Today we’re going to be going over the top PVP debuffers in Destiny Child global.
I’ll inform you on who to uncap, who to put in your HoR, and who what you want to build up in this game. So you don’t end up building up a random debuffer with no use in world boss, Ragna break, or PvP.
We’re mainly focused on the PvP aspect for the tier list, and they can be a niche in other aspects of the game, but in general, all of these debuffers are good across all content.
6 – Demeter

At number six here is Demeter, which is a fire debuffer; she is good for world bosses as well as PvP.
Leader Skill
- Her leader skill is defense -15% for wood type enemies.
- Her Auto deals 101 auto-attack damage to the target.
- Her taps deals 387 damage and have a 75% chance to remove, one buff.
Slide Skill
- Her slide skill deals 644 damage to two enemies party lowest HP
- Inflict the venom deal 200 damage over, time every two seconds and recovery, amount heal region minus 50% unable to, cut or extend debuff for 10 seconds.
Drive Skill
- Drive skill deals 1967 damage to 3, enemies party enemies with venom.
- Defense -30% for 16 seconds.
- 90% chance to inflict a venom amplifier that increases damage over time damage of further venom decreases, recovery amount for 16 seconds.
- The Venom deals 904 damage at +6.
- Although venom’s duration can’t become or extended it can still be cleansed by the units like Arado Bassett and Newbie Mona.
- Bathory’s leader skill helps counted.
- Demeter’s venom and venom doesn’t stack with itself.
5 – Rita

Coming in at number, five here we have the dark debuffer, Rita.
She is used for PvP, Ragna break, and world bosses.
Leader Skill
Her leader skill is debuff evasion -10% for all enemies.
Her auto deals 101 damage to the target.
Tap skill
- Her tap skill deals 387 damage to one enemy highest attack.
- Attack minus 15% for ten seconds.
Slide Skill
- Her slide skill deals 644 damage to two enemies party lowest HP.
- Has a 70% chance to inflict the death heal amount recovered by the target is, converted to the same amount of damage except for specific effects for 14 seconds.
- Skill gauge – 35%.
Drive Skill
- Drive skill deals 1968 damage to three, and random enemies inflict Necrosis.
- 500, damage overtime every two seconds unable, to cut her extend debuff for 14 seconds.
- Great against current meta teams in PvP.
- Her death heal works well for level 4 Rebirth Labyrinth, preventing auras healing and bypassing Diablos taunt ability.
4 – Moa

Coming in at number 4 here, we have Moa, a light buffer.
Moa is good for PvP/Ranga/World Bosses.
Leader Skill
Her leader skill is a dark enemy debuff, evasion rate -10%.
Her Auto deals 100 damage.
Tap Skill
The tap skill deals 381 damage to target and debuff evasion rate, minus 10% for 8 seconds.
- Her slide skill deals 595 damage to two enemies, with the highest attack.
- Has a 70% chance to petrify unable to act for 10 seconds long or after being attacked two times.
Drive Skill
Her drive skill deals 2096 damage to two random enemies and has a 90% chance to petrify unable to act for 15 seconds, long or after being hit three times.
- Her slide provides consistent CC to the highest attack enemies, making her one of the best PVP debuffers.
- Great what stall or damage over time, teams have damage over time that doesn’t take off petrify stacks.
3 – Limos

Number three here we have the fire debuff Limos.
She is good in PvE/PvP/Ragna and world bosses.
Leader Skill
Leader skill is defense -15% for all enemies.
Her auto-attack deals 102 damage.
Tap skill
- Her tap skill deals 396 damage.
- Has a 60% chance to buff steal move, one buff from Target to self.
- Her slide, skill deals 677 damage to two enemies, priority highest defense.
- It has a 75% chance to inflict attack defense which, swaps attack and defense stats for 20 seconds.
- has a 75% chance of confusion for 10 seconds.
Drive skill
- Her drive skill deals 2039 damage to 3 enemies, party buffed.
- 70% chance to buff steal (move one buff from target to self).
- Skill Gauge charge amount – 35% for 16 seconds.
- Our ability to confuse the child’s is potent in, PvP as it temporarily fights into a 7 vs. 3.
- With her targeting highest defense before facing her, make sure to manipulate their team stats so that her confusion will land on the least impactful child’s.
- Slide skill scales 3998 damage, 90.2% damage and has a 90.2%, chance for both debuffs at +6.
- Tap scales to 80% chance at +6.
2 – Isolde

number two, here we have the water element debuffer Isolde. She is best in PvP/World Bosses/Ragna.
Leader Skill
Attack -15% for fire type enemies. Her auto-attack deals 101 damage.
Tap Skill
Her tap skill deals 387 damage and has a 60% chance to inflict Freeze, skill gauge charge amount decrease and damage overtime debuff, damage increased for 8 seconds.
Slide Skill
- Her slide skill deals 645 damage to two enemies’ with highest attack.
- Skill gauge charge speed -20% for 14 seconds.
- Inflict water balloon (deal 300, damage upon being attack skill gauge, reset if attacked two times or 10 seconds passed).
Drive Skill
- Her drive skill deals 1968 damage 2, to 3 enemies priority healer.
- 90% chance to inflict Freeze.
- Skill gauge speed charge amount decreased, and damage overtime debuff damage increased for 16 seconds.
- Water balloons damages, pure damage will hit for the same amount.
- Freeze increases over time to around 15%.
- The chance to apply debuff for her slide isn’t tied to skill level, so she is still useful in low uncaps.
- Higher uncaps will increase damage.
1 – Bathory

Coming in at number 1, we have the grass Debuffer Bathory. She is good for all content of the game.
Overall she’s a fantastic unit across the board; she’s necessary.
Leader Skill
Her leader skill is Drive skill final blow -25% to all enemies (PvP -50% to all enemies).
Tap Skill
- Her tap skill deals 398 damage to one enemy (priority most buffs).
- Debuff, evasion -10 % for 20 seconds, defense -10 % for eight seconds.
Slide Skill
- Her slide skill deals 690 damage to two enemies party lowest HP enemies.
- Inflict dancing blade defense -20% and 200 DoT every two seconds for, 14 seconds.
- Defense -700.
Drive Skill
- Her Drive skill deals 2065 damage to three enemies (priority most buffs)
- Inflict Brand(brand deals several buffs on target +1, times 250 damage over time every 4 seconds max of 6 buffs final multiplier, of 7 for 20 seconds)
- She is a must-have in current PvP meta for her leader ability.
- Defense debuff and slide can allow child such as Jupiter to target the same enemies.
- Both of the damage over, time and defense -20 % part of dancing, blade against stack.
- Great for level 4 rebirth Labyrinth as well.
Alright, guys, so those are the top debuffers; I hope you enjoyed reading.