Information before update)

Bari will be tradable 3 times (3rd reset + 5 reset + Buyable after 5th reset)

Willow Bachelor will be tradable 3 times (2nd reset + 4th reset + Buyable after 5th reset)

Jacheongbi will be available in the Ragna Banner