The following are tips as to how you can easily farm for XP in Azur lane.
Getting the Proper Ships
A perfect place to start for PR grinding is to start collecting the best ships for the job.
What to do:
- Go to Lab and then Fleet Tech.
- And if I want to farm, Drake wh requires Royal Navy Vanguards; I will click then Royal Navy.
- Then the Vanguard categories are going to be destroyers, light cruisers, and heavy cruisers.
- From there on, I would look at some good ships that can be used potentially for my PR grind.

Generally speaking, for higher rarity ships, someone like Belfast will perform excellently and are ideal candidates. Still, there are also a few exceptions that you might want to consider as lower rarity stuff can save you a ton of oil and since PR ship grinding requires a tremendous amount of oil.
Reduce Oil Cost
A couple of ships to reduce that oil cost will benefit you because you will not have to worry about running low on oil ever again. Some oil-efficient characters would be Comet and Amazon.

It’s also good to go on to take the higher stages, for instance, Belfast, Sirius, and Swiftsure.

When you want to chill off for lower-level stages if you don’t have that much oil, you can use your cheaper fleet, Amazon, Foxhound, and Comet, which are all hms vanguards.

Put the Ships in Dorms
- The Dorm allows your ships to stay happy and maintain their happy morale.
- When your ship is glowing with happiness, you will see an icon that says “Something good is about to happen” and a green-colored text that says “EXP bonus.”
- The Dorm will drastically reduce the amount of time that it takes to farm for your PR.

When your ship is glowing with happiness from being in the dorms and has excellent morale, you will gain a massive 20% extra XP from battles. SO if you put three ships that you are putting in the Dorm, and as long as those ships are in the Dorm, they will each get 1.2 times extra multiplier in every battle.

As long as they have high morale, they will individually get a 1.2 times multiplier for their regular XP battle. This will give you a lot more XP per battle, and it is the easiest thing to do.
Take Advantage of In-Game Events
In-game gives extra XP to a specified ship. Let’s say, for example; this Nocturne Event will provide an extra XP boost to these four ships, Jamaica, Graf Spee, Vampire, and Belfast.

So if you use any of these four ships right now, you will gain extra XP, which will be an incredible time for a PR grind.
Include Ships with Bonus XP Abilities
Certain ships in Azur Lane have abilities that increase the overall experience gain of a particular ship type that you use for PR grinding.

For instance, Amazon will tremendously speed up that whole process because her skill is a prototype destroyer giving an additional 18% to your destroyers.

The second example would be Yuubari; she is amazing for farming any PR ship that requires Sakura empire vanguard such as Ibuki, Kawakaze, and Azuma. So putting Yuubari with two other sakura empire cruisers, such as Noshiro or Isuzu retrofit, will allow you to get a ton of extra experience because of her cruiser XP gain.
Don’t use ships that don’t give PR ships XP
However, there is one big misconception. You would not want to use one of these ships to contribute to the PR ship’s XP. For example, I would not put Yuubari retrofit to go and farm for someone that requires royal navy vanguard.
Because putting an actual ship instead of Yuubari will allow me to get much more XP towards the PR grind than putting Yuubari in just for that buff. Just put three of the royal navy vanguard if you’re farming for someone, and don’t trade them out for someone that doesn’t match.
Aim for MVP
After a battle ends, there will be one ship in your fleet that will be awarded the MVP. As you may know, after a battle ends, there will be one ship that will be awarded the MVP for doing the most damage.

- The MVP ship will receive an additional two times XP multiplier that stacks with the other experience buffs.
- So if you can manage to create a fleet where the ships you are using for PR grind always get MVP, you will always get an additional two times extra buff for one of those ships you are using.
- The ship that gets the MVP award will get double the XP, and since you get double the XP on the ship that you are using for PR grind, that is four vanguards worth of XP for three ships. This will help speed up your PR grinding.
Flagship Bonus
There are two reasons why farming for backline PR ships is so much easier than vanguards. First, back liners usually get more MVPs easier since they generally do more damage than the vanguard. The second is because of the flagship bonus that I want to talk about.

Now the flagship, which is the back middle position, will gain an additional 50 experience for each sort multiplied by other bonuses like the MVP bonus; your backline ship will earn an insane amount of XP per battle.
Harder Difficulty = More EXP
The difficulty level of this game consists of three levels. There is one triangle, two triangles, and three triangles. The more triangle an enemy has, the harder it is to defeat. However, more challenging enemies give more experience. So aim for a more difficult opponent to get more XP.
Grinding According to your Oil
- Consider how much oil you have to consider what map you should be farming.
- If you don’t have a lot of oil, consider farming on the more detailed map that costs less and uses a lower team.
- If you’re running low on oil, then step back and farm a more accessible stage like 7-2, such as a lower-level fleet. If you have a ton of oil, you can go farm all the way to 12-4 or some higher stage to complete it with a much better fleet.