The essential factor of every character is Health, Firepower and if it has Torpedos.
Cleveland does not, but the statistics don’t seem to be too bad; the Firepower at 144 is pretty good for a character who does not have Torpedos.
Her health is at a pretty good level, and it is above many cruisers as well; Health: 3880.
The Anti-Air is not at the best level: 285. The Reload, at 164, and Evasion at 77, are both, pretty much, at an average level.
The overall statistics make Cleveland a good character; even tho she does not have Torpedo as many ships do. Her Firepower is strong enough to make her reliable and contribute to the fight almost as much as the other characters.
Cleveland’s Skills
Assault Order
This is Cleveland’s first skill; it guarantees to the entire fleet an increase in damage of 25% for 8 seconds towards any enemy.

This skill is a curse and a blessing; it feels great to see Cleveland proxying the skill and destroying the entire world in front of her. It is also true that when Cleveland uses Assult Order, the skill can only be used by your Vanguard, this skill gets you 20 seconds in which you have 25% chance to increase the damage. So you are proxying the luck of having 8 seconds of world destruction.
Is that really what you need at this very moment?
Anti-Air Mode
When this skill is used, it increases the Anti-Air by 40%, sacrificing 20% of Firepower for 3 seconds.

However, this skill can be activated only when attacking airplanes, and even there, you have a 25% chance to be activated.
Since this skill increases Anti-Air by 40% and decreases the Firepower by 20%, if you want to use Cleveland for long, it is highly recommended to take this skill to level 10 before using it.
Mob or Boss Vanguard?
She could do both; if she is in the Mob, you may have some problem with the timing if the skill gets activated. However, she can handle the Mob well as a Boss Vanguard. Especially if you have the Anti-Air skill maxed out, you can help other Vanguards who have it at a lower level.
It is pretty common for Cleveland to be paired with Helena, which is understandable as the skill can be sticking together.
So, Cleveland has good stats that make her reliable on the battlefield. Her skills allow her to adapt a bit more to a battle situation, but they can come with poor timing.
The balance between her Firepower and Anti-Air makes her reliable to contribute to the fight, whether against boats or airplanes.
At last: she is adorable in her oath skin.